Chapter 27

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Hinata flinched as Jūgo touched her head, where she was seemingly severely wounded, or at least, it felt that way to her. Carefully, the orange haired male started to clean the wound as he spoke, keeping his voice reassuring.

"Well, there isn't any damage to your skull, though you would need a few stitches,"
"H-how do you know this?" Hinata stuttered.
"I was an intern at the hospital before all this happened," Jūgo said as he started to thread some medical yarn through a needle.

"Perhaps Sasuke would like to come hold your hand?" He suggested, looking up and staring at the passive Uchiha.
Sasuke stared back from over his shoulder, about to decline when he noticed the scared look on his lover's face.

Sighing in defeat, Sasuke walked over towards Hinata, completely ignoring Karin's heated glare as he took the woman's hand. She squeezed his hand as Jūgo began his stitches, her eyes clenched shut. Sasuke looked away, not wanting to see her in pain. After a short while, Jūgo cut off the string he had used, quickly cleaning the wound again before he turned.

"Alright, we're all done," he said as he took a bottle of water and pain medication, handing both to Hinata.
"A-ah, thank you!" Hinata said, bowing respectively, though she nearly fell from her seat had Sasuke not caught her.
"Careful," Sasuke spoke softly, helping her back.

"I-I'm sorry," Hinata apologized, head hanging low.
Sasuke sighed, turning his back and walking back to the door, staring outside.
Hinata slowly took a few pills of the pain killers, feeling slightly embarrassed and hurt at Sasuke's rude behavior.

"So, Sasuke, where you guys off to?" Suigetsu asked as he walked towards the stoic raven.
"Our group," Sasuke answered shortly.
"Oh, Sasuke!! Can I join you?!" Karin asked as she ran over, latching onto Sasuke's right arm.

Hinata watched as Sasuke stood there, not even trying to push Karin away.
"Karin's right, it would be best if we stayed together," Juugo said as he, too, joined the other three, leaving Hinata behind.
"Join if you want, I don't care," Sasuke replied coldly.

"Great, then let's go!" Suigetsu grinned as he moved to open the door, but stopped when the glass started to vibrate loudly, the distant sound of an explosion reaching their ears.

Hinata clumsily got to her feet, walking forward, watching as smoke started to rise near where they were heading. Hinata felt her heart beat loudly in her chest as she felt shock course through her system. Suigetsu whistled lowly as he watched.

"N-no," Hinata whispered, though it fell on deaf ears.
"Now that was one heck of an explosion." Suigetsu chuckled.
"Should we go see if someone got hurt?" Jūgo asked
"No," Sasuke said uncaringly.

Hinata stumbled forward, pushing past Suigetsu and Sasuke and she tripped out the door, but caught herself before she fell.
"Hinata-" Sasuke was cut off as she started to run, completely ignoring his calls.
"Damn it," Sasuke hissed.

"Heh, let her go! She doesn't matter, right, Sasuke?" Karin said as she moved to grab hold of his arm once more, but flinched back when Sasuke shoved her away, running after his lover.

Suigetsu glanced at both his friends before shrugging, he smirked and started running after Sasuke, Jūgo hot on his heels. Karin growled in annoyance before running after them.

"Hinata!" Sasuke yelled, surprised at how fast the girl was running. She was feet in front of him, and he had a lot of difficulty catching up with her. Silently, he cursed himself as she turned a corner and he lost sight of her, scared that something might happen.

Taking a moment to look at his surroundings, he noted that they were close to the Hyuga mansion. As he turned the corner, he noticed Hinata at the end of the street, standing in front of a large gate, where smoke was still coming from the wreckage of what was once a mansion.

As he came to a stop beside her, his breathing heavy, he noticed her wide, watery eyed stare as she gazed upon the wreckage. As he turned, he felt his eyes widen as he saw the Hyuga mansion in pieces. Shock and heartache instantly coursed through his veins as he realized that everyone must be dead.

Hinata felt tears slide down her cheeks as she slowly fell to her knees, not knowing what else to do. Suigetsu and the others caught up soon, breathing heavily as they looked over the two shocked teens and then the wreckage.

"Was this...where your group was?" Jūgo asked carefully.
A slight nod from Sasuke was their only answer.
"Shit man, I'm sorry," Suigetsu spoke apologetically.

It was silent for a few moments before Hinata gasped, quickly getting to her feet and running to the gate, climbing over it with such grace, that Sasuke was slightly shocked, but he was quick to shrug it off and follow after her. Sasuke was running forward w

hen he noticed a body with a curtain half over it. As he got closer, Sasuke stilled as he saw that it was Tobi, though it was clear that the other was dead. Sasuke felt tears gather in his eyes, but he blinked quickly, not wanting to show weakness at the moment.

"Iruka sensei!" Hinata's voice reached his ears.
Sasuke whipped around, running towards where he saw Hinata crouching next to Iruka.
"Iruka sensei, please, wake up!" Hinata shouted as she shook the man.

Once Sasuke reached them, he fell to his knees, brimming with questions. The most important one of all, was whether or not Naruto was still alive.
"H-Hinata, S-Sasuke...good, y-your," Iruka's words were broken as he took shallow breaths, his words a mere whisper.

"Iruka sensei, what-what happened? Are you okay? Did-did Naruto make it?" She whispered her last question, dreading the answer.

They were greeted by silence. Sasuke couldn't help his overwhelming feelings as his tears finally fell, raising a hand, pressing the back of it against his mouth as he tried to calm down. Hinata whimpered as her heart sunk.

"N-no, Naruto never...made it here, he's still...alive," Iruka spoke.
Relief flooded their veins as they heard Iruka's words.
"Thank God," Sasuke whispered as he looked up, tears glistening on his cheeks and in his eyes.

"B-but how do you know, Iruka sensei? Do you know where he is?" Hinata asked softly.
"He went...that way, told him to find you," Iruka answered shortly, his sentences getting shorted the weaker he got, as he pointed to the side.

"We have to find him, and quickly, too. Iruka, can you move?" Sasuke asked as he glanced around Iruka.
The man slowly shook his head, breathing now short pants.

"He can't move, he's too weak. He lost too much blood already. If he doesn't die from his wounds or blood loss, then he will of infection. He'll slow us down and possibly get caught by one of those things, a munch more painful death," Jūgo spoke as he stepped closer.

"Jūgo," Sasuke said in a warning tone.
"No…Sasuke. He's right. I already told the same Naruto. You have to find him...stick together...please," Iruka's words got softer and softer until his last breath left past his lips.

Sasuke hung his head as Hinata put a hand over her mouth, closing her eyes tightly as tears fell from her eyes and down her cheeks. Moments later Sasuke got to his feet, helping the emotional Hinata to her feet and hugging her to his chest, placing one hand on her head, the other on her lower back, holding her close.

Hinata buried her head in his chest as he buried his in her long hair. Jūgo walked away, wanting to them a few moments to themselves as they mourned their loss. A few minutes later, they pulled away from each other, Sasuke drying her tears away.

"Let's go find Naruto," Sasuke whispered.
Hinata took a moment to compose herself before nodding with determination. No matter what, they will reunite with their lost friend, even if it killed them.

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