8/ To be captured

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~Kitsune's POV~

"Wh-Whats this feeling? Am I... Alive?"  I think to myself, laying down on a hard like surface trying to open my eyes. 

I slowly open them but cover them with my arm, blind by a bright light coming from the ground. 

I focus my sight from where the light was coming from and see a little orb of light beside me. Reaching my arm out I grab it and it stops glowing. My reaction, was confusing. 

I acted like nothing was wrong but in reality, I was scared, shocked and confused. 

"Where am I... And how am I alive?" I ask myself inspecting the little orb that was in a chain necklace and my surroundings. It was dark, I was is the middle of the forest, I look up and see the moonlight shining on the cliff of where I used to go... How did I get here?  Where is everyone? What happened after the attack...? A thousand of questions were going threw my head. I look carefully at the necklace. "Did this thing bring me back? How is that even possible??"  Looking  passed the necklace I notice that I was bare foot, and was wearing a white dress. "Okay, NOW I'm confused..."

I didn't know what surprised me more, the thought that this thing brought me back to life wearing a new dress or that I'm not at the least bit surprised, I guess I'm just... Shocked, that reality hasn't hit me yet. Shoving the necklace in my pocket I get up with the help of my other hand. It took my a while to get used to walking again, but after a while a got the hang of it again and made my way back to Magnolia.

"I hope Natsu isn't upset with me... ¿How long has it been since... That day?"

Finally the sun was rising and I was getting closer to Magnolia. 

When finally in my beloved city I felt peoples eyes all over me, whispering to each other, but I just shook it off.

'Maybe I should change...?'  My face grew red noticing what I was wearing and walking barefoot. But... I don't have any clothes on me... I mean I could go home but I was hoping to go and see Natsu and the guild first and with a bit of luck, Mystogan. It probably has been a while since I disappeared, my chest got heavier, got taller, my hair is incredibly long and my voice feels a bit deeper...

While lost in thought I realize that I'ved been walking and didn't know where I was. "This doesn't seen right... All the people suddenly disappeared. Where the heck did I wonder off to?" I said to myself while pacing back and forth. Suddenly, I feel a strange presence close. I start to look around me but see no one, until...


I last heard a deep voice from behind me, then everything went black...

~Natsu's POV~

Phantom... He will pay for what he's done to our guild... I won't let anyone hurt our guild members ever again, I promise you...

"NATSU!" A female voice calls out for me. "Oh, Erza" I look back at her. "We're leaving to Oak Town right now to fight Phantom! Come on!" She says all serious. "Get going, I'll catch up with all of you" And with that she nodded and walked away, then my site turned back to the tomb stone.

Yes, I was visiting my dead sister... Like I do once and a while. "Kitsune, I gotta go. I promise to avenge Levy, Jet and Droy... Just you watch." I said while getting up and forming my hand into a fist.

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now