12/ To be long gone

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A day has passed since Fairy Tail defeated Laxus. Laxus was removed from the guild by his grandfather, Master Makarov.

Once I returned to the guild, Erza and Natsu asked me thousands of questions about where Mystogan had taken me and if he was actually Jellal. I just told them that he teleported me to a safe place and left. They believed me...

I hate to lie to them, specially Natsu, but I promised Mystogan to keep his secret, and that's what I'll do.

Today is the day that Mystogan leaves once again to his mission on closing the Animas, so I have to meet up with him back at the cliff where it all started... I was at the guild preparing myself to say goodbye to him, but- I thought of something... I really don't want to say goodbye yet... We just found each other and now, he's leaving once again.

'What if... What if I went with him... Just for a while. It won't hurt anyone...' I thought to myself.

"Why the long face Kitsune?" I quickly look up from were I was sitting and there was Natsu, with a concerned face. "Oh! Nothing, it's just..."

'I really want to tell him the truth, but... I can't tell him who Mystogan really is... What do I do?? I guess I have to stay, here, with everyone.'

"Don't worry, Natsu. Everything is oke-"

Suddenly the guild doors open, everyone looks back to see a tall figure at the entrance.


Everyone at the guild gasp, seeing Mystogan come in without using his sleep spell on everyone. There is silence, we could only hear Mystogan's steps, echoing around the room heading towards the S-Class job board. I look at him with a puzzled face, giving him a 'What the hell??' look.

He just looks away and continues walking. "What the hell? He doesn't use his sleep spell on us and he says nothing?!" Natsu whispers to me a bit frustrated. 

"Shhh, let's see what happens" I say with my finger over my lips.

He grabs a job from the S-Class board from upstairs and comes down, walking towards Master.

They talk in a low voice for a while, with everyone staring. Master then looks over at me, my eyes widen. 

"Kitsune, would you come here for a moment?" My cheeks flustered as I see Mystogan look over to me. I get up from my seat a walk towards them.

Once in front of the Master, and next to Mystogan, I act like I don't know him and completely ignore him. 

"Yes Master?" I say nervously.

"This might be a strange request to ask from you but, would you accompany Mystogan on a S-Class mission that requires your magic?" My eyes widen, then I look at Mystogan, that seems completely calm. 

"Umm... Well- I- Uh..." I couldn't manage to find words.

"Mystogan has clearly proven himself to be a responsible mage in this guild, also a very strong one. I trust him to look after you on this job."

I have no words to express what i'm feeling right now. This is exactly what I wanted! This boy...

I gave him a big smile from ear to ear. 

"Yeah! Of course I will!" I shout, so loud that the whole guild heard me. 

"Ops, I mean... Yeah, sure, whatever". The Master chuckles at my response. 

"Then it's settled. I trust that you two will get this job done. And as for you Mystogan, to protect her, remember she is not an S-Class."

I look at Mystogan and he nods, without saying a single word, he turns around and walks towards the exit. "Oh, wait for me outside, please. I have to take care of something." I say in a sweet voice. 

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now