Chapter 39: Solution

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"No! Absolutely not." Ratchet snapped as he knelt by the scouts leg. Bumblebee was sitting up and staring at the others.

Professor Sundac had gathered them into the medical room to explain his idea. The others had returned and listened as he told them how it would work. They were quiet for a moment.

"I know it will work." The Professor said. "I've tested it on my machines, and it's been very effective." He reassured them. Ratchet turned and glared at him.

"We're not machines." He growled. "We are autonomous robotic organisms. Our metal, as you call it, is stronger than the material your used to." He muttered. He didn't trust human technology to begin with.

"I know that." The Professor said. "But this will work." He reassured them.

"Have you tested it on our plating?" Boss bot asked. The room was quiet and everyone looked at him.

"No...." he admitted.

"How are your nano bots supposed to work if you haven't tested it?" Doc bot grumbled. All the bots were a little nervous about the idea now.

"I just know it will work." The man responded. The room was quiet again, they weren't convinced.

"You don't know if it will repair him, or completely destroy his leg." Ratchet muttered as he glared.

"They aren't Scraplets." Arcee said as she folded her arms.

"That's not the point." The medic growled. Optimus set a servo on his shoulder plate.

"Ratchet is right to be concerned. We don't know what these nano bots will do to our anatomy." He said seriously.

"Wait." Prowl said. "What about the forge?" They looked at him. "You used it to repair Ratchet. Can't it fix Bumblebee as well?" He asked. The scout whirled quietly and looked at them.

"Of course!" Ratchet said and smacked his fore helm. He got up and walked out of the room.

"Thanks for offering to help." Boss bot said as he looked at Professor Sundac.

The man simply nodded and they looked to the door when the medic came back a few minutes later. He didn't have the forge and he was glaring at his peds. He stopped and looked up for a moment.

"I can't find it." He mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Doc bot snapped.

"It's not in the warehouse. At least not where we left it." Ratchet shot back.

"That thing is huge! How could it just disappear?" Sari said. They heard someone shift uncomfortably, and all optics fell on the small yellow bot.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" Boss bot asked as his optics narrowed. The little bot kicked the ground nervously and cleared his throat.

"I... uh.... may have... um... lost it." Bee muttered. They stared at him optics wide.

"How did you even lift the thing!?" Doc bot snapped angrily. Bee looked up at Bulkhead who stood behind him. The green bot smiled nervously. Arcee and Prowl face palmed.

"We.... um.... were.... using it when everyone was busy..." Bulkhead mumbled as he rubbed the back of his helm.

"You-" Ratchet stuttered as he clenched his servos. "You... you..." he was so mad he couldn't even think about what to say.

"We didn't break it!" Bee said quickly. "We just possibly.... lost it.... somewhere." He smiled nervously.

"That wasn't a toy." Boss bot said as he glared. Bee hung his helm as he nodded. Ratchet acted like he was going to kill something, or someone. He eventually just walked out of the room and to the computer. The room was left in an awkward silence.

"We can't get home until we fix Bumblebee." Arcee muttered as she looked at her leader. He nodded slowly and set a servo on the scouts shoulder plate.

"We're only left with two options then." Doc bot grumbled. "Cut the leg off or try the nano bots." They all looked at Optimus who hesitated.

They were waiting for him to make the decision. He glanced at the mangled leg. How could he make such a decision? If they cut it off Bumblebee wouldn't be able to walk until they made a makeshift leg. If they used the nano bots, and Ratchet was right they would eat his leg into nothingness. He shuddered at the thought, that would be worse than cutting it off. But what if they didn't try it and it managed to work? He would lose the leg when they could have healed it.

Bumblebee set a servo on his arm as he saw the distress in his leaders optics. He chirped quietly and Optimus looked at him. Raf wasn't sure what he thought was a better idea. He didn't like either. The scout looked at the others and warbled something.

"Are you sure?" Raf asked hesitantly. Bumblebee looked at him then up at Optimus. A look of determination crossed his face plate and he nodded confidently.

"What did he say?" Sari asked the boy. He didn't respond.

"He wants to try the nano bots." Prowl muttered. She could tell none of them were very comfortable with the idea.

"Alright then." Professor Sundac said and he prepared for the procedure.

He walked over and carefully injected them just under the twisted metal. He wasn't sure what all they would repair, but he hoped it was enough. Doc bot used his magnetic field to keep the nano bots in his leg. Bumblebee gripped either edge of the berth and twitched a little.


Ratchet was busy working with the relic as he attempted to contact the others. He was close and he knew it. His mind kept wandering, which made it hard to focus. He typed a little and entered a few codes. He was trying to remember what he had read about the relic.

"Ratchet!" He looked up as Raf came running in. The boy looked upset and slightly angry.

"They're going to use the nano bots." He said tears in his eyes.

"No, no, no, no."  Ratchet muttered. He walked over and scooped the boy up as he headed to the medical room. Raf held on to his digit and looked up at his face plate. He hoped the medic was wrong about the nano bots.

They stopped at the doorway and watched in anticipation. The medic was ready to spring into action if anything went wrong. Though he didn't know what he would do. Raf hugged his digit tighter afraid of what might happen. Considering everything that had happened since they got here.

Bumblebee stared at his leg as the doctor kept the nano bots in one place. It felt really weird, almost like when water got into his systems. He shuddered a little and Optimus gripped his shoulder plate tightly. The scout realized he wasn't the only one that was nervous about the procedure. His spark beat faster with anticipation. He twitched and jumped a little. All the bots took a step forward, worried something had happened.

A few more agonizing minutes passed and there was a beep on Professor Sundacs computer. They waited as he typed and entered some codes. He looked up at them and smiled a little. He nodded to the doctor and he used his magnetic field to take the nano bots out. Bumblebee shuddered again at the feeling, and watched as they put the bots back in the container.

"His metal is still twisted." Arcee said as she walked over and hesitantly touched it. Bumblebee whirled quietly as he looked at her.

"The nano bots can't fix the metal, they just fix the wiring and cables." The Professor said.

"But did it work?" Boss bot asked. They all looked at the man as he typed.

"As far as I can tell it did. Everything is repaired besides the actual plating." The man said seriously. Raf looked over at him.

"But-" they suddenly heard excited chirping and beeping. They all looked at the scout who was smiling madly. He looked up at them eyes full of tears. He glanced between Optimus and Ratchet. Bumblebee chirped and whirled excitedly, Ratchet smiled ever so slightly. Prowl chuckled quietly and Bee gave him a questioning look.

"He said 'Ratchet look. I can move my ped again."' Prowl muttered quietly as he nodded towards him. Bumblebee was chirping excitedly as he wiggled his ped and moved his leg.

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