13/ To be on our first job

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This song is best played when you see this: '~(ω◕✿) ' in this chapter.

After 2 days of walking and camping, we finally arrive to our destination, Crocus. We find our clients address to see what seemed a noble men's mansion. 'More like a castle if you ask me'.

"So, this is it then?" I ask him, standing right beside me.

He looks down to the job paper and looks up to the address. "Seems like it, let's go." he said grabbing my hand, as we walk up the steps to the entrance. 

Mystogan knocks on the big wooden door, short after, the door opens slightly, revealing a young woman in a maids uniform.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asks shyly.

"We're here for the job your boss requested? We're from Fairy Tail." I say in a kind tone.

"Oh yes, please enter! The master will see you shortly" she opens the big wooden door all the way, letting us in.

Inside the mansion seemed much more fancier then outside. It was filled with crystal chandeliers hanging all around, gold and silver furniture filled every inch of the room and the floor was so shinny that I could see my reflection in it.

"Please, follow me" she then says leading the way to another room up stairs.

"So, are you two a couple?" The maid asks bluntly while guiding us. 

My cheeks turn into a bright pink, as I look at Mystogan. Just by looking at him i can tell he's blushing too under that mask.

"Um... Well..." He had trouble finding the words. The maid then giggles.

"Forgive me, that was blunt of me. It's just you both look cute together! Anyways, here we are" she says opening a stained glass door.

"Master, the Fairy Tail wizards are here." she says bowing to her master then leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

"Good, good! Please take a seat!" A rather short man walks over to us from his desk, greeting us.

"Hello, sir. I am Mystogan, and this is my partner, Kitsune." Mystogan informs him formerly.

'Someone is acting like a prince...'

"Well then, let's get to business, shall we? Tonight I will be hosting a masquerade ball, honoring my lovely daughters 19th birthday. I do this yearly, but somehow thieves crash the ball and steal my precious daughters rings. I give her a ring for her birthday every year, but they manage to steal it"

'Looks like someone is daddy's little spoiled girl'

"I see, so you want us to attend the ball and capture these criminals?" Mystogan asks politely.

"Indeed, that is correct"

"Um, I have a question. How exactly will we know who these thieves are?" I ask raising my hand.

Mystogan then elbows me, whispering: "This isn't a classroom, dummy. Just be polite." I give him a hatred glare and continue.

"I was hoping that you would have something up your sleeves for this matter" he then pulls out a piece of cloth out of his pocket form his jacket. 

"My men had teared a piece of cloth from one of those bandits clothes."

'I see where this is going... '

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now