Chapter 20

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Kakashi managed to kill yet another zombie. This was really bad. He thought that they might be at least a little safe here on the open road, but then a thick mist rolled in and he can't see even three feet in front of him. Not to mention the fact that Lee was a sobbing mess in the middle of the road.

Lee knew he was in danger and probably endangering his friends, but he just couldn't bring himself to care at that moment. The way he felt at that moment, was making him consider taking his own life. Not only did he loose Gai sensei and Sakura, but his other friends as well.

Neji, TenTen, Hidan, Choji, how many more was he going to loose before it got too much for his fragile heart to bare? To make matters worse, they weren't even sure if Naruto and the others are still alive. What would happen if Naruto died? Or stopped smiling, even?

Lee had to admit, just one look at that bright and happy smile, could brighten even the darkest of days. A world without Naruto's smile, won't be a world worth living in. Perhaps that's all he needed. One of Naruto's bright, reassuring smiles.

Yes, that's all he needed at that moment. Shaking his head, Lee stood in time to save Shikamaru from being bitten. He was confident that the others were fine, they certainly were a tough bunch.

Gaara groaned again, his body shaking from the severity of the pain he felt. Naruto held onto him tightly, trying to be as reassuring as possible, though it was hard when the love of your life was writhing in pain.

Itachi bit his lip, the infection was spreading a lot quicker than he originally thought. If this kept up, Gaara wasn't going to make it through the next day. It was already nightfall, but they had to. If they didn't, Gaara was going to die.

"We have no choice, we have to go to the pharmacy," Itachi said, sighing when Naruto started protesting almost immediately.

"If we don't go now, it's going to be too late," Itachi said, a frown on his face.
"Let's do it, brother," Sasuke said, a determined look on his face.
"Tobi wants to come too!" The masked man said, a little bit too cheerful.

"Alright," Itachi walked to the door, opening it, he turned to the others as they followed behind him.

"Good luck, Itachi," Naruto said softly. Itachi nodded, closing the door once the three of them were outside. They managed to sneak out of the building without much trouble. A few zombies lingered outside, but nothing that they couldn't out run.

Luckily there was a pharmacy not to far away from the college, Itachi just hoped they had what they needed. Naruto turned back towards the redhead. The blond was sitting next to him on the bed, watching as Hinata placed a wet rag on the pale redhead's sweaty face.

"Just hold on, Gaara," Naruto whispered, eyes narrowing slightly.

Kisame was pacing around the living room of the house he and Zetsu were stuck in. He had a really bad feeling, his stomach twisted into knots, causing him to be nauseous. An overwhelming sense of dread fell over him. He had to leave.

"Calm down," Zetsu said gently.
"I can't, somethings wrong," Kisame said, biting onto his pointer finger.
"Wrong? Like what?" Zetsu asked, alarmed.

"I don't know, I just- I have to leave," Kisame rushed to the door, about to move the sofa out of the way.
"Wait! Are you sure about this?" Zetsu asked, stopping Kisame.

"I am. I don't know how, but I think something might be wrong with Itachi," Kisame explained, his worry shining in his eyes. Zetsu studied the man for a moment before sighing.

"Alright, let's go," Zetsu said, grabbing his weapon before walking towards Kisame.
"Your coming too?" Kisame asked, confused.

"Yes, if something is wrong with Itachi, then something could be wrong with Tobi," Zetsu explained, a stern look on his face, though his own worry could be seen dancing around in his eyes.

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