4/ To be back

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~A few months later~

Ever since I joined Fairy Tail my life had changed COMPLETELY. I finally feel like a normal kid living a normal life! I found my brother, I made new friends that I can call my family. 

I couldn't be more grateful for this new life, but there was one thing missing... Well, actually there was someone missing. Mystogan.

When Natsu had asked me where I was, I told him that I had met a friend that took care of me, but that he had to leave to his village again. I couldn't tell him who Mystogan really was. I promised him that I would keep his secret.

Mystogan had been gone for months without any warning, but I don't feel abandoned at all! I know that Jellal will keep his promise and come back, I just hope it's soon... 

The next morning Natsu and I were talking to Macao and Wakaba. They were telling us how their last job went, and all the crazy things they did on that job.

 "Hey Kitsune! Let's go on a job together!" Natsu said exited. 

"You mean RIGHT NOW?!" I said lifting an eyebrow. 

"Don't be reckless Natsu! You are still to young to take jobs" Macao said laughing at the thought.

 "We're not kids anymore ya'know!" He said getting all fired up, standing on the table.

 "Get off the table Flame Brain, you look pathetic already, don't make it worst." Said Gray walking over to him. 

"Oh no, not this again" I whispered to myself. 

"You tryin' to pick a fight with me Ice Princess?" Natsu said jumping off the table and facing Gray.

 Before anyone could do or say anything, they had already started to fight; ice and fire flying through the whole room. When Erza stepped in I was relived, but then... The end was near...

Natsu and Gray had accidentally punched Erza in the face, they just froze. Erza's eyes then turned dark, and so did theirs when Erza was finished with them. Lisanna quickly went to Natsu's side and helped him, while Gray picked himself up. Master Macarov stepped into the room, with a mysterious man with a familiar mask. What? Can it really be him?

Master walked down the stairs with the mysterious man, he had the same mask as Jellal but with a new cloak and a few more staffs on his back. When they were in front of the whole guild Master caught our attention.

"Everyone, this is our new guild member. His name is Mystogan". 

My eyes widen when Master had said his name. He's... Different. This isn't the Mystogan I knew months ago, this guy is much more... taller and... mature... I could already hear the guild talk about him.

"He's weird..."

"He'll fit right in"

"I bet he's strong"

"So sexy..."

If they only knew that he's actually a boy... Once Master had announced our new member, Mystogan just looked at me, I could see his dark green emerald eyes looking through my hazel ones. He then turned to the job bored and grabbed a random job (not S-Class yet), and started to walk to the exit. He walked past me and didn't say a single word to me, I turned around and watch him leave through the exit. I just stood there in shock, I couldn't believe he acted like a complete stranger! After all we've been through!  Lisanna then came to my side with a worried look. "Wow, that guy was scary..." I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah... Really scary."

It was about 5 pm. 7 hours ago Mystogan had left without saying a single word. I was sitting under the tree were I was last with him at the park. I looked up to the sky, thinking about everything we've been through.

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now