15/ To be too late

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I slowly open my eyes to the sound of the alarm clock, looking at the window I know it's early when there is no light in the room, struggling to get past the grime on my blinds.

I bring my hand down in a semi-drunken stupor onto my alarm clock. Not that I was still drunk from last night, I just have a TERRIBLE hangover. My neurons don't fire too well, so it pretty much has the same effect as half a bottle of whiskey in the morning. 

I rub my eyes and turn to my other side. Once laying on my other side, I feel heavy breathing on my face. I slowly open my eyes to see a beautiful sculpted chest, looking up I see the face I have always loved to see. Mystogan

His beautiful ocean blue hair fell perfectly over his tattoo over his face, and those thin slender lips that I love to kiss so much. I chuckle and move his strain of hair off of his face, brushing my hand gently on his cheek. That sudden movement made him flinch a little, I just smiled at him.

I got out of bed and placed Mystogan's t-shirt over my head and over my naked body, as I headed towards the bathroom to take a nice warm shower.

Moments later I was all cleaned up and decided to get dressed. "Shit!"I say to myself, realizing I was in Mystogans room and not mine where my bag is.

'What now? A can't go naked out there!'

I quickly got out of the bathroom with my hair all wet and in his t-shirt to wake him up.

"Hey, Mystogan it's time to leave..." I say softly shaking him, but no answer. I pouted my lips and decided to turn it up a notch. 

"You asked for it..."

 ~Mystogan's POV~

A nudge to my ribs makes me jerk awake and my eyes widen to see Kitsune's smiling face. When I realized it was just her I slowly relaxed my body and rubbed my aching head.

"Ugh... How long was I out? I really hope it wasn't long."

" *giggling* I had to punch you because you weren't waking up." She pokes my side.

"Well i'm up now" I say in a grouchy voice and grabbed her waist, pulling her onto bed with me.

"H-HEY! You have to get up!" She says trying to struggle her way out of my arms. I let her go.

"Why is your hair wet?" I asked slowly getting up, rubbing my eyes.

"It's called showering, you should try it. You stink like booze" She says crossing her arms over her chest pissed.

"Well that explains the headache..." I say while finally getting up.

"Wait, do you remember anything from last night...? " I looked at her strangely to see her sad expression. I walk towards her and flick her forehead. 

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"She rubbed her forehead while making a pouty face.

"Payback from last night, when you punched my arm and specifically said, and I quote, 'Idiot! You made a scene at the ball! You're gonna give Fairy Tail a bad reputation!' end of quote." I smirked at her.

Her face grew with rage. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DRUNK!" She punched my arm. I just burst into laughter. 

"Oh trust me! I was, but not that drunk" I continue to laugh holding my stomach.

"You- I'm gonna- UGH!" She stomps her foot on the ground in defeat, turning her back on me.

"Oh come on... Why are you mad? After all... you're not the little girl I met year years ago anymore as I found out last night." I said while hugging her from behind.

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now