17/ To be the P!3&%-

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Previously on Meant To Be

"I'm gonna find the Edo-Kitsune and make her change her mind!"

"Don't be stupid, if you get near her she'll kill you." Edo-Lucy grabs my by the collar of my shirt.

"She can't, I have something she doesn't. Magic" I smirk.

"There's no use in talking her out of it. She's as stubborn as me" Natsu says beside me resting his arm over my shoulder.

"Oish! Let's get back to the city and rest there!" Natsu starts to make his way towards the city.

"Aye sir!" Happy follows.

"Well, we better get going. Once their mind is made up, there's no stopping them." Lucy grabs Edo-Lucy's hand and starts to follow.

I smile and walk up towards Natsu. Making our way towards the city.

Mysotgan, I hope you're doing okay...

~Kitsune's POV~

We arrive back to the city of Louen, where we will be resting for the night. Edo-Lucy indicates us to aN inn and we register into a room for the seven of us (Natsu, Wendy, the Lucy's, Carla, Happy and me).

 Edo-Lucy indicates us to aN inn and we register into a room for the seven of us (Natsu, Wendy, the Lucy's, Carla, Happy and me)

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"Don't push yourself, okay?" Lucy says while laying me down on the bed.

"Don't worry, i'm feeling better already" I say sitting up, giving her a smile.

"Don't give me that bull crap, Kitsune. I'm going out and getting you some medicine." Natsu walks towards the door but Edo-Lucy stops him.

"Don't! There are guards outside. If you get caught we're done for."

"I don't give a damn! My sister is sick!" He says leaving the room. Happy behind him.

"Damn it! I'm going to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, you guys wait here." With that, Edo-Lucy leaves too, leaving me, Lucy, Carla and Wendy.

"Are you okay, Kitsune?" Wendy asks while she sits beside me.

"Yeah, it's just i've been feeling so weird lately..."

"I'm sorry I can't do anything about it..." She looks away from me with sadness in her eyes.

"Don't be silly Wendy, it's nothing. Back when I was with Mystogan this used to happen all the time." I pat her head as I used to do and give her a warm smile.

I then look at Lucy who stands beside me in silence, with a puzzled face.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Carla asked her with a concerned face.

"Nothing... Just one question." She then turns to me.

"Sure." I nod.

"When did you start feeling sick?"

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now