2/ To be together

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As we continued our way with no destination, Jellal suddenly stopped and looked up to the sky a little shaken up. "Anima!"

 He then calms down a bit and turns to Wendy that is tugging on his shirt. "Jellal... Are you okay?" She says worried.

I look at the sky and see clouds gathered up in a small distance, I can feel an enormous amount of energy coming from it too. Jellal kneels down to her level and puts his hand on her head.

"Yeah, everythings fine. I just gotta go for a sec. Do you think you can watch Kitsune for me?" He gives her a warm smile. 

She then lifts her fist into the air. "You can count on me!" She says in excitement. Jellal then gets up and faces me. 

"Do you think it's an Anima?" I whispered to him worried. "I know so, stay here and watch over her." He then starts to walk but I grab his arm, he then looks at me with a concerned face. 

"I'm going too." I say with a straight face. "No, you're not. I have to leave Kitsune, let go of me." He said with now a straight face. 

"I said I'm not letting you go alone, it's like you said. The Anima takes to much magic energy from you. You could collapse and we wouldn't know where you are!"


"It seems that every time I close an Anima, I lose a huge amount of magic from it and I could possibly collapse from it ."

"In that case I will never leave your side!"  I say with a huge smile.

"That could get annoying" He looked the other way, but I knew he was smiling.


~End of Flashback~

"Okay then..." Jellal then walks over to Wendy and puts his hand on her head. 

"Hey Wendy, do you know what's 10+15?" Wendy looked at him confussed and then looked down to her fingers. "Well that would be... Twenty f-" Wendy got cut off. 

"Sleep magic" Jellal said, and Wendy fell right to sleep, Jellal catching her and bringing her to me. 

"Was that necessary? She wouldn't reveal your secret" I say while he hands her to me. 

"I only told you this because you're the only one I can trust in this world. Now c'mon hurry." 

He said walking faster towards the Anima. I blush at his words and look at Wendy at her sleeping face. "Sorry bout that Wendy... He really cares for us a lot huh?" I then follow Jellal.

~After closing the Anima~

"Are you feeling any better?" I say giving him water. "Yeah... I'm just glad... You guys are okay..." He says between breaths. He then looks at sleeping Wendy and smiles, but quickly turns it into a frown. 

"This is too dangerous for her... She can barley use her Sky Dragon Magic to protect herself..." He says while looking at her. 

"Well... That's why we're here. To watch over her." I say while I sit down on the ground next to him. 

"For now Kitsune... But we're not going to be with her forever, you know? She's going to grow up and live her own life." He says clutching his fists into the ground. 

"What are you trying to say, Jellal? That I'm gonna have to live my life too one day, huh? With who?! My father is gone, so is my brother and I have no one else! Just you and Wendy..." I say holding back my tears. 

Jellal looks at me with a sympathetic look. "Kitsune look at me" He says grabbing my shoulders, I turned to him slowly holding the tears. "Kitsune, I won't leave your side, never. I promised that on day one! It's just Wendy... She-She isn't safe here! Even with us at her side. Do you understand? So I've decided... To leave her at a guilds care, she will get stronger, and meet great people."

I thought about it for a second and looked at her. Jellal is right, we can't protect her forever, plus with this Anima situation can really put her into more danger. It hurts me to say it but... We have to leave her... "You're right Jellal... But... S-She's like the sister I never had... A-And I just... Can't-" 

Jellal then hugs me tightly and looks at me in the eyes. "We're doing the right thing..." 

"I hope so..." I say looking down. 

"There's a guild not so far away from here. We should take her there, they're nice people." He says getting up and picks up Wendy. We cherished every moment we had to look at her for the last time, until leaving her at the guild...

~Wendy's POV~

I started to open my eyes slowly and focused my eyes on a old man. 

"H-Hi... Who are you? And where's Jellal and Kitsune?" The old man walked over towards me and gave her a letter. 

"Hello there young lady, welcome to Cait Shelter, my guild!" He said with a big smile. I looked around and I was in a little tent-like house. 

"This is a guild?! Woow! Where's Jellal and Kitsune?" I asked exited!  

"Want me to read you the letter they gave you?" I shook my head. "It's okay! I can read!" I quickly opened the letter and started to read it, I took my time reading it...

Dear Wendy,

We are truly sorry, but we thought it would be best if we parted ways... For now at least. It will get really dangerous and we wouldn't want anything bad happening to you. This isn't a goodbye. We hope to see you in a near future. You will get stronger and have lots and lots of friends! We hope you can forgive us, we're doing this for you and your future. We love you so so so much Wendy. Take care...

Jellal & Kitsune

~Jellal's POV~

We were walking. Ever since we left Wendy at that guild, Kitsune hasn't said a single word to me, she was completely blank. I understand her, she had to leave her own friend behind... After everything we've been through. 

"We did the right thing, you know that right?" I say looking at her. 

"Yeah..." She says in a blank state. 

"It's okay if you wanna cry, I won't judge" I say to her , then she stops walking, looking at the ground. 

"Kitsune?" She then looks at me with tears rolling down her cheeks and she hugs me tightly, making us fall to the ground. 

It started to rain. 

"I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MORE PEOPLE!" She started to shout and cry. I hugged her as she sobbed into my shoulder. "Kitsune please don't cry anymore... You will never be alone... I promise." She then looks up at me. "Promise?"

"I promise"

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now