Chapter 32: Remaining Strong

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Rachet dodged the sword and cut Megatrons arm as he came back up. The warlord yelled angrily and swung again. The medic continued to dodge and hit the con when he could. He didn't think he could defeat the villain, but he knew he could wear him out. The medic dodged again and punched the con as hard as he could in the face plate.

Megatron stumbled back and growled angrily. The bot put his blades up and glared at him. The medics optics flickered over to Optimus who was still struggling. Rachet knew he needed help but he had to keep Megatron distracted. He ducked again as the con swung at his helm. He managed to get behind the villain and swung upwards. Megatron yelled as the blade cut his back. He fell to his knee plates and panted heavily. Rachet walked over and set a blade under the cons chin.

"Are you going to kill me?" Megatron laughed darkly. The medic glared at him. "I don't have a problem killing you again. Once I finish you I'll kill Optimus and the rest of your pathetic team." He seethed.

Anger flashed in the medics optics and he brought the blade closer to the cons neck cables. They glared at each other for a moment. Rachet knew he could end the war right now, he could stop the madman. He glanced over at Optimus and his face plate softened. The Autobot leader watched him intently with a look of concern, almost sad. It was as if he knew what the medic was thinking. As much as it pained him, he couldn't do it.

"No..." Rachet muttered answering the cons question. "That would lower me to your level, and I'm no Decepticon." He growled as he glared at him.

The warlord glanced to the side and a wicked smile spread across his face plate. Rachet furrowed his optic ridges without looking away, knowing it might be a trick. He heard an aircraft flying towards them and he looked up to see Soundwave. The con deployed Laserbeak.

The medics optics widened as the mini con started firing rapidly at him. He stumbled back and Megatron punched the bot as he got up. The warlord continued to punch the medic as the mini con fired. Soundwave transformed and landed near his leader. Laserbeak stopped and hovered over them as the bot leaned against a building. He panted heavily and wiped energon from his mouth as Megatron unsheathed his sword.

"I won't make the same mistake." He seethed as he raised the blade.

"BUT I WILL!!!" Bee yelled as he ran up behind them.

He jumped and grabbed the cons arm. Megatron growled as the little bot pulled on him, and the con stumbled back. Soundwave tried to electrocute Rachet when he moved. Laserbeak started firing on Bee, but he just held on as he attempted to pull the con away from the medic. The said bot jumped back a little as the communication specialist advanced.

Prowl ran up behind them as fast as he could. He jumped off the building and landed on Laserbeak, smashing the mini bot into the ground. Soundwave whipped around and stared at the bot in surprise. Prowl glared at him as he straightened up, and kicked the con in the chest plate. Bulkhead and Boss bot fought Megatron as he threw Bee into the medic. He yelled angrily as the Prime cut him with his ax. The con swung at him and he dodged easily.

Doc bot, Arcee and Sari ran up to Optimus. He looked at them and grunted weakly as he held the wound. Arcee helped him up and he sat against the building. The doctor examined the injury.

"We'll need to get you back to the base." He mumbled as he went to help him up.

"No..." Optimus groaned as he weakly shrugged him off.

"Optimus.... you've lost too much energon already." Arcee said as she looked at the ground. He gave her a blank look and turned his optics to the fight. Still holding the wound he grunted as he reached for the Star Saber.

"Absolutely not!" Doc bot grumbled as he grabbed the weapon. The other mech set a servo on his arm to stop him.

"I must... end.... this." Optimus said weakly. The doctor looked up at him. "Just.... stop the.... bleeding." He said as he pleaded with his optics. The doctor looked at the femme who had tears in her optics. They knew he wouldn't survive another fight.

"Optimus.... please." Arcee begged. He looked at her for a moment then back at the battle. He gripped the handle of the saber and grunted as he tried to get up.

"You can't even stand." Doc bot said as Optimus fell back against the building. The bigger mech pleaded with his optics again. "Alright...." the doctor muttered as he started.

Optimus grit his teeth and squeezed his optics shut as the doctor worked. Arcee allowed him to hold her servo as he tried to fight the pain. The doctor stopped and Optimus panted heavily. The other two bots exchanged looks. Sari looked at the key as it glowed and floated to the bigger bot. Doc bot noticed and lifted the girl up. The key guided her to the bots spark chamber.

"What's that?" Sari asked as she looked at something and pointed.

"That's the matrix." Arcee muttered. Sari stared at it then placed the key where it guided her. She looked at Optimus' face plate and he nodded once. She furrowed her brow and turned the key.

Soundwave punched the ninja away and heard a strange energy sound. He looked towards Optimus and his optics narrowed when he saw the key. He scanned it and looked back at Megatron. The communication specialist clenched his servos and walked towards the little group.

Prowl landed in front of him and kicked him hard in the midsection. The con stumbled back and glared at him. Prowl continued to hit the con and keep him away from the others. Bulkhead wrapped his weapon around Soundwave pinning his arms down. The bot grunted and pulled back as hard as he could. Soundwave flew into the air and smashed into a building.

"Oops....." Bulkhead muttered as he put the weapon away. Prowl smirked and slapped him on the back, before helping the others attack Megatron.

Saris key stopped glowing and she looked up at the bot. He smiled a little and clenched his servos. Doc bot hesitated as he watched Optimus stagger to his peds and pick up the saber.

"I don't think your able to fight yet." He grumbled. "The key may have helped the bleeding stop and given you energy. But your energon level is low and you still have a hole in your chest plate." He muttered. Optimus took a shaky step and smiled a little.

"Your concern is noted, doctor. But I must end this before your world is torn apart." He said as he activated his face plate and limped towards the others.

"I'm guessing that means he'll live." Doc bot growled as he folded his arms. Arcee smirked and ran into battle.

Megatron growled angrily as he tried to fight the bots off. He was growing tired but refused to stop. He was going to end them all before he went down. He grabbed the little yellow bot and threw him down the street as he shot at the Prime. He tried stabbing them but they moved faster than him.

Rachet dodged another blow and punched the con hard in the side. He jumped out of the way and cut the back of the villains leg. The warlord yelled and grabbed the medics helm he squeezed a little and threw him into the building. Rachet shook his helm as he tried to stop the ringing. There was a thud and he looked up stared at Soundwaves visor. The con attached a tentacle to his chest plate and the medic yelled as electricity flowed through him. Soundwave quickly attached his other one to the Primes back and did the same. Once they were out, he attacked Bulkhead and Prowl with the same method. Arcee jumped in the air and shot the warlord. He grabbed her leg and smashed her into the ground.

"You'll meet the same fate the pathetic scout did!" Megatron yelled.

The femmes optics widened and looked around as she searched for him. The con smiled wickedly and stumbled as something hit him. Arcee scrambled away from his reach and fought Soundwave as he walked towards the little yellow bot. Megatron turned and saw Optimus breathing heavily as he held the saber. The con smirked he could tell his foe was weak and would be easy to crush.

"I'm surprised your standing Optimus." Megatron sneered as he limped closer. He unsheathed his sword as he panted heavily.

"This ends now." Optimus said as he shifted. The bot yelled and swung his sword as hard as he could.

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