Chapter 2

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Naruto let out a panicked scream as he fell to the floor. His scream echoed throughout the halls, it was alot more feminine then he would like to admit. He started to crawl backwards away from the approaching figure. The figure was that of a boy. A boy he knew.

He was limping and dragging one of his feet while groaning and moaning, snapping his teeth at the blond, his skin was rotten and falling off his face, his clothes were covered in the blood of the girl he was eating when Naruto stumbled upon him.

"No! Stay away! Someone help!" Naruto yelled desperately as he tried to stand only to trip again in his panic. Tears were falling down his cheeks, certain that he was about to die. He stumbled onto his feet, but was grabbed by the...thing. Acting on instinct, Naruto started to push the boy away, but he would not stay away for long.

Naruto screamed again and a few seconds later, a blade was stabbed through the boy's head, blood splattered onto Naruto's face. The boy fell to reveal Naruto's saviour. He shook as he saw the face of his hero, wild red hair, sea foam green eyes, red scar on his forehead with no eyebrows. Gaara. The school's bad boy, though he was a little more unstable.

"Naruto!" Sakura's voice rang through the air before she was revealed, followed closely behind were the rest of his friends.
"Naruto! Oh my God, are you okay?!" She yelled as she embraced the shocked boy.
"Naruto? Naruto!" She yelled as the boy collapsed in her arms.

"God fucking dammit! Slow down you assholes!!" Hidan yelled as he stopped running.
The others stopped as well panting and desperately trying to catch their breaths.
"What the hell was that back there?!" Hidan yelled.

"Shut up," Kakuzu said in irritation.
Hidan glared at him, before glaring at Pein.
"Pein? Do you know what is going on?" Konan asked as she placed a hand on his upper arm, giving him a pleading look.

Pein sighed before looking at everyone.
"There was an outbreak," he stated simply.
"An outbreak? What kind of outbreak?" Sasori questioned, eyeing Pein suspiciously.
Deidara was standing close to the redhead, feeling safe near him.

"It's a very serious illness. It starts as a simple flu, but then escalates quickly and kills you. After a few hours, you rise again, but not human," he explained.
It was quiet for a little while.

"Hehehe gahahahaha!! So you're  saying, zombies? The fucking Apocalypse?!" Hidan asked through his hysterical laughter.
It was silent again.
"Are you fucking serious, right now?" Hidan asked.
Pein nodded slowly.

"If this is true, we should find a safe place for shelter, some food, water and weapons." Itachi said, starting to think up a plan.
"B-but, Itachi? W-what about Sasuke, un?" Deidara stuttered.
"Sasuke is more than able to take care of himself," Itachi stated.

Deidara nodded as he let out a shaky breath.
"Are you okay, Deidara senpai?" Tobi asked as he walked toward the blond, placing a careful hand on his shoulder.
"Yes, you fool!" Deidara whispered harshly as he walked a few steps away from Tobi.

"I know a place we can go," Kisame said.
"Where?" Pein asked.
"It's a few blocks from here, passed the high school," Kisame said as he pointed in the direction of the place he spoke of.

"You mean the supposed haunted mansion?" Zetsu asked.
"Yeah," Kisame said while nodding his head.
"Because of it's reputation, it's likely still abandoned, it's a good idea, very good, Kisame," Itachi complimented.
"Thanks, Itachi." The shark grinned, showing off his sharp teeth.

"Then we should go there," Pein said he looked at everyone for any objections.
It was silent. He nodded and started walking in the direction of said haunted house. It was silent amongst them, the only sound was their footsteps and the occasional whistle of the wind.

"Why is it so quiet? Because we don't want to attract those things. It's annoying. I know." Zetsu spoke with himself.
"Mister Zetsu? Do you think Tobi will become one of those things?" Tobi asked the man curiously.

"I bet you'll be the first one." Zetsu said harshly, wanting the boy to leave him alone.
It didn't work as Tobi started to chatter away with the already annoyed man.

"Should we stop by the high school and look for your brother, Itachi?" Konan asked as they neared the large school building.
"Hn," he said with a nod.

"Naruto?! Wake up you big idiot, we need to leave!" Sasuke exclaimed as he suddenly slapped the blond. Naruto jerked up at the sudden sting on his cheek and was immediately dragged to his feet and down a hall.

They got out of the back exit but stopped when Naruto wrenched his wrist out of Sasuke's grip.
"I need to find my parents!" Naruto exclaimed in panic.
"Naruto, we have to find a safe place first," Shikamaru said as he let out a sigh. What a drag.

Naruto shook his head vigorously
"I-I have to find them," he whispered with tears in his eyes.
"Dobe, I'll go with you, I have to find Itachi." Sasuke said as he nodded at his blonde friend.
"We should stay together," Ino said, a look of distress on her face.
"She's right. There's safety in numbers," Shikamaru said with a nod.

"Alright, I think we should go to the college first, find Itachi and then Naruto's house," Temari suggested. Everyone nodded and they immediately started walking toward the college.

Thirty minutes later they found themselves on the campus heading towards the dorm rooms. There was alot of blood and bodies around the grounds. They walked in complete silence, looking at the scene before them.

"Come on, this way." Sasuke gestured towards the building.
They walked inside and up the stairs. Once they got to Itachi's room, they saw the door was already open.
"The door was forced open," Neji said as they stepped inside.

"It doesn't look like he was here recently," Sasuke said as he went through his brother's belongings.
"We should leave," Sakura said softly while looking around nervously.
Sasuke nodded and they left.

Outside, they walked passed all the bodies. Naruto glanced to the side, only to look back again. He stopped walking and stared at the man laying a few feet from him. He walked over towards the man and fell down onto his knees in distress.

The man was his father, only he had decaying flesh and a bullet hole in his head. Naruto let out a pained sob as he cradled the man in his arms. He screamed as tears flowed down his cheeks, shutting his eyes tightly.
He didn't want this. They didn't deserve this.

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