Chapter 28: Reunited Once More

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The others sat in the main room and did what they could to prepare for the battle they might have to face. Prowl meditated on one of the machines arms. Bulkhead and Boss bot spoke quietly at the computer with the Profesor and Raf. Sari and Bee had wandered off, while Arcee and Bumblebee sat on the couch.

The scout stared at the floor as he thought. Arcee could tell he was nervous about what might happen, but also relieved that Optimus was here now. She knew he had felt lost since Rachet died, and she hoped their leader could help them. The femme hugged him and he looked at her. He wrapped an arm around her and smiled a little.

Arcee leaned against Bumblebees shoulder plate and sighed softly. He looked at her for a minute. Then rested his helm on to hers. He now officially hated to wait. But it seemed to be easier with her.

"Sooo.....are you two sparkmates?" Someone asked. The scout and Arcee looked up to see the small bot standing in front of them smirking. Sari giggled as the femme sat up quickly.

"W-w-what?" Arcee asked color rising to her face plate. "W-w-we....uh... I mean ....uh.... I uh.... N-n-no!" She stuttered. Bumblebee just stared at him blankly as if he was thinking about how to answer.

"Suuuure." Sari teased as she sat on Bees shoulder. Arcee stood up in a huff, color still rising to her face plate. She turned on her ped and walked away. Bumblebee looked back at the two and stared at them blankly.

"She totally likes you." Sari said. The scout shrugged and walked off.

"He's oblivious." Bee teased as he watched his counterpart. Sari giggled again and fist bumped the little bots servo.

Bulkhead looked at Raf then at Boss bot. He put a servo up to the side of his face plate so that boy wouldn't hear. He didn't want him to worry.

"What are we going to do if it doesn't work?" He whispered. Boss bot looked at him for a moment then guided him to a different part of the room. He looked back at the boy and hoped they were out of ear shot.

"Honestly, I'm not sure." He looked over his shoulder plate again. "But I feel the best course of action will be to move on and take Megatron down." He muttered. Bulkhead looked to the medical room and sighed in frustration.

"That might be hard with depressed bots." He mumbled.


A few minutes later...

Rachet felt himself come back online. His audio receptors were activated and he heard a spark monitor. He quickly realized it was his. What had happened?

He remembered a blinding flash, meeting their counterparts, fighting the cons, and Megatron standing over him. He winced as he suddenly remembered the pain from the Decepticon leaders digits ripping into his chest plate. He heard the beeping of the monitor quicken as he remembered the warlord had ripped his spark out. The con had killed him. The medic winced again and felt a servo rest on his shoulder plate. Rachets optics opened and he waited for them to adjust. He stared at the ceiling and furrowed his optic ridges.

"Welcome back Old Friend." He knew that voice. Rachet looked towards the sound and his optics widened. The red and blue Autobot leader smiled slightly. His leader.

"Optimus?" The medic asked in disbelief. He tried to sit up but fell back against the berth.

"Take it easy Kid." Doc bot grumbled as he watched nearby. "You just had some involuntary spark surgery." He mumbled.

Optimus grasped Rachets arm and helped him stand. The medic swayed a little and the Prime steadied him. The medic looked around and furrowed his optic ridges. He looked at his counterpart then back at the Prime.

"H-how? W-what?" He stuttered as the Autobot leader smiled slightly. He heard some ped steps running to the door. He looked up and saw the others walk in, more of slide to a stop at the door. His optics widened in surprise.

Arcee smiled and Bumblebee grinned as he chirped the older bots name happily. The scout ran forward and hugged Rachet tightly. The medics optics widened in surprise again as his arms were pinned to his side. He looked up at Optimus in confusion who just smiled again. Raf ran and hugged the medics ped the best he could. Rachet felt the young scout shake a little as he hugged him tighter. The medic looked down at the smaller bot and raised his optic ridges.

"Bumblebee..... are you..... crying?" The medic asked unsure if he should snap at him or be gentle. The scout silently shook his helm as he held on to the medic. Arcee smiled sadly knowing what the young bot had been through.

"He was worried about you." The femme said softly. Then she looked at the ground for a moment. "We both were......" Rachet looked at her with a blank expression then at the scout, who was still shaking. After a few minutes he looked back up at Optimus. The leader smiled again and set a servo on his shoulder.

"Whether you know it or not Old Friend, your team cares about you." The Prime said. Rachet smiled ever so slightly and looked at his team.

Bumblebee let go and took a step back. He quickly wiped a tear away, feeling slightly embarrassed. The medic set a servo on his shoulder plate and smiled a little. He then bent down and looked at the small boy hugging his ped. Raf looked up at him and smiled as tears ran down his face. Rachet let him hug one of his digits and the boy sniffed.

"I missed you Rachet." He said as he looked up at him. The bot smiled a little and stood back up.

He watched the boy run over to his guardian and he stumbled back as someone else hugged him. He looked down and was surprised to see Arcee. A tear fell from her optic and she squeezed him a little before quickly letting go. Optimus set a servo on Rachets shoulder plate and smiled at his team. It was good to have them back.

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