Chapter 21: Rage

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The atmosphere suddenly went deadly quiet as they processed what had just happened.

Rage over took him and Bumblebee beeped angrily as he charged at the con. Megatron dropped the fading spark as the scout jumped on his back and started punching him mercilessly. Arcee let out an angry and heartbroken battle cry as she ran towards them. She shot at the medics murderer as tears of rage ran down her face plate.

Optimus, Prowl and Bee attacked Soundwave as the con pulled the femme off and threw her against a building. Bulkhead and Doc bot attacked Blitzwing as he got up to fight. They fought with everything they had and worked on leading the cons to the edge of the city.

Bumblebee was filled with a rage like none other. He continued to punch and shoot at the Decepticon leader as he remained on his back. He locked his legs around the cons waist to keep from falling and brought his fists down on him. He yelled angrily in his broken voice as he beat on the con. Tears of rage streamed down his face plate as he let his anger out. Megatron had destroyed his friends on Cybertron, taken his voice, harmed Raf, took Optimus from them, and now he had killed one of his best friends.

Soundwave managed to get free, and pulled the enraged Autobot off of Megatron. The scout continued to yell and fight as much as he could. The others quickly started fighting the warlord and continued to draw him away from the city. The angry Autobot turned on Soundwave and engaged him in battle. The young scout didn't hold back he just continued to fight as the fire inside him grew and seemed to consume him.

Arcee shook her helm as she recovered from the impact. She looked up at Bumblebee and froze. The femme had only seen him this angry a few times before. Once when Raf got hurt and when Optimus left them to join the Decepticons. Except this time, no one was there to stop his anger.

The femme saw Blitzwing struggling to fight off the others and fire randomly. She ran at him and let out her own rage. Tears of anger flowing down her face plate. The con laughed hysterically as he shot at them. His face spun to blue and he shot ice at the femme. She dodged and kicked him in the back of the knee. He went down, she jumped into the air and fired at him as she yelled angrily.

Soundwave dodged and blocked as Bumblebee punched at him. The con could sense the rage inside of him and wanted to use it to his advantage. The scout continued to punch and kick only connecting a few times. He transformed his servos into cannons and shot at the con. Soundwave stumbled as he got hit a few times, and he glared at the bot. Bumblebee ran towards him and punched him in the visor. There was a crack and the con stumbled a little.

The scout narrowed his optics as he panted heavily. Soundwave slowly turned to face him and the bot only saw his reflection between the cracks in the visor. The con shot out his tentacles and whacked at the bot. Bumblebee blocked and ducked as he stepped back. One of the tentacles swiped his feet out from under him.

The scout hit the ground hard and grabbed one of the tentacles as it tried to grab his face plate. The other one attached to his chest plate and electricity coursed through him. Bumblebee cried out and the other one attached to his side. Soundwave slowly walked closer as he watched the bot get shocked and he applied more electricity. The con glared down at the young scout as he screamed in his broken voice.

Prowl kicked the communication specialist in the side of the helm. The con stumbled back and faced the new threat. The ninja bot ran at him and kicked the tentacles away as they came at him. He threw his ninja stars at the con and kicked him again as he blocked the weapons.

Soundwave deployed Laserbeak and the mini con shot at the ninja. Bumblebee shakily got to his peds and shot at the metal aircraft. Prowl continued to battle Soundwave and tried to hold him back. The con dodged a few more kicks and attached a tentacle to the ninjas chest plate. He quickly electrocuted him and attached the other to the scouts back. As he shocked the two bots Laserbeak returned to him.

The electricity suddenly stopped and after a moment the bots looked at the con optics widening. Soundwave was frozen in a block of ice. The two Autobots looked over and realized Blitzwing had unintentionally shot him while try to freeze Arcee. They quickly got up and ran to the fight as the others led the cons to the docks.

Bumblebees optics narrowed as he headed straight for Megatron. He wanted to end this now. Prowl joined in the fight with Blitzwing and jumped on his back to confuse him. Megatron had managed to either throw the others against the buildings or knocked them away from him. Bumblebee yelled in his broken voice and kicked the con in the back as hard as he could.

Megatron fell to the ground and quickly rolled to his back. He froze as he stared down the barrel of a cannon. Bumblebee panted heavily as he glared at the medics murder. Time seemed to stand still as the two glared at each other. The warlord chuckled darkly.

"Are you going to finish me little scout?" He mocked. The bot pressed his cannon against his helm. The Decepticon leader could sense the rage inside the young scout and he laughed again.

"What would Optimus say if he saw you?" Megatron taunted.

Bumblebees optics widened a little and he looked towards the others. They were still fighting the con, all except the femme. The look on Arcees face plate reminded him of when he watched her almost kill Starscream. The same exact look he had given her. Megatron took the young scouts distraction as an opportunity. He hit the young bot as hard as he could, and watched as he rolled along the dock. Arcee ran for the con but he smacked her away. Megatron walked over and kicked the scout on to his back.

"Prepare to join your medic." Megatron hissed as he powered up his cannon and pressed it against his helm. Bumblebee glared at him but accepted his fate.

"NO!" Optimus yelled as he plowed into him. The warlord shot but missed the scout by a hair.

"I won't let you kill anyone else!" The Prime yelled as he swung his ax at the con.

Prowl and Bee came running up behind their leader with a chain. As Optimus fought the villain, the two bots wrapped the thick chain around the Decepticon. They tightened it and the warlords arms were pinned to his side. He looked at them with confusion and noticed the thick chains were connected to three anchors.

"What in the Pits of Kaon?!" He growled angrily.

Bulkhead grunted as he threw the three anchors into the deep water below. Megatron yelled angrily as he was drug across the dock and into the water. The Autobots ran to the edge and watched as he sunk to the lake floor.

"If anything.... it will buy us some time." Prowl muttered. They turned as Blitzwing quickly transformed and flew away. "Or not..."

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