Chapter 29: Prepare

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The others watched from a distance as the you scout spoke with his leader and the medic. He told them what had happened after the medic died. He hung his helm in shame when he explained how he hadn't been able to stop Megatron from killing Rachet in the first place. Optimus Prime set a servo on his shoulder plate as Rachet spoke to him quietly. Bumblebee nodded slowly but continued to stare at the floor.

"Wait...who did your Optimus leave in charge if he's here?" Prowl asked. Arcee smirked and folded her arms.

"Between the two wreckers and Destinys Child?" She said as she rolled her optics. "Bulkhead." She smirked again.

"Who's Destinys Child?" Bee asked. Arcee rolled her optics again.

"Long story..." she muttered. They were quiet for a moment, until the boy looked at the others curiously.

"Do you have a Megatron in this world?" Raf asked Boss bot as they waited for the others. The Autobot looked at him and then the rest of his team.

"No." He said smirking slightly. "We encountered him once and managed to defeat the villain." He explained.

"Ya it was awesome!" Bee said as he fist pumped.

"I have a question though." Boss bot said as he addressed the femme. "If you guys have fought Megatron so many times, why is he still around?" He asked. She just looked at him as she thought about how to answer.

"Didn't he destroy Cybertron in your world?" Doc bot mumbled. The femme nodded slowly.

"He's trying to destroy our world, so why didn't you stop him before he came here?" Boss bot asked as he felt his anger rising. He didn't understand why they hadn't defeated the con when the opportunity had arised in the past. She looked at him for a moment as she thought.

"It's not like we haven't tried." Arcee muttered. "Megatron... was his friend." She said hesitantly. The room was quiet and they looked up as Optimus approached. The other two close behind.

"That doesn't really answer my question." Boss bot mumbled still angry that his world was being torn apart. His counterpart stopped and looked at him for a moment as he felt the tension in the air.

"Is something wrong?" He asked as he looked at the others.

They all remained quiet as they glanced at the two leaders. Boss bot stood a few feet away from his counterpart and narrowed his eyes. He was angry that his world was being destroyed by a madman that could have been stopped a while ago. He clenched his servos tightly. He knew his counterpart wasn't the only one to blame, but he was tired of putting his team at risk. He didn't want to see anyone else get hurt. The Prime knew his counterpart was a great leader by his mannerisms and the way his team acted around him.

"If Megatron is such a threat, why haven't you ended him!?" Boss bot said angrily as he glared at him.

Optimus Prime looked at him for a moment then hung his helm and stared at the floor. Bumblebee took a step forward as he worried a little. Optimus remained quiet for awhile and he closed his optics. He felt ashamed for letting things get out of hand. For the war that had now spread to other dimensions.

"Is it because...... he was your friend?" Bulkhead asked. They all looked at the green bot, except for Optimus.

"Yes......" He mumbled without moving. "He was... my brother...." The room went quiet.

Boss bots face plate slowly softened as he realized the why. His counterpart had not only lost his home world to their war, but he had lost his friend that he considered a brother. A friend that was now trying to kill him. He understood why his counterpart was so solemn and stern. The war Optimus had been forced to fight, had forced him to change into a leader. Something he didn't ask for.

"I'm sorry..." Boss bot said as he set a servo on his counterparts shoulder plate. Optimus didn't look up as he closed his optics again and tried to ignore the pain in his spark.


Megatron laughed darkly as he turned to face the cons. Starscream and Lugnut had just reported what they had seen fall out of the sky. Starscream had conveniently left out the little detail about the mechs weapons. He didn't feel the need to tell him, nor did he really care. The seeker glared at Blitzwing, he was furious with Megatron for making the malfunction second in command.

"So, the Autobots have used the relic to summon their leader." The Decepticon growled. He smiled evily and looked at the communication specialist.

"This should prove to be interesting." He said. "Optimus will be furious when they tell him what happened." He smirked as he pulled out the spark fragment and looked at it.

"First the medic." Megatron muttered as he looked at the fragment. "Then the pathetic scout." He clenched his servo tightly. "Now I'll have the Prime." He smiled wickedly.

"What are your orders?" Blitzwing asked. The Decepticon leader looked at them and smirked again.

"No survivors. Today we will rid this world of the Autobots." He said as he walked to the computer.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Starscream mumbled.

"Soundwave." Megatron said as he turned to the others. "Make sure they are properly informed before we leave." He growled as he walked down the tunnel and disappeared.


"So.....let me get this straight..." Bee said as he looked at the two leaders.

"You want go fight Bucket Head....and somehow use the relic to send him back into your world?" He asked as he looked at them. Optimus Prime nodded once.

"How do you propose we accomplish this task?" Prowl asked as he looked at the taller mech.

"Leave that to me." Optimus said simply. He set a servo on his counterparts shoulder plate. "The rest of you will simply provide the distraction needed to keep the cons away from their leader." He explained.

"We seem to be really good at making distractions." Bulkhead muttered.

"Alright let's go!" Sari said as she ran to the leaders. Optimus Prime bent down and placed a digit in front of her and she stopped.

"Hey what gives?" She huffed as she folded her arms and glared at the new comer.

"You and Rafael will remain here where it is safe." He said as he stood up again.

"But what about if they need me and the key?" She asked as she looked at the others for help.

"I have been informed about the role you have with your team. However, your safety is more important. If we need your assistance the doctor or Rachet will bring you. They have both offered to remain here for the time being." Optimus said.

She sighed heavily and plopped on the couch next to Raf. Optimus picked up the relic and looked at the bots. He didn't want to force the others into battle, but knew his team would go with him. The others had already told him they would fight with his team. Considering it was their world that was in jeopardy.

"We must stop Megatron at all costs." He said as he looked at both teams. "Autobots transform and roll out." He said firmly.

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