9/ To win Miss Fairy Tail

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((The pictures i use in this chapter are not mine, i didn't have time to edit. Kitsune has hazel eyes, not blue. And the collage that i made are the pictures of her on Weekly Sorcerer when she was younger))

~Third Person POV~

On the last chapter Kitsune was then rescued by Natsu who was left alone to fight against the other dragon slayer, Gajeel. Kitsune being taken to the guild by Happy so she can help her fellow guild members fight in the battle. Everyone was exited to see her and when they saw that she was alive, their hope rose and fought til' the very end and defeated Phantom. Kitsune had even gotten her necklace back from Gajeel. Now knowing what the necklace's true power, she will keep it a secret and use it to protect her loved ones.
Now back to the story... Kitsune still awaits for the man she loves... Mystogan.

~Kitsune's POV~
It's been 3 months since the attack of Phantom. It's great to be back in Fairy Tail with my family again, everyone hasn't changed a bit, except for Mira. She used to be such a badass back in the day, but now, she's a whole different person!

This new girl Lucy is really nice too! She had guts to confront her father when she went back home. It's nice to have another girl in the team other than Erza. Speaking of witch... 2 months ago we had an intense battle against Jellal. 

Jellal... He's the Mystogan of this world... I mean the Jellal of this world. Erza seemed pretty in love with him, even though she though she doesn't admit it, I can so see through her. The way she looks at him is the same way I look at him.

It was hard looking at Jellal while trying not to think about Mystogan. When I saw Jellal i just wanted to hug him... But i knew it wasn't my Jellal.

It's been literally YEARS since i last saw him... But I've been thinking and, I know he wouldn't abandon me, he promised. 

Something had to happen to him, or maybe... He thinks i'm still dead... I know he'll come around sooner or later! He's still part of Fairy Tail! Of our family.

"Earth to Kitsune!" Lucy yells at me, standing in front of me placing her hands on her waist.


"Daydreaming again?"

A little...

"No no I was totally listening to you!"

"Really now? Okay cut the bull and tell me who is it" she sits down next to me and smirks.

"W-what do you mean!?" I move further away from her.

"Don't play dumb! I know you're in looovee~"

I quickly cover her mouth with my hand. "Shh not so loud Lucy! The whole guild will hear you!"
She pushes my hand away and grins mischievously. 

"So are you gonna tell me?"

"Well i..."

"Hey you guys! The pageant is about to start!" Erza suddenly calls out to us from the stage.
"Oh crap! Oh well we better get going Lucy!" I quickly get up and head towards Erza.

That's right, today Magnolia was celebrating the yearly spring festival. And for the first time ever I will participate in Miss Fairy Tail! It will be tough having Mira in it, but i'll give it my all! I used to be on Weekly Sorcerer when i was younger! But wait til' they see me now! I'm not gonna be that same little girl anymore.

I was the contestant that goes before Lucy, i don't remember what number i was... But when they say my name i'll go for it. 

As the contestants showed their abilities they all had bikinis on, except for Mira... Looks like I got ahead of her and everyone else. I knew they would bring a bikini, so... I brought it too! Get ready everyone!

"Our next contestant is a well known member of Fairy Tail. The girl that saved Magnolia a few years back is now here with us at this very moment! Ladies and gentlemen, Kitsune Dragneel!"

I'm up!

I cat walked onto the stage, everyone had they're jaws on the ground. I can hear them talk about me...

"Wow Kitsune is a beautiful woman now!"
"She's amazing!"
"My wife!"
"What a hottie!"
"Mira has some competition"
"You go Kitsune!"

I wore a long pink dress with the side cut down, a thigh band, white heels, long white gloves and a white bow on the back of my head.

 I wore a long pink dress with the side cut down, a thigh band, white heels, long white gloves and a white bow on the back of my head

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I was a little embarrassed by the comments... But I took a glance at the crowed and saw Natsu cheering me on.

"Come on Kitsune! Show all of em' what a Dragneel is made of!"
Suddenly my confidence shot right up, now at the center of the stage I now begin.

"FIRE DRAGON'S BRILLIANT FLAME!" A big ball of flames formed above my head, between my hands, growing bigger and bigger. I then throw the ball in the air, where fireworks now have place. I took the chance that everyone was looking away to change into my next outfit... The bikini.

I then whistled at the crowd getting their attention. That moment everyone died when they saw me. Got em'

Finally i form flames around me and strike my final pose. (You choose the final pose( ^ω^ ) )

Everyone got out of their seats and started clapping and cheering. I looked at Natsu with a big smile. "That's my sis!" 

"Hot thaaang!" Someone said in the crowd. "WHO THE HELL SAID THAT TO MY SISTER?! ILL BURN YOU TO ASHES!" He shouted from his seat. 

I giggled and went backstage. "Wow Kitsune, you were great!"

"Yeah, looks like we got some competition girls."

"Love rival..."

The girls said to me. "Thanks you guys... And Juvia, for the last time, I have no interest in Gray!"

"Next up is Lucy-"

"DON't say my last name!" Lucy shouted then wend on stage. 

"Good luck Lucy!"

Meanwhile I was with the girls on backstage, when... Evergreen showed up. 

"Evergreen?! What are you doing here?!" Erza asked. "Oh look at you all, trying to win Miss Fairy Tail. Well you can forget it, because you already have a real fairy right before you. Me" She grinned at us all. 

"I don't think so! The winner will be the true fairy of Fairy Tail!" I shouted. 

"Oh, it's Kitsune the savior of Magnolia, i though you were dead"

"I was"

"Doesn't matter, you girls will finally be worth something when I turn you into art!" She said as she took off her glasses and turned us into stone.

That's all I remember...

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