16/ To be in Edolas

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Previously on Meant To Be, Mystogan and Kitsune arrived to Magnolia, to see that it had vanished. On the way they found Lucy wondering around the deserted town. Mystogan decided to take Kitsune and Lucy along to save their beloved town and guild.

A bright light blinded all of us when Mystogan had lifted his staff in the air. 

Suddenly the light had slightly vanished and I slowly open my eyes to see an entire different city upon us. I look at our surroundings. 

The sky was a bright green, the trees in the distance were various colors but mostly purple and lots of moons in the sky, also a few floating islands.

The sky was a bright green, the trees in the distance were various colors but mostly purple and lots of moons in the sky, also a few floating islands

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I was surprised to see such a beautiful and different world.

"Wow... Is this Edolas?" I turn towards Mystogan that is looking towards his beloved city. 

It seemed that he was deep in his thoughts. I looked towards Lucy that is also surprised to see this new world. She looks towards Mystogan, that hadn't answered me.

"Um... Mystogan?" She walked towards him and tapped his shoulder, breaking him out of his daze.

"Yeah?" He looked towards us with sadness.

'I can tell he was sad seeing his home for the first time in years...'

"Are you ok?" I asked him with a concerned face.

"Of course. Just... A lot of memories..." He looks down.

"If you guys don't mind, I really want some answers... Because i'm kinda confused." Lucy stands in front of me, waving.

"We don't have much time. I most go." He then reaches back to his back to get his staff.

"Wait! Where are you going!?" I reach towards his hand that was holding the staff.

"I have some business to take care of. Alone. You two go find the others. I'm sure that Natsu and Gajeel weren't affected by the Anima." Before letting go of his arm, he kisses my forehead and leans towards my ear. 

"Just be careful and don't be reckless."

He lifts his staff and vanishes.

"Mystogan... Be careful..." I whisper to myself and turn to Lucy.

"What.Was.THAT!?" She quickly comes towards me placing her hands on my shoulders and looking deep into my soul.

"W-what was what?" I ask nervously.


I sigh in defeat. "Okay, okay... I'll tell you everything... First of all, his name is Mystogan, and as you see, he is the Jellal of this world." She looks at me with a puzzled face.

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now