26/ Meant to be this way

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Previously on Meant To Be:
~Mystogan's Pov~

I started to run towards Magnolia, but then stopped. 'Wait, if i'm back in Earth Land, this must mean that...'
I sigh and gather my palms together and close my eyes, trying to concentrate on the guild. 'Here I come, Fairy Tail'

Back to the story (Mystogan's POV)

It's been I while since I hadn't used my magic, I just hope this works...

A few moments later, I was lost in thought, thinking about Kitsune, her face, her voice, the moments with her...

All of a sudden a shiver runs down my spine and I feel a blast of magic energy run threw my body, that's when I heard gasps and a glass shatter. 

I quickly open my eyes and the first thing I see was the guilds mark on the wall. I glance around and notice more, that the whole place I was in was run down, almost in ruins.

"J-Jellal Fernandes? Is that you?" I heard a familiar voice come from behind and turn around to see Kinana covering her mouth and her eyes in shock, with a tray and shattered glass what seemed like a cup on the floor covered in beer.

She was surrounded by fewer guild members in the little run down room. "What are you doing doing here kid?" Asked what seemed like Wakaba, but a bid older.

"W-what happened here? Everyone... All of you seem different. And don't you remember me? It's me, Mystogan." I say nervously.

Everyone seemed to be relived but at the same time surprised in disbelief. "Mystogan? But how did you-" Wakaba was cut off.

"Mystogan!?" Macao said walking towards me. 

"Boy... You've grown. But, why are you here? And how?" He asks me with a hand over my shoulder.

"I'll explain everything, but first." I scan the room. "Where's Kitsune?" I said doubtfully.

Macao just sighed and everyone looked at each other nervously and sad.

"We... We need to talk. Have a seat kid." Macao lead me to a table and everyone gathered around it.

"Where to begin... You've been gone for so long. If you don't mind answering a quick question... It's something we're all probably wondering." Macao lays his elbows over the table and rests his chin on his hands.

"I'm guessing it's how I got here." Everyone nodded their heads.

"To put it shortly, it was the power of the Moon Light Crystal. But the teleportation was much for it to handle so it shattered when I got here... So there's no going back." Everyone seemed amazed by the crystals power and started to whisper to each other.

"Now it's your turn, explain everything." I say impatiently.

"It's- complicated. It might take some time..." Said Alzack worried.

"I have more than time, please."

"Fine then... It all began 4 years ago when we've left Edolas. Everything was okay, until the S-Class Trials came up..." Macao trailed off.

Reedus picked up. "The candidates for the trial were Natsu, Grey, Cana, Levy, Elfman, Mest, Juvia, Freed and Kitsune, accompanied by Happy, Loke, Lucy, Gajeel, Evergreen, Lisanna, Bickslow and Wendy. Even Master, Erza, Guildarts and Mirajane went."

"Kitsune made S-Class stance, huh? I knew she could do it. Then what?" I say while leaning back on my chair.

"That's... The harder part. You see, they left to Tenrou Island for the trials until... The island disappeared completely. We don't know if they're still alive..." Max finished, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now