Chapter 6: Realization

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Rachet followed their doctor to the medical room. He and Prowl set the young scout down and their doctor proceeded to give him energon. Rachet worked quickly on making sure the young bot didn't have internal damage. Prowl quietly left the room to let them work.

"He's stabilizing." Rachet heard the other doctor say. "He should wake up in a couple hours." He said.

Rachet ignored him as he worked on the scouts wound. He removed the temporary patch and examined the extent of the injury. He carefully stopped anymore energon from leaking out, and quickly repaired the damage that was caused.

"What's your name kid?" The doctor asked. Rachet looked up and raised an optic ridge when he realized the doctor was addressing him.

"I'm not a sparkling or a kid." He snapped as he went back to work. "My name is Rachet." He muttered without looking up. The room was quiet for a moment, and he closed up the cut.

"Be serious." The doctor growled angrily. Rachet looked up from his work and glared at the bot.

"Why would I be joking about my name?" Rachet said as he stood up. "I'm not hiding anything." He added as the bot narrowed his optics.

"It's just odd....." The doctor grumbled as he scratched his chin. "Because my name is also Rachet."

The medic looked confused for a moment and he stared at the ground as his mind raced. His optics widened as he realized something and he looked back up at the doctor.

"Where is the rest of your team?" Rachet asked.

"Just outside. Wh-" the doctor watched the other bot walk out of the room. "Well he's a bit rude." He grumbled as he followed.


Arcee waited outside the medical room with Raf. The other bots went around and did their own thing. The femme noticed the small yellow bot kept looking at her. She glared at him and he blushed before looking away. Arcee sighed and walked over to the black bot that stood quietly in a corner. Raf followed unsure what else to do.

"I didn't catch your name. Though you obviously know mine." The femme smirked. He looked at her for a minute.

"Prowl." He said simply. She was about to say something else when the medical room opened and Rachet came out. Arcee stood up straight and walked over to him.

"You!" Rachet said pointing at the red bot. The whole team turned and watched as their leader addressed the medic. "What is everyone's name?" He demanded.

"What?" The red bot asked slightly confused.

"Just answer the question." The other doctor grumbled as he walked over.

"Okay..." The bot said slightly befuddled. "You've met Prowl," he gestured to the black and gold bot. "That's Bumblebee," he pointed to the small yellow one. Raf gasped quietly and Arcees optics widened. Rachet remained still as he waited for the bot to continue.

"This is Bulkhead," he said motioning to the big green one. "and Rachets our doctor." He finished. Rafs eyes were huge as he stared at the bots. Arcee wasn't sure what to think.

"I'm Optimus Prime." The red bot said as he stood a little taller.

"Hardly." Rachet scoffed quietly as he folded his arms and narrowed his optics. Arcee elbowed him but the others hadn't heard.

"Okay now that you know us. Who are you?" Optimus asked. His doctor huffed and mumbled something.

"You know Arcee." Rachet said as he motioned to her. "I'm not sure how to explain this..." He muttered to himself.

"The name is Rachet." The medic said. The others gapped at him unsure what to think.

"H-h-how..? W-w-what...? You." The little bot stuttered.

"I know this is hard to process." The medic mumbled.

"You've got that right." The doctor growled.

"Wait!? If both the medics are named Rachet.... How are we going to tell them apart?" Bulkhead asked as he scratched his helm.

"I think the more important question is.... How did you get here?" Optimus asked. Arcee and Rachet exchanged looks unsure how to answer. After a moment the medics optics widened.

"The relic...." He said simply. "Megatron must have activated it and..." He trailed off.

"Wait.....Megatron?" The little bot asked as he looked to his team.

"The blinding flash of light!" Raf said all the bots looked at him.

"Yes....that had to be it." Rachet mumbled. "We were teleported to your world by an ancient Cybertronian relic. Which we attempted to retrieve." He said quietly. The room went quiet as the others processed the information.

"We don't even know what happened to the others..." Arcee muttered as she looked at the ground.

"We'll do what we can to help you get back to your world." Optimus said as he smiled. The two bots nodded once indicating that they understood.

"What's the other bots name?" Bulkhead asked as he looked back to the medical room.

"Oh that's Bumblebee." Raf said smiling big.

"Really?! That's awesome!" The little bot cheered.

"Oh great....not another one." Their doctor grumbled as he set his helm into his servo.

"Okay okay okay! I got it! We'll call our grumpy medic, Doc bot." Bumblebee said. The said bot huffed and folded his arms.

"To make things easier we'll call" He looked down in concentration.

"Annoying." Their doctor growled. Bulkhead snickered.

"Hey!" He said and glared at him. "Just call me Bee or....I've got it! BB!" The yellow bot said happily.

"BB?" Prowl asked as he raised an optic ridge.

"Ya! Kind of like DJ....but not." He said smiling big. The bots looked at each other, then back at him.

"How is this relevant to what we're talking about?" Prowl asked as he folded his arms. Bee opened his mouth to say something when they heard someone coming down the hall.

"Hey guys! I saw you came back and.... I..... wow....." A little red headed girl said as she saw the two new bots. Her eyes grew wide.

"Coooool." She squealed as her face broke out into a grin.

"Oh great....another human." Rachet groaned and rolled his optics before retreating into the medical room.

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