6/ To be missed

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~Year X782~

Kitsune Dragneel. 15 years old, younger sister of Natsu Dragneel and... A girl with a broken heart.

That's right, the boy that I had grown to love had broken my heart. How? Well, ever since he went on that S-Class mission 2 years ago, he never came back... He could be hurt or even lost, maybe even dead, and I couldn't do anything. I didn't even bother to look for him because of my brother, because I swore to him that I would never leave his side again, no matter how much I loved Mystogan... And it hurts me everyday.

A lot has happened these last 2 years. Lisanna and Elfman go on S-Class missions with Mira now! Erza is also a S-Class wizard but she usually goes solo. OH! And I forgot to mention that Natsu and I have a new addition to our family! Happy! He's a little blue cat that can fly. We found him when he was just a little egg with Lisanna in the woods. I kinda think Lisanna like my brother... She even says that one day they're going to get married but I don't think Natsu is interested that much... Anyways yeah! That's the guild today.


"Y-Yeah?!" I suddenly wake up from my daze, I look up from where I was sitting and see Natsu. 

"You seem out of it lately, are you okay?" He sits next to me with a worried face, and he's right. I've been pretty out of it since I haven't heard from Mystogan... 

"Y-Yes, of course! Sorry I was just lost in thought." Natsu then lightens up and puts his arm over my shoulder. 

We were sitting under the tree in the middle of the park where we found each other, it was dawn.

"What do you say if we go on a job tomorrow? I saw this job the requires or fire magic, it pays-" Natsu was cut off by a girl with white short hair coming our way. 

"Hey guys!" She said running towards us. 

"Hey Lisanna, where are you going?" I ask her glaring at he bag. 

"Oh, Elfman and I are going on a mission with Mira to-" 

"Awesome! Can we come along?!" Natsu says getting up all fired up, I chuckle and do the same.

"No way guys" Says Mira that suddenly shows up. 

"This job is way too dangerous that only my brothers are prepared for" Mira says putting on a smirk on her face. 

"Mira that's not fair! Lisanna and Elfman aren't even S-Class!" I say right at her face. 

"True, but they're more experienced, and with that this conversation is over. C'mon guys!" She says passing right by me with Elfman by her side. 

Lisanna then walks up to Natsu and hugs him. 

"Sorry Natsu, Kitsune, maybe next time" She says finally hugging me and leaves, waving while looking back at us, we wave back. 

"Bye-bye!" She shouts. "Bye-bye Lisanna!" 

"Stay safe" We shout back at her.

~2 days later~

It was dawn, and everyone was at the guild. Mira, Elfman and Lisanna haven't come yet since 2 days ago and we all started to worry. 

"So what kind of job did they go on?" Asked Loke that was sitting next to me at a table. 

"Mira said something about this huge monster that was heading towards a village..." Says Macao sitting at the table beside ours. 

"I heard it was a demon of some sort" Says Wakaba. 

"What would you know" He says back. 

"Great, there they go again" I say in a sigh, Loke suddenly grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. 

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now