25/ Meant to be king?

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~Mystogan POV~

"King? Are you alright?" Nightwalker wakes me up from my daze as I was staring out the window looking at the evening sky.

"Yes. I'm sorry about that. You were saying...?" I position myself straightly and give her a serious look.

"As I was saying your Majesty... Since the lacrima incident form 3 years ago we were able to rebuild the whole kingdom again. We even added a few more buildings."

"Very well Nightwalker, excellent work. I know it has been hard for all of you since our world is now magic free but we now must learn how to live with it." I sigh and lean back at my chair, looking at the ceiling.

There was a long pause until she decided to speak up. 

"You haven't been yourself lately, King Jellal. May I ask why?" Her formal way of talking to me never fails to impress me even if we have known each other for several years.

With a deep sigh I shift from my chair and walk towards the window. 

"Everything is fine, no need to worry about me."

"Are you sure about that? Because those bags under your eyes says otherwise" She walks closer and touches my shoulder. I instinctively moved away from her and froze in my spot. She just looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you... I'll be going now, I have much to do." She turns on her heel and walks out without saying another word.

A face palm myself and hold my head back, stressed from everything. I walk back to my chair and leaned back laying my head back closing my eyes.

'It's already been 14 years... since that day...'

~Flashback~ 14 YEARS AGO

  "Is it you Natsu?!" she said running towards me but stopped when she took a good look at me. "You're not Natsu..." I looked at her with a strange face.

"Sorry, are you okay?" I asked getting closer. She just dropped to the ground and started to cry. "Where are you Natsu?!"

I quickly ran by her side and hugged her tightly, patting my head. 

"Are you alone?" I asked.

She nodded while in tears. I smiled at her. 

"I'm lost too, you can stay with me until we find... Um..."

"M-My big b-brother Natsu..." She said while I got up. I grabbed my backpack and placed it on her back. I signaled her to get on my back and she did without hesitation.

She rapped her arms around my neck and I started to walk. 

"K-Kitsune..." She whispered into my ear.

"What? Kitsune? Is that your name?"


I smiled.

"That's a pretty name, my name is Jellal."


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Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now