3/ To be Mystogan

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~Kitsune's POV/9 months later~

It's been over a year since I left home, and I still couldn't find Natsu nor Igneel... 1 year and 9 months to be exact. Jellal and I have become really great friends! He even changed a lot since I met him, he's more open and has a little sense of humor, just a little. He's also kinda a airhead at times.

These past months I've even been training super hard so a can surpass my brother one day. I just know he's out there somewhere, worried... Anyways! Today Jellal and I are finally going into a city! And not just any city, Magnolia. Magnolia is the home of the top guild of Fiore, Fairy Tail.

I was super exited to go, I've never been in a city before! I've seen them from a distance, but never from up close. Once we were arriving, Jellal and I stopped at a small cliff with a beautiful cherry tree on it, the view was INCREDIBLE, we could see all Magnolia from there! While Jellal was preparing his disguise I was amazed by Magnolia's energy, I could even hear the people from all the way up here!

"Wow... This is amazing!" I said to myself. I looked behind me as almost died of a heart attack. Jellal was wearing his normal clothes and a sack over his head with two eye holes. I just stared at him. "Are you ready to go Kitsune?" I then snapped. "THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M GOING WITH YOU LIKE THAT!" I shouted at him, he then took the sack off of his head. "Well what do you think I should put on?" He rolled his eyes. I stood there thinking for a moment then reached to my backpack and grabbed my green scarf and his blue one. "Okay come here" I say with with excitement. "O-Okay..." He then came closer and I started my work. I put the blue scarf over his head and the green one over his face, leaving space for his eyes. "That's better, don't you think?" I say backing away and resting my hands on me hips. "Well I can't see what you did... But it's better then a sack over my head" He chuckled. "Oh wait, one more thing" I reached down my backpack and took out a headband, with a rectangular metal plate on the middle. I rapped it around his head and looked at my masterpiece. "Wow, you look... Mysterious" I giggled. I couldn't see his facial expression, but I can tell he was smiling.

We started to make our way to the city. "I've been thinking... Since I'm in a disguise, I'll need a new name, right?" He looked at me. "A new name huh?" I put my hands over my head and looked up, trying to think of a name... "I was thinking of Mystery or Myst or something... Since I look mysterious..." He said, then it hit me! 


"Whaat? Why Mystogan?" He asked. "Why? Don't you like it?" I put on a sad face. "N-No it's not that, I just don't get it." He said. "Well it's pretty simple, so the first word is 'Myst-' also known as fog. The fog gives creepy and mysterious effects to any place it passes. Just like you!" He was silent for a moment. "Mystogan... I sorta like it. Not just because of the meaning, because you gave me this name" I couldn't make out his facial expression when he said that, but I was surely blushing at his words...

When we made it into the city, I acted like the kid a am, running around the place holding on to Jell- I mean 'Mystogan's ' hand. "Kitsune calm down, you're making a scene"  I didn't care, I couldn't get over all the new things I've never seen, or the new smells. "The city is incredible! I want to be here forever!" Mystogan looked at me, I felt like he gave me a sweet smile... It warmed my heart. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Kitsune" He said to me. I then gave him a huge hug, everyone watching, but I didn't care. "Thank you so much Mystogan..." I whispered into his ear. I felt him shiver  when my hot breath reached his ear. I laughed.

The day went on and the sun was going down, Mystogan and I were at the center of some park with a tree in the middle, sitting under it. "I had fun today..."  I said resting my head on his shoulder. "Me too, we should do this more often" He said. "Yeah, I just wish I can see your face" I giggled. "Tell me about it, I feel like my face is drowning in here" We started to laugh, until we heard footsteps running around the park, and heard shouting. "Hey! What's gotten into you?!" I heard a boy our age say. We looked around and saw two boys. "I KNOW I SMELLED HER SOMEWHERE!" The other boy screamed.

"What? Smell? Wait, Kitsune... Is it possible that he's a... Dragon Slayer..." Mistogan said looking at me then. Tears started to form in my eyes. I couldn't believe it... "N-Natsu...?" 

"KITSUNE!" He kept yelling. I tried to speak but the words didn't come out, I just stood up and didn't move... I wanted to call for him but I didn't believe it. "YOUR SISTER IS DEAD NATSU!" The other boy said. "SHUT THE HELL UP! SHE'S NOT! I KNOW IT! I KNOW THIS SCENT!" There was no mistake, that boy with pink hair... Is Natsu, my brother. His scent, his voice... I started to run to him and finally, the words came out. "N-NATSU!" I ran towards him almost falling. He turns to me and imminently  starts running towards me. "KITSUNE!"

When he was near me, I jumped into his arms, making him fall back. He hugged me so tightly that I couldn't even breathe, but I didn't mind, I finally found my brother... I started crying into his chest... "W-why d-did you l-leave me?!" I say between sobs. "I'm so sorry Kitsune, I'm really sorry... I promise to never leave your side ever again please forgive me..." He whispers to me... I missed him so much... so so much...


Natsu and I were walking to his guild, me clinging onto his arm while we walked. The boy that was with Natsu left without saying a word. So Natsu wanted me to meet his 'family'. Back at the park where I found Natsu, when I turned to the tree where we were sitting, he wasn't there anymore... At first I got really scared and worried that he abandoned me... But I know him and he wouldn't do that... Maybe he wanted me to be with my brother for a while... I know he'll come back, I just do.

Back with Natsu, on our way to Fairy Tail, he told me what had happened the day he left me back home when he went to search for Igneel.


"I'm so sorry Kitsune... You probably thought that I abandoned you or something, but it wasn't like that!  You see... When I went to look for Igneel I was searching for him for a week, then I wanted to go and get you so we can look further around the kingdom... But then I sorta got lost, and spent a long time looking for the way back... Long story short, I came to Magnolia and met INCREDIBLE PEOPLE! But I never stopped looking for you... Kitsune..."

~End Of Flashback~

He never asked about Mystogan, I guess he didn't even notice him back there... "Kitsune we're here!" Natsu woke me up from my daze. I look up at the building and just stare. "Wow, so this is Fairy Tail..." I saw complete amazed. Natsu turns to me. "Kitsune, I want you to join the guild with me! So we can be together again and have crazy adventures together!" I smiled and started to jump in excitement. "YESYESYES! That would be so cool!" He then smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me and opening the door with the other one. 

Once inside, a chair came flying towards me, and I quickly reacted, punching it with a fiery fist. The chair turned into ash... 'Ups...' I quickly bow in front of the whole guild. "I'm so sorry for burning the chair!" Everyone was silent, I looked up and everyone stared at me. I look over to Natsu that is now laughing. "Wh-What is it?!" I say super embarrassed. Then the boy from earlier with the raven colored hair came out from the crowd. "That's her. squinty eyes' little sister."

The once silent room then turned into a room filled with cheers. You could hear all sort of things the wizards were saying.

"So this is Natsu's sister?! Wow, wasn't expecting her to be so cute!"

"She's also strong! Did you see how she turned the chair into ash?!"

"I hope she become's a beautiful woman one day"

"She's like a tiny Natsu!"

I looked down to my feet and started to blush SO hard. "Don't be shy Kitsune! They're really nice people! Except for the droopy eyed guy over there." I just laughed and watch my big brother take on the raven haired boy, while a redhead started to break them apart. There were lots of kids my age, older or younger. I could already tell that me life was going to change, and I would have a even greater family...

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now