Chapter 37: Recover

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The two teams remained hidden in the warehouse as they tended to their injuries. Doc bot used the key on his teammates, then Boss bot sent them out to start helping with repairs to the city.

The medic had Sari use the key as much as possible. Doc bot did his best to help his counterpart repair his teammates. For the first little bit they focused on repairing Optimus who's injury would leak energon when he moved.

Ratchet was worried that he wouldn't be able to repair him fast enough. His friend had already lost too much energon on the battlefield when he fought Megatron. The doctor carefully hooked him up and gave him more energon. Optimus rested his helm against the berth as his optics flickered. He felt himself fading and slowly closed them.

"Optimus, stay awake." Ratchet snapped as he worked on stopping anymore energon from leaving his system. The doctor did what he could to help and worked on patching up his other injuries. The Autobot leader struggled to keep his optics open and did his best to fight the exhaustion.

"Stop bleeding." The medic pleaded quietly as he repaired another damaged cable. They still needed their leader.

"Ratchet...." Optimus muttered as his optics flickered again. He felt himself fading away. "Get..... the others..... home....." he rasped.

"Where's that key!?" The medic yelled over his shoulder plate. Sari jumped at his sudden outburst and came running into the room. Optimus closed his optics and his frame relaxed against the berth.

"Oh no you don't." Ratchet growled as he lifted Sari up.

Her key glowed bright and led her to the matrix. She glanced at the medic nervously and he nodded once as he narrowed his optics. She found a place and turned the key as far as it would go. It glowed brightly along with the matrix. She gasped and stepped back as she watched. Ratchet furrowed his optic ridges and glanced at the doctor. Neither of them knew what would happen. The glow stopped and the room fell silent. Sari cautiously took the key out and looked at the two bots.

"What the heck was that?" She asked. The doctor looked at his counterpart.

"I'm not sure how to answer." The medic mumbled. "I don't know what all that key can do, but it obviously is given more power when it's with the matrix." He scanned the bigger mech and checked his vitals. He sighed with relief and hung his helm.

"Whatever it did, it saved his life." He muttered and relaxed a little more. He carefully set her down and worked on finishing the repairs. She quietly walked away.

"Thank you..." she heard the medic mumbled. Sari smiled but didn't respond as she walked out of the room.

They were finished repairing Optimus a while later, and Ratchet relaxed a little. The medic prepared a berth and carefully helped the young scout into the room. Bumblebee whimpered quietly trying not to make a big deal about his injury. He still couldn't lift his ped, no matter how hard he tried.

The doctor walked over and helped the young bot. They carefully helped him sit on the berth. Bumblebee gripped either edge of the berth tightly as Ratchet carefully lifted his leg on it and straightened it out. The scout blinked back tears of pain as the medic carefully and gently removed the makeshift splint. He stared at the leg for a moment and looked at the scouts faceplate.

Bumblebee stared at him with his big optics and blinked back more tears as pain shot through his form. Ratchet could see the pain in his optics and he turned back to the task at hand. He gently touched the plating and felt the young bot stiffen. He looked back and saw that Bumblebee was facing the ceiling as he fought the pain. He was trying to be brave even though it probably hurt like scrap. Ratchet stood up and gripped the bots shoulder plate. The scout looked at him sadly.

"It'll be alright Bumblebee." He said. The scout nodded and looked at the twisted metal. The doctor came over and stared at the leg for a moment. His expression was blank as he gave the scout something to put him under, so they could work. The young bots frame relaxed and he laid back as he went under.

"You might not be able to save it." The doctor muttered after a moment. Ratchet nodded slowly aware of this fact as he stared at the young bots faceplate.

"I've failed Bumblebee before." He muttered as he walked to the leg. "I can't let him down again." He gently touched the twisted metal and calculated where to even start.

"We can't always save them." The doctor grumbled as he grabbed some tools. Ratchet nodded slowly then glanced at the scouts helm.

"Bumblebee is a constant reminder.... that I didn't do enough. That I should have done better." The medic mumbled. He glanced at his counterpart then back at the scout. "I'm not going to fail him again." He repeated to himself and picked up a tool.


A while later, Optimus slowly opened his optics and waited for his other systems to focus. He tried to sit up and grunted as he moved.

"Not so fast kid." The doctor grumbled as he gently helped him sit up.

Optimus looked around and saw Ratchet working on Bumblebees mangled leg. He watched for a moment and noticed his friend looked tired. He tried to get up but the doctor remained him that he still needed energon. The Autobot glanced at the doctor then at the tube in his arm. He looked back at Bumblebee and watched again. He noticed the medic was exhausted.

"When was the last time you recharged?" He asked sternly. Ratchet looked up from his task but didn't respond. Optimus glanced at the doctor waiting for an answer, but the bot just shrugged. He stared back at his friend and a look of concern crossed his face plate.

"I've been too busy." The medic mumbled before working again. The room was quiet for a moment.

"How..." Optimus trailed off and stared at his servos. The room was silent again. "How is he?" The mech asked quietly as he looked back up. Ratchet stared at him blankly for a few minutes as he thought of how to answer.

"The kid will probably lose the leg." Doc bot mumbled, earning a glare from his counterpart. Optimus glanced between the two of them and narrowed his optics.

"I'm....." Ratchet paused as he thought of what to say. "I'm doing my best." He muttered as he opened a servo, Optimus noticed Saris key. He watched as the medic used it in hopes of repairing Bumblebee. The leader looked down again as he silently hoped the medic could fix him.

A while later the doctor let Optimus go and the taller mech sat by the scout as he watched Ratchet. More time passed and the medic was struggling to remain functional. He stopped suddenly as he was welding and set a servo over his spark chamber. Optimus gripped his shoulder plate as he looked at his friend with concern.

"I'm fine." Ratchet muttered as he winced a little. "Just a battle wound." He smiled tiredly. Optimus made a mental note to check on the medics physical health.

A little later the medic stopped again and rubbed his face plate tiredly. He rested his helm in his servos and sighed quietly. The key wasn't working as much anymore. It still glowed and repaired a little, but not enough. Optimus watched him quietly knowing he was exhausted and frustrated. The room was quiet for awhile and Doc bot walked over. He looked at the progress then at the other two.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news." He grumbled. "But there's no way you can save the kids leg at this point." He said. "There's just too much damage to save it." Ratchet nodded slowly without raising his helm from his servos.

He was all too aware of this fact and he refused to accept it. Optimus hung his helm and stared at his servos. Megatron had taken Bumblebees voice, and now he was going to lose his leg because of the con. He clenched his servos tightly and grit his teeth. Ratchet sighed in frustration and rubbed his face plate again. He gently touched the twisted plating knowing he couldn't save it.

"Should I prepare to...." the doctor trailed off. Ratchet hung his helm and closed his optics before nodding slowly.

"Let him wake up first....." he said without moving from his position. "He needs to know...." Optimus gripped the medics shoulder plate. He knew this was hard for him, for both of them.

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