Chapter 33: Last Attempt

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The Star Saber cut Megatrons arm. The con yelled and swung his blade slicing through the bots shoulder. Optimus stumbled back and stabbed the ground with the saber to keep from falling. He panted heavily and hung his helm as he shakily tried to stand. Megatron took a step forward but fell to his knee plates. He growled angrily as he glared at his foe. The Decepticon leader slowly got back up and staggered over to his enemy.

Optimus couldn't lift the saber and he unsheathed his own blades. He shakily got to his peds and gathered what strength he had left. The two leaders fought each other but their movements where becoming slower and they had a harder time dodging the blows the other threw.

Boss bot shook his helm and looked around. The others were scattered and knocked out while the femme and Bee were fighting the silent con. He looked over at his counterpart and his optics widened as he watched them fight. Even though they were slower, they still fought like their lives depended on it. The Prime got to his peds as he watched. He could tell Megatron wouldn't stop until his foe was no longer moving.

Boss bot narrowed his optics and ran to the saber. He grunted as he pulled it out and stumbled a little. The blade was heavier than he thought. He lifted the blade again and ran towards Megatron. He watched as his counterpart fell and the villain aimed his cannon at his helm. The Prime let out a battle cry as he swung the saber and cut the con across the back. The warlord grunted as he fell to his knee plates and panted heavily. He glared up at the new comer anger raging in his optics. Boss bot glared back and jumped away as the con fired at him.

Bee shook his helm after being thrown into a building again. Prowl and Bulkhead had recovered and were helping Arcee fight Soundwave. He stumbled to his peds and saw something in the street. He focused on it and his optics widened. The little bot ran as fast as he could passed the others as they fought. He jumped and dodged as he ran. The little bot slid and grabbed the mace looking thing. He hesitated as he studied the relic and it's marking. He looked over as Megatron fought Boss bot and Optimus.

If he could figure it out he could send the con back to the other dimension. He tried to remember as he stood up and the battle raged around him. Bee hesitated and extended the handle. The relic started to glow and there was a low hum that filled the air. Bees breathing quickened as he became nervous and held on to the relic. The glow grew brighter and he looked up as the medic came around.

"Rachet!" He yelled over the now growing wind. The medic looked up and his optics widened. "How do you work this thing!?" He said fear in his voice processor. He did not want to get teleported into another dimension.

The medic stumbled to his peds and ran over. Soundwave heard the hum and little bots cry for help. He glanced at the relic and narrowed his optics. He fought the bots but they wouldn't let him get away. The con jumped up into the air and transformed, he flew upwards then spiraled down as he shot at the little bot and medic. The two bots dodged for cover as the relic was shot out of their servos. Prowl jumped off the building and grabbed one of the cons wings. He grunted as he pulled hard and they spiraled into a building. Bee ran back into the open and grabbed the relic as it dimmed.

"I'll take that." He looked up as Megatron grabbed the relic and tried to yank it out of his servo. Optimus and Boss bot were down and trying to get back on their peds.

"Fat chance Bucket Head!" Bee yelled as he held on with both servos and pulled.

The con growled and punched him in the chest plate. The little bot grunted as he fell and he held his sides.

"No!" Optimus yelled as he pushed himself up and grabbed the relic. The two leaders pulled and it started to glow again.

Megatron noticed a notch in the relic as he pulled. He realized he hadn't turned the device towards it yet and he grinned. He pulled harder and twisted. Optimus Prime's optics widened as the relic started to glow an unusual color than before. Rachet heard a whistle as the wind picked up. His optics widened as the relic glowed brighter. He looked at the others as they stared in surprise.

"Don't let him summon his army!" The medic yelled as he ran towards the con.

He grabbed an end of the relic and it twisted. The others followed and Boss bot grabbed hold of it as he tried to pull it away. The device started to make a humming noise. A beam shot into the sky and the clouds started spinning. Optimus looked up and his optics widened as the portal formed above them.

A long cable with hooks at one end shot out and attached to the asphalt by their feet. Another cable shot out and attached to a building. Long thin sharp digits appeared out of the clouds and moved towards the earth. They heard the creature screech and Megatron started laughing wickedly. Chills ran down their spines as they stared optics full of fear.

"By the All Spark." Rachet gasped optics wide. The others stared up in horror as the creature started to emerge.

"T-t-thats a S-s-sparkeater." Bee stuttered in fear as he stared at the monster. It screeched again.

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