Chapter 17: Adjustment

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The warehouse was quiet as the Autobots laid low. Bulkhead and Prowl were talking to each other as Bee sat on the couch and stared at nothing. Doc bot worked on repairing the little bots voice processor, which he had to remove. Optimus stood in a corner as he thought about the best course of action against the cons. Raf and Sari were talking to each other and laughing quietly, while the Professor continued to work on the computer. Rachet was currently working on finishing the repair to Arcees legs.

He heard ped steps approach he looked up from his task and saw Bumblebee walk over to an empty berth and set the relic on it. The scout then stepped back and cocked his helm as he scratched his chin. The medic watched as the young bot stared at the broken device for awhile, then turn around and walk off.

"Uh....Rachet?" Arcee said as she poked his helm. The medic glanced back at her and gave her an annoyed look.

"What?!" He snapped. She folded her arms and glared at him.

"I kind of want to do something else other than lay here for the rest of my life." She shot back.

"Fine fine....." He grumbled as he finished. "There you're good to go." He said. Arcee gripped his shoulder and stood up quickly, she swayed a little and he caught her before she fell back.

"Easy now!" He snapped annoyed with the femmes impatient manner.

She glared at him and stood up straighter. She let go and wobbled a little. The medic reached out instinctively to help, but she shoved his servo away. Arcee took a few more steps and stumbled a little but then quickly recovered. She walked around a little more until she was steady again. The medic grumbled about her stubbornness and put his tools away. He heard a crash and whipped around to see the scout dropping tools on the floor as he bent to pick more up.

"Bumblebee! What are you doing?!" He said angrily as he walked over.

"Whirrrr vro." He chirped apologetically as he crouched down and picked up the tools.

"That didn't answer my question." Rachet growled as he stood over the bot.

Bumblebee looked up at him then looked at the broken relic. The medic followed his gaze and stared at the device for a moment. The scout stood up and plopped the tools on the berth next to the relic. He stretched his arms and cracked his servos as he stared at it. He looked at a tool and picked it up curiously. He glanced at the broken device again and shrugged as he brought the tool towards the relic.

"Ep ep ep!!" Rachet said as he grabbed the scouts servo to prevent him from harming the device any further.

"Do you honestly think you can repair this?" He snapped angrily as he gestured to it. They looked at each other for a moment. The young bot smiled at him grabbed the medics arm and put the tool in his servo.

"Beee vrooo wiirrr." Bumblebee chirped as he smiled at him. Rachet just stared at him for a moment before looking at the tool. After a pause he looked back at the scout.

"You have a lot more faith in me than you probably should, Bumblebee." Rachet mumbled. The young bot gripped his shoulder plate and smiled at him before walking away.

The medic turned his attention to the relic and sighed. He picked up a tool and transformed his servo into his welder. He had no idea where to even start.

Bumblebee walked over to the couch where Raf and Sari were sitting on his counterparts knees. The little boy was attempting to teach them sign language. The scout smiled and sat next to the little bot. His counterpart looked up at him and smiled sadly. Bumblebee wanted to say something, but he knew the little bot couldn't understand him. He thought for a moment and looked at Raf.

The scout beeped a little and his counterpart looked down at the floor. Bumblebee set a servo on the little bots head and his counterpart looked back up at him. The scout smiled slightly as though he was silently telling him it would be okay. The smaller bot got the message and grinned. Raf and Sari looked up at them and smiled.

"Let's learn some sign language." The girl said.

Raf smiled and started teaching them what he knew. It was funny to watch the two bots try and figure it out. Sari giggled as the scout got his servos tangled up. Bee stuck his tongue out as he attempted to sign a few words, but only got confused.

Doc bot looked up from his work as he heard a strange noise. He looked towards it and realized the scout was laughing lightly. He grumbled and huffed as the children laughed with him.

"Hows it coming?" Optimus asked as he watched him work.

"His voice processor is pretty damaged, but I think I've been able to save most of it." Doc bot grumbled.

"Why didn't Saris key work on it?" Optimus asked.

"It's hard to tell.....could be a number of things." He mumbled without looking up. They heard something crash and the medic growled in frustration.

"Bulkhead, I needed that!!" Rachet yelled. The big green bot lifted a ped and realized he had smashed a tool.

"Oops....." He mumbled. Arcee chuckled softly as she stood by Prowl. The two bots had been teaching each other fighting styles.

"Something's never change." She muttered. The big bot grabbed a different tool and started to walk away. He appeared to be building something in the corner.

"I needed that one too!!" Rachet yelled angrily. "Honestly I can't get anything done around here." He mumbled as he felt his anger rising. He heard another crash as the green bot dropped the tool and broke it.

"Oops." He said again.

The medic had had it, he picked up a wrench and threw it. Bulkhead bent down to pick up the broken tool and the wrench clattered against the wall behind him. Everyone stared at the medic optics wide, except Arcee and Bumblebee who were used to it. Bulkhead stood up and looked at the tool that missed his helm. He looked at the medic optics wide.

"Did you seriously just throw a wrench?" The green bot asked, then he thought for a moment. "Where you aiming for my helm?!" He asked in surprise. The rest of his team looked at him in disbelief.

"Possibly....." Rachet growled as he turned back to his task. Doc bot chuckled softly to himself.

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