Chapter 1

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*Note: Edited the whole story and fixed the spelling mistakes I had previously missed as well as shortened the paragraphs for easier reading. Hopefully I got all the mistakes I had previously missed. If I did miss anything, comment and let me know if you want.*

The cafeteria was crowded and stuffed as always. Naruto was sitting with his friends, practically inhaling the food that Hinata had brought for him. The blond had been best friends with the female Hyūga since they were little children. After a few years, when Sasuke and his older brother, Itachi, moved to town, the two quickly set to befriending the lonely raven.

After Sasuke joined their little group Sakura and Ino were quick to follow and along with them came Temari and TenTen. Soon Kankuro, Temari's younger brother, joined with a little force from his own best friend, Kiba along with Shino. They joined along with Lee, Neji, Shikamaru and Choji.

Naruto couldn't be happier. He always thought he would end up being alone throughout his entire school years. So when Hinata and Neji moved in next door, he was thrilled and immediately tried befriending Neji. Neji rejected his offer though, sending Naruto spiralling into a mini pit of child depression.

One day when he was at the park with his parents, swinging alone, the timid girl approached him shyly, asking if he wanted to play with her. Naruto was ecstatic and quickly agreed, dragging his new friend all over the playground. They stuck by each other after that, being nearly inseparable. Naruto was shocked by the amount of friends he ended up having.

"Woah, slow down! You're gonna choke if you keep that up," Kiba said with a grin.
"I can't help it! I'm starving, we overslept because mom broke the alarm clock yesterday morning and we didn't have any spares, so I didn't get to have breakfast," Naruto said with a mouth full of bread while rubbing the back of his neck.
After finishing his lunch Naruto stood up.

"Where are you going, Naruto?" Sakura questioned.
"Oh uhm, nature calls!" Naruto replied with a sheepish grin just as the bell rang.
"You better hurry up or you'll be late,"
Sasuke said coolly as he stood.

"Yeah, we'll meet you at class," Choji said as he was munching on some chips.
"Alright, see ya!" Naruto waved as he pushed through the horde of teenagers going to class.

Naruto entered the bathroom and jumped as the door slammed behind him. He shook his head and chuckled at his nervousness. He went into a stall to do his business while contemplating whether or not to just skip class.

He took a while to finish as he had decided to skip. Once he was done he washed his hands and left the bathroom wanting to go sit outside under a tree or something. Once in the hall he started walking down it to go to the exit. It was silent. Eerily silent. Naruto felt his heart start to thump loudly in his chest.

Where was everyone? Usually you'd be able to hear the teachers go on about whatever they're teaching down the hall. He stopped walking once he heard a groan coming from around a corner. The sound of something ripping along with a wet sound followed soon after. Curious, Naruto walked slowly before turning the corner and gasped at what he saw.

A few miles away Deidara was walking out of his class with his best friend Hidan. They walked towards their College's food court. There they caught up to their other friends Itachi,Tobi and Konan. They sat together and decided to talk about class which quickly changed to their current crushes.

"So, Dei, have you gathered up the courage to talk to Sasori yet?" Konan asked the blond and watched in amusement as he started to blush furiously.
"No, un. I don't think he even knows that I exist, nevermind liking me back, un." The blond looked down in sadness.

"Don't worry, blondie, that bitch doesn't know what the fuck he's missing," Hidan said in an attempt to cheer his best friend up.
Deidara gave his friend a sad smile in thanks.

"Hn, have you noticed how quiet it is?" Itachi questioned. Everyone glanced around seeing a lunch lady and only a few other students.

"Konan!!" A voice yelled, echoing around the room.
They all looked to the side to see a boy with orange hair and multiple piercings around his face rushing toward them, a panicked look on his face.

"Pein? What's wrong?" Konan asked as she stood up and walked towards the panicked man.
He stopped in front of the bluenette, panting slightly.
"You and your friends have to come with me now!" He exclaimed panicking all over again.

"What? Why-"
"I'll explain later! There's no time!" He said and grabbed her wrist, giving the others a look that screamed for them to follow, he dragged her down the hall, the others following closely.

He dragged them up a flight of stairs after he had rushed them across campus. He had been rushing so much that he didn't notice how fast he was walking, the others had to jog to keep up with him. Once he noticed this, he slowed a little and stopped, giving the others a moment to catch their breaths.

"I'm sorry, what are your names?" He asked.
"This is Deidara, Hidan, Tobi and Itachi." Konan pointed to each of them as she spoke their names.
"It's nice to meet you, we should keep moving." Pein turned to continue walking only to stop once he heard someone cuss.

"Wait just a minute Pein in the ass! What the fuck is going on that you had to drag our asses around the fucking campus for?!" Hidan exclaimed loudly.
"Shh!! I'll explain once we get there," Pein said quietly.

Once they moved again, it wasn't long before they arrived at Pein's dorm room. He glanced around frantically before practically ripping the door open and pushing everyone inside, closing the door and locking it.

Deidara felt his breath hitch once he saw the short, brown eyed, red haired man sitting on one of the two beds in the small room. Sasori. He blushed and quickly averted his eyes.
"Pein, will you tell us now why you dragged us all here?" Kisame asked as he looked over the newcomers.

"Very well, something happened-" he was cut off by a loud bang.
There were a few yelps that went through the room and then deathly silence.
"W-what was that, u-un?" Deidara whispered as he started to panic slightly.
"Why the hell would someone fire a gun here?" Kakuzu asked no one in particular.

"What do you think? Don't be rude! To shoot something you big idiot," Zetsu said as Kakuzu started to glare at him.
"Don't worry, blondie, it's going to be okay!" Hidan whisper shouted while throwing an arm around Deidara.
It was silent for a moment longer before multiple gunshots rang through the air.

Someone started rapidly knocking on the door. Pein looked out of the peep hole before unlocking and opening the door. They were all suddenly dragged out of the room and quickly out of the building. Numerous men in protective gear were shooting something just out of their line of sight.

"Run!" One of the men that had dragged them out of their hiding place yelled.
Someone practically threw Deidara at Sasori, who managed to catch the blond before dragging him after the others as they started to make a break for it, running down the street.
What the hell is going on?

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