18/ To be... Here

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Previously on Meant To Be

~Lucy's POV~

I stare at the two brothers as they start to argue, they fight like little kids, it's unbelievable. I turn around and walk into the bathroom. I quickly get rid of the test by wrapping it with toilet paper and throwing it into the garbage.

'Kitsune is going to be a mother soon... She better start acting like one, even if she's still a teenager... I hope Mystogan takes the news well. But i'm worried that's not the case...'

~Kitsune's POV~

It was night, about 1:35 A.M. Everyone was asleep but me. I was sitting out on the window frame looking up to the starry sky and multiple full moons.

'Edolas is such a beautiful world... I would understand why Mystogan would miss it.'

And that's when it hit me. What if... He were to stay here? And never to return with us. The thought of that made my stomach turn, making me noxious. I held my belly protectively with one hand while placing my other hand on the window frame. I started to rub my belly.

'Jeez... What have I gotten myself into? How the hell am I suppose to tell Mystogan that he's gonna be a father!? He has enough problems as it is with the whole Anima thing and his father...' 

Minutes turned to hours and I was still feeling uneasy. I looked back to the others that were sound asleep. We had a long day ahead of us, so it's best that we got some sleep.

'Agh! I'm worried sick... Literally' 

My body was aching, cheeks burning with the flush of fever, I had no clue what was going on with me. 

I laid my head on the window frame and started to slowly close my eyes. A while later I was still awake, feeling uncomfortable, so I slowly opened them. I look down at the street and see a masked man, standing in front of the inn, staring at the door. I cocked a brow and sat myself up to see better.

The man soon looked up and stared at me, startling me, I look back at him. Soon after the man seemed more relaxed and reached towards his mask, taking it off. When he had removed it, he relieved blue messy hair, and an eye tattoo.

'No... Is it really him?'

I look at him with my eyes wide open and I whispered to him. "Mystogan?" He smiled and nodded.

I quickly got out of the window and tippy-toed to the exit, to not wake the others up. 

Once out of the room I closed the door and ran down the stairs, heading outside. I quickly got outside and saw him standing in front of me, with his arms wide open. I smiled and naturally ran towards him, jumping into his arms with joy.

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now