7/ To lose everything

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~Year X782/ 2 months after Kitsune's death~


'Jeez, I hope she isn't really mad for being gone for so long... But I bet she'll understand." I say while looking down at my hand, where I'm holding Kitsune's present.

Looking back these past 2 years it's kind of stupid that I spent that much time for her gift, but it's so worth it. All that reword money for this little thing...

I look down once more at Kitsune's present and smile to myself, I just know she'll love it! I walk faster so I can quickly get to Magnolia. 

'Wow. It's been 2 hole years without seeing her, I miss her so much, I can't wait to finally hug her again'. 

When I was almost there I could already see Magnolia and stopped at my steps, frozen. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. 'W-what happened to Magnolia?!'

The city was being under construction... Oh no. THE GUILD! KITSUNE!

I quickly ran towards the guild with thousands of thoughts going through my head, thinking: 'what if something happened to her while I wasn't there?'

'If something happened to her I would never forgive myself'

'I would have broken my promise to her... To protect her'

Once at the guild entrance I did not hesitate on just getting in there to see if she was okay, I even didn't use the sleep spell on the guild. 

Once inside I stayed in my tracks, scanning the room with the guild members starring at me.
"He didn't use a sleep spell..."
"HEY! What's with you and those sleep spells?"
"He's so mysterious... It's kinda sexy"
"He still has that mask on..."

I ignored their comments and started to walk towards Master. 

"Mystogan? What brings you here so noticed?" I ignored his question. 

"Master, what happened here? Where's Kitsune?" I directly asked, the whole guild grew silent. 

"W-whats the matter? Why isn't anyone answering me?" I asked nervously, when a sudden touch tapped on my shoulder from behind. 

A pink haired boy with a furious face faced me. "That's none of your damn business where my sister is." he said.

My nervousness grew into anger, taking over my body. I grabbed Natsu and pinned him on the floor, making the wooden boards crack. 

"Don't fucking sass me and tell me where the hell she is!" I yelled at him holding him down. 

Before Natsu got fired up and ready to fight I heard words come out of Masters mouth that I wish I didn't hear. 

"She's dead."

My eyes widen and were in complete blank. 

My mouth dropped. 

My heart stopped.

I loosen my grip and Natsu took that chance to attack. 

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!" I flew directly into the wall across the room, but I did not react, I was still in shock. 

'T-the girl I love is... No...'

"Master, please tell me this is a lie" I say getting out of the wall completely blank walking towards him. 

"You think we would fucking joke about this?!" Natsu says charging at me but was stopped by Erza. 

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" She says angrily. She looks at Master and he nods. 

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now