23/ Meant for this life

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"Ugh! Where is that idiot!?" Lucy asks herself furiously, stomping her foot firmly onto the floor.

"Don't worry Lu! Natsu will be here any minute" Kitsune giggles nervously.

You are gathered in the main hall at the guild with the rest of the guild, waiting for the masters announcement. He will be announcing the top mages of Fairy Tail to participate for the title of S-Class! But it seems like salamander is late, once again... Also, someone else...

The guild door bursts open, with Natsu panting at the entrance holding something on his back.

Lucy and Kitsune give each other a strange look and back at Natsu, where he walks towards us tired as ever.

"Where were you!? Master is about to speak!" Kitsune says looking at him from top to bottom.

"Yeah! Wait a minute..." Natsu cuts her off by handing Kitsune a blanket he carried on his back, only... It wasn't just a blanket...

"There you are Mae!" She snuggles into the new born baby's face as she started to giggle.

About 10 months passed since Kitsune found out about her pregnancy. Now she has been blessed with a baby girl named Mae. 

Mae is a living image of her biological father, Mystogan. She has blue blueberry hair and beautiful green eyes.

Kitsune was a bit shocked when she saw her for the first time, but she soon took a liking to her once she realized the resemblance.

"NATSU ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Lucy slaps Natsu on the back of his head.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" He rubs the back of his head while looking at her nervously.

"YOU IDIOT! You can't go running like that with a 1 month old baby on your back! Some uncle you are!" She continued to nag on him.

"Oh come on! I'm a great uncle! I wouldn't let anything happen to little Mae~ Isn't that right Kit-..." He turned to where Kistune was but she was no where to be found.

"-sune... Where did she go?" He scratched the back of his head in confusion while looking around the crowded room.

He looked at Lucy that was also shocked, she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't worry, she'll appear sooner or later."

"Yeah... I really wanted to be with Mae a little while longer though..."

~Kitsune's Pov~

'Phew, they didn't notice that I left...'

I take a glance at little Mae that's sleeping in my arms. Her tiny fingers curled around my finger... 'She's just like Natsu... She doesn't seem to mind the noises around her. I do have to admit, that she's so darn cute...'

I look around the guild and spot Erza, Grey and Juvia at a table, waiting for the old man to give his announcement. A smile forms from the corner of my mouth as I walk towards them.

"Hey guys, watcha up to?" I say sitting next to Grey, facing Erza and Juvia.

"Love rival~" Juvia starts to spread a dark aura around us.

"OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I just sat next to him..."

Erza suddenly lights up as she sees Mae sleeping in my arms. "MAE!" She shouts in joy, waking her up from her nap. She soon starts to cry.

"OH- OH NO! I'm so sorry, Kitsune!" She starts panicking.

"D-Don't worry about it... You wanna hold her?" I ask her while smiling warmly.

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now