21/ To be our goodbyes

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Previously on Meant To Be:

"Don't take too long, remember we're at war here" She waved and flew off. We waved her as well.

When she was out of sight we then turned to each other.

I quickly ran towards him jumping into his arms. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me close, gently rubbing my arm. My stomach fluttered at the feeling of his body pressed against mine. I sunk into the warmth of his chest, appreciative of the simple gesture.

"I love you, don't you ever doubt that." he whispers.

Our lips finally met. He placed his hand on my waist and drew me closer deepening the kiss. It was rough yet passionate.

As we parted I saw his eyes sparkle and lips curve up into a smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

~Kitsune's POV~

"We can't be here too long. We have to get to the palace" He says grabbing my hand and whistling with the other, calling his dragon.

"B-But the kin- I mean your father! What about him?"

"Don't worry, your brother, Gajeel and Wendy are on it" He says lifting us on the dragon and take off.

"W-What!? All alone!? Take me with them!" I say scouting the area.

"Don't worry, they've got it covered, but right now we need to meet up with Lilly at the palace"

"Lily? Is he alright?"

"If by 'alright' you mean he's got a hole in his chest... then yeah, he's fantastic." He says sarcastically

"Oh shut up! I'm serious!" I say punching his arm.

"OW! Yeah yeah... Of course he's okay."

I sigh in relief...

"Oh! By the way, what are we going to do about... Everything?"

"Mh? Oh... You'll see."

Once we arrived at the palace we quickly rushed towards the the undergrounds of the palace. In there, was five statues lifting a giant ball of magic energy.

There was Lily waiting for us patiently

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There was Lily waiting for us patiently. "Lily! Are you alright?" I ask rushing towards him.

He seemed surprise that I would ask such thing with such causality without even knowing him.

"O-oh I'm sorry, I know we haven't formally introduced our selves..." I stop in my tracks and blush in embarrassment.

He just smiles warmly at me. "There's no need, the Prince has told me a lot about you"

I shot my head towards our 'Prince' in embarrassment. He seemed enjoying this. I quickly look back at Lily.

"W-well... I hope it was all good things..." I say shuffling my feet and he laughs. "Nothing less"

Meant To Be (Mystogan Love Story) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now