10/ To be reunited

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Quick Warning

The moment you start reading you will awaken from Evergreen's spell. So if you watched Fairy Tail you know what happened while you were in the spell. Enjoy!

~Kitsune's POV~

What's that smell...? It's so familiar... Argh... I can't move! This must be Evergreen's statue spell. 

Why the hell would she do that!? Wait, if she's here that means... Laxus is here too. The Thunder God Tribe is in Magnolia again... Probably causing trouble. I gotta get out of here!! C'mon magic crystal thingy... Help me out! *crack*

I need to- *crack* break this spell! *CRACK*

I slowly open my eyes and focus on the figure in front of me. "Levy?"

"Kitsune! How did you do break the spell?" She asks while helping me up.

"Levy, what happened!? Where is everyone!? *sniff sniff*" That scent... I know it! But I just can't figure it out...

"Laxus took over Magnolia and told all of the Fairy Tail mages to fight against each other, to find out who is the strongest Mage, and the winner will fight him himself. Master Makarov wanted to participate to beat Laxus, but he was trapped by Freed's Justsu Shiki, which doesn't allow Mages who are eighty years or older to participate."

"I see... So where is Master anyway?"

"Master asked Reedus to escape to Porlyusca's house, she might have a potion to cure Evergreen's  spell for the rest of the girls"

"Then what are we waiting for!? We gotta find Laxus and fast!" I say running towards the exit.

"WAIT KITSUNE!" She called for me. "WHAT!?" I say looking back at her. "Are you... Leaving wearing that...?"

"Huh?" I look down at my clothes and blush. "CRAP! I'M STILL WEARING THE BIKINI FROM THE PAGEANT!"

~A Few Moments Later~

"That was embarrassing... Thanks to Levy I almost went half naked..." I said to myself as i was running across the city.

First, I'll check Magnolia's cathedral, hopefully he'll be there...

Once I got to the entrance of the cathedral I could hear voices from inside.

"I'm acknowledging that only you or I are worthy of being Fairy Tail's strongest wizard" Sounded like Laxus's voice! Who is he with... Should I go in in the middle of the fight?. Then another familiar voice started to talk.

"If that's all you can see, then I wonder who's the fortunate one here" I hear a familiar voice talking to him, but I can't put a finger on it... But that scent... Its the same one from before.

"Lets settle this once and for all, with the title of 'strongest' at stake" Laxus determined .
I really wanna know who he's talking to, but i can't risk having them both against me.

"What was that other name you had? J-" Laxus got cut off by an explosion.
'Okay, NOW i really wanna know whats happening'

I open the huge wooden door slowly and quickly walk in. The cathedral was filled with smoke and couldn't see anything, only Laxus's magic lightening... The moment the smoke was about to lift, the mysterious man cast another spell, that blinded me, making me shout in pain. "ARGH!"

My scream gets Laxus AND the mysterious man's attention.

"Well what do you know, welcome Kitsune, savior of Magnolia" he says sarcastically. The man turns around, and i can not believe my eyes... That mask... "M-Mystogan?"

~Mystogan's POV~
I look back at the girl standing at the entrance. At that very moment my heart dropped and my eyes widen.

I see a tear roll down her cheek, i shake my head in disbelief

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I see a tear roll down her cheek, i shake my head in disbelief. 'No no NO! She's dead! She's been dead for years...'

"M-Mystogan?" I hear a very familiar voice call my name... 'I-it really is her... But how-'

"You should really pay more attention to your opponent, Mystogan." Laxus said from behind, shooting a powerful lightning attack towards Kitsune. "NO!" I quickly jump in front of her, holding her in my arms.

~Kitsune's POV~
Two big strong arms wrapped around me as Laxus threw his lightning attack. 'This scent... Theres no doubt in my mind that this is him...' 

The lightning struck at his head, destroying the mask he had on. I look up and see messy blue hair, emerald green eyes and that tattoo over his left eye.

Our eyes meet and i can feel my heart flutter in my chest, my tears flowing down my cheeks like a waterfall... 

"Kitsune...? Are you- okay?" He says in a doubtful tone. I just tightly hug him, burying my face in his chest. 

"I am now..."

"LAXUS!" Two voices come from behind us. We both look back and see Natsu and Erza at the entrance door looking at us. "Hey! Who's this guy that's hugging my sister!?" Natsu formed his hand into a fist.

"Is that Mystogan?" Erza asked.

'Crap, I can't let them see his face...' 

"Your guard is down!" Laxus again takes an opportunity to strike. 

Mystogan quickly grabs me bridal style and jumps away before the attack can hit us, doing so he reviled his face to everyone there.

"Jellal!" Erza shouts out in disbelief. 

"Jellal, you're... Alive..."

"N-no Erza! That isn't-" I got caught off by Natsu pulling me to him. 

 "Kitsune, are you okay?"

"Y-yes" I look at Mystogan that looked sad and lost, now that his identity was reviled. 

He then looks at me with sorrow and looks back to Erza. 

"I'm sorry Erza, but I'm not the Jellal you know. I must go now, but i believe you can deal with Laxus"

"Wait, where are you going!?" Erza reaches out to him but he disappears right in front of us. 


He then appears next to me grabbing me by the waist with his arm and we disappear.

~Natsu's POV~
"HEY! Where is he taking her!?" I shout out. 

"Don't worry Natsu, she's in good hands with him. That's Mystogan of Fairy Tail, she'll be alright." I looked at Erza that seemed sad. 

That must've hit her pretty hard, seeing Jellal- or someone that looks like him... I really hope Kitsune is okay with this guy, how does she even know this guy anyways?

~Third Persons POV~
So Natsu and Erza were left to fight Laxus, while Kitsune disappeared with Mystogan... Where to?

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