Chapter 23: Promotion

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Megatron growled angrily as he struggled against the chains. The stupid Autobots had caught him by surprise. The warlord growled again and wiggled as he tried to get free. He heard a splash and looked up to see Blitzwing and Soundwave floating down to him.

The two cons walk to the leader and started to remove the thick chains. Once he was free they walked back towards the island. Megatron smirked to himself as they drew closer to their base. He had been victorious this time against the Autobots, because he had crushed their spirits. He looked at his servo and flexed his digits. Crushing their sparks seemed to be the best method so far. The warlord smiled wickedly, he already knew who's spark he wanted to extinguish next.


Blitzwing transformed and walked into the base. Megatron had sent him to locate Lugnut and Starscream. The two said bots landed behind him and followed. The Decepticon leader had his back to them as they approached.

Starscream looked into a side room and stopped. He saw Soundwaves visor sitting on the desk with a servo sized crack. It was like someone had punched it. The seeker was curious and took a step forward. He jumped as long thin digits came out of the darkness and picked up the visor. He shuddered and caught up with the others.

"Soundwave knows enough medical training to repair minor damage." The Decepticon leader said without turning around. The others looked at each other for a moment.

"Are we planning another attack on the Autobot scum?" Lugnut asked. Megatron looked over his shoulder at them, and then turned around.

"I must retrieve the relic if I'm going to be successful in bringing my army here." He said.

"Zat's not ze only reason you want it, am I correct?" Blitzwing said calmly as his face spun to blue. The Decepticon leader smiled wickedly but didn't say anything.

"Soundwave." He said. Starscream jumped and yelped when he realized the silent con was standing next to him. The con was wearing his damaged visor again.

The communication specialist walked over to the leader dropped something in his servo and started typing on the computer. Megatron chuckled darkly as he looked at the object. He clenched his servo and looked at the others.

"Starscream and Lugnut you're on patrol. Whatever Soundwave needs, get it." The warlord said. The two cons narrowed their optics but did as they were told. Once they were gone Blitzwing looked at the leader. Megatron walked towards a tunnel and looked over his shoulder.

"Blitzwing." He said and the con looked at him.

The warlord continued down the tunnel. Blitzwing wasn't sure he wanted to follow, he glanced at the communication specialist who had his back to him. After a moment he followed the con. They walked in silence and the con started to worry that he would meet the same fate as the Autobot medic. He wondered if it was because he accidentally froze Soundwave. Blitzwing stared at the floor as he thought about what to do.

"I was impressed with how you fought in battle." Megatron growled as he broke the silence. The smaller con jumped slightly but remained quiet. He did his best to keep his other sides from causing a problem.

"You have potential Blitzwing, despite your obvious malfunction." Megatron said. They stopped and he heard another pair of ped steps. Turning he saw Soundwave silently approaching.

"Soundwave has told me about your loyalty and devotion." He continued. Blitzwing looked between the two cons. Did the communication specialist actually speak?

"I need someone I can trust in this world. The Starscream here is about as trustworthy as a scraplet." The warlord said. Blitzwing swore he heard a chuckle from the communication specialist, but he wasn't sure.

"What are you saying?" He asked calmly. Megatron smirked.

"I'm making you my second in command Blitzwing." He said. The smaller con looked at the silent con who just stared at him. "You will report to me or Soundwave. What do you say to that?" He asked giving him a stern look. The cons face spun to red.

"Let's crush some Autobot scum into dust!" He said as he punched his servo. Megatron smiled wickedly and dropped something into Blitzwings servo.

"Soundwave handed this to me earlier, something he picked up. Do you know what it is?" The Decepticon leader asked. Blitzwings head spun to blue and he inspected the thing in his hand.

"It appears to be.....a spark fragment." he trailed off as he realized what it was. He looked back at the two cons as he held it in his servo. "I'm guessing it's from the medic." He said.

"Call it a trophy." Megatron said as he picked it up and held it in the light. He smirked as he looked at the spark fragment. "I don't intend for this to be my only one." He growled.

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