Chapter 11

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This was a lot harder than Pein made it sound. Oh yeah, you know just TRACK this GROUP and KILL them if they're a threat. Easy enough, right? WRONG! What Pein didn't think about was, there are NO TRACKERS in their group!

"How does Pein want us to track a group, when we don't have any trackers in our group?" Sasori asked himself. He sighed in frustration.
"Maybe we should take a break, un?" Deidara suggested. The others nodded and sat down.

Lee proceeded to do push ups with one hand. Gaara stared at the green clad boy, slightly worried about his mental health.
"Perhaps we should go to where they were last seen," Sasori wondered out loud.
"That would probably be best," Gaara said, still staring at Lee.

The place the other group was previously seen at was a large shopping centre a couple of miles away from the hospital. Zetsu had been the one to see them, loading a truck full of weapons, food, water you name it.

They were sneaking about, looking for any sign of the group. When they found none, they decided to head back and talk with Pein to allow them to take a tracker next time.

"Danna, un," Deidara called. Sasori turned to see a worried look on the blond's face.
"Go on ahead, we'll catch up," Sasori said to Gaara and Lee. They nodded and walked on.
"What is it, brat,"

"I'm worried, danna, un," Deidara said, wrapping his arms around himself. Sasori frowned.
"About what, Dei?" The red head asked.
"I don't know, un," Deidara said, shaking his head.

"There's nothing to be worried about," Sasori comforted as he wrapped the blond in a hug. Deidara smiled and held onto his danna, enjoying the affection he got.

Sasori pulled back slightly and pressed his lips onto the blond's. Deidara moaned as he felt his danna ask for entrance, he parted his lips and immediately started playing with his danna's tongue.

Trying to ignore the need for air, Sasori sighed mentally and pulled away, smiling at the panting blond in his arms.
"I love you, Dei," Sasori said, smiling lovingly at Deidara.
"I love you to, danna, un," Deidara said as a dark blush washed over his face.

"Watch out!" Lee screamed as a horde of zombies ascended on them. It was chaos. Gaara and Lee had run up to the two lovers, pulling them to run away. A loud gunshot echoed through the air. Sasori grunted as he felt a stinging pain near his ribs.

"Danna!!" Deidara screamed, trying to run to the redhead, but was grabbed by Lee.
"Take him!" Sasori yelled. He knew the zombies were after him now, he could feel the blood seep through his shirt.

He gave a pleading look to Gaara, hoping the other redhead knew what he meant. Gaara nodded. Lee understood too, picking the blond up and slung him over his shoulder. The two took off running, Deidara's screams for his danna could still be heard from the distance.

Sasori took off running into the woods, leading the zombies away from his friends and lover. He ran until his chest burned, begging for him to stop, but Sasori continued on. He didn't notice the branch until he tripped over it, hurting his ankle on the way down.

He swore quietly as pain ran through his entire leg. He knew he broke it. He also knew that he was about to die. A zombie came and stumble on top of him, biting and ripping off a piece of flesh on his arm.

He tried to stay silent as another one came and bit into his thigh. Soon a whole group ascended on him, ripping into his skin. One thing crossed his mind.
"Dei," he whispered before everything went dark.

"Let go of me, un!" Deidara screamed. He wanted to go find Sasori.
"I am sorry, but I connot do that," Lee answered as they reached the car. He set the blond down, holding onto his wrist.

"We have to go find him!!" Deidara yelled, tears falling down his cheeks.
"And we will, we have to get reinforcements, first. Sasori's smart, he'll make it," Gaara assured the blond.

Hesitantly, Deidara agreed and they left, not knowing that the other redhead was already dead. When they entered the mansion, Deidara was immediately embraced by Konan.

"Konan? What's wrong, un?" Deidara asked nervously.
"Where is Sasori?" Itachi asked.
"We were attacked by a horde, he got shot somehow and lead them away, we don't know where he is. We were thinking of asking Pein-"

"Don't ask Pein anything," Konan interrupted Gaara's explanation.
"Why not, un?" Deidara asked.
"Dei, something happened. Hidan-"
"Hidan? What happened to Hidan, un?" Deidara didn't even give his friend a chance answer as he ran up the stairs.

When he reached his friend's room, he was greeted by a sight he didn't want to see.
Hidan was laying on the bed paler than usual and sweating heavely.
"H-Hidan?" Deidara asked.
"Hey, blondie," Hidan said, voice hoarse.

"What happened, un?" Deidara whispered, sitting next to his best friend on the bed.
"Got fucking bit, hurts like a bitch," Hidan attempted to laugh, but ended up coughing up blood. Hidan frowned and groaned.

"Eh? Where's fire crotch? It's weird not fucking seeing you guys together. You've been really close lately, huh?" Hidan asked, smirking. Deidara tried to smile through the tears, but ended up sobbing into a pillow.
"Dei-Deidara?" Hidan asked.

"W-we were attacked by a h-horde a-and danna got s-shot a-and I think he's dead, un," Deidara whispered through his tears. Hidan almost didn't understand, but he did and frowned.
"Hey, Sasori's smart, he'll be alright," Hidan said, trying to comfort his best friend.

"I love you, Hidan! You're the bestest friend ever, un!" Deidara said as he hugged Hidan's chest.
"Heh, love you to, Dei," Hidan mumbled.

Someone cleared their throat and the two pulled away from their hug. Kakuzu stood there in the doorway, looking slightly uncomfortable.
"I'll give you guys some time and go check up on Pein, un," Deidara said and stood up, walking out of the room.

Kakuzu sat down where the blond had only mere seconds ago. He stared at the wall, not saying anything to the zealot.
"Hey, dumbass, I wanna give ya somethin'," Hidan said as he reached up and took off his necklace with the Jashinist symbol on.

He held it out for the miser to take, but was ignored.
"I'm not taking that, because you're not dying," Kakuzu said, shaking his head.
"Dumbass, Sasori's probably dead already and I'm dying, I can fucking feel it, just please take it," Hidan said, struggling to keep his hand up.

Kakuzu reluctantly took it and looked at Hidan, making a split second decision, he leaned over and kissed him. The kiss was cut short as Hidan started coughing, spluttering blood over his shirt.

"Uhh, sorry dumbass, I liked it, heh, wished you would have done it sooner, though," Hidan said, his breathing shallow. Kakuzu gave him a bitter smile before looking at the necklace in his hand.

"P-put it o-on," Hidan stuttered. Kakuzu reached up and put it on, clasping it on his neck.
"H-hey, do me a favour? Fucking look after those idiots a-and make s-sure Pein and D-Dei are okay?" Hidan asked. Kakuzu nodded, tears slowly welling up in his eyes.
"I will," he choked out.

"Come closer," Hidan said, attempting to motion with his hand, but failing miserably. Kakuzu leaned closer and jumped slightly when Hidan kissed him. Hidan's breathing slowed as he whispered in Kakuzu's ear;

"You a-are such a dumbass," His breathing stopped, Kakuzu clenched his eyes shut at the pain in his chest, tears falling from his eyes. He leant over, kissing Hidan's forehead.
"Goodbye, Hidan,"

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