Chapter 15

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"Sir, we have located their ware abouts," a man with white hair and green eyes said as he bowed in front of the man he had just addressed.
"Really? Where is it?" The man asked, staring down at the younger kneeling by his feet.

"The Sarutobi’s mansion, sir," the boy replied, feeling slightly annoyed with having to treat the man as if he were superior.
"Very well. Rise, Kimimaro, we're leaving, gather the others," the man instructed.

The white haired boy bowed one last time before leaving the room, walking into a larger room.

"Gather your things, Lord Danzo has just instructed that we are to leave," Kimimaro ordered the people in the room. There were a few complaints and curses, but they were soon packed and leaving the warehouse they were residing in.

"Pein? I brought you some food, will you please eat?" Konan asked as she entered her shared bedroom with the pierced man. Pein was sitting in a chair that faced the window, staring outside.

It was about two days after Sasori stumbled into the yard and Pein had been silent ever since. He hadn't once left the room nor has he eaten. He would just sit there, silently staring at the leaves dancing in the wind.

"Jiraya, Tsunade, Kabuto and Orochimaru left for more supplies," she explained, placing the plate of food on a table near Pein.
She watched him as he stared, it was silent. Uncomfortably silent. She sighed, feeling frustrated with the man in front of her.

"They should be back soon. God damn it, Pein!! Would you stop this and be a real leader?! Stop wallowing in your self pity and lead these people! Their all scared, I'm scared! We need you, Pein!" She yelled, wanting to get a reaction out of the man.

He simply stared, ignoring his girlfriend that obviously needed his help, the people downstairs, as he tried making up his mind. To make the right decision. Konan sighed harshly before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Still nothing?" Itachi asked as Konan came down the stairs. Silently, she shook her head, not wanting to talk about how worried she was for the man. Itachi sighed quietly as he turned to look at Deidara, the blond was still in a state of shock himself.

The entire house was silent, feeling the loss of the people who died and the grief of the people who lost them. Though it was painful, they had to move on, there was hardly any time to mourn as they had to get up everyday and survive.

The front door opened and in came Jiraya and his team, a few bags with them as they had left for supplies.
"It's so quiet," Jiraya said softly, feeling the need to whisper.
"Any news on Pein?" Orochimaru asked.
"Still the same," Konan answered.

Kabuto opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a loud bang echoing throughout the house, followed soon after by screams and voices.

The girls, who were in the kitchen, were shoved into the living room by two larger men with guns. They were followed by more men and lastly another man, who was clearly their leader. Itachi instantly recognised the man.

"Danzo," Itachi said harshly, disliking the situation they were in.
"Itachi Uchiha, I never thought I'd see you again," the man said with a smirk on his lips.
"Search the house, bring me their leader!" Danzo ordered.

Most of his men left and searched the mansion, taking anyone captive they could find and leaving every door open.
"Let's take them outside," Danzo said, watching as his men shoved the people who were currently in the living room out of the house.

"Line up!" Ordered one of Danzo's men, threatening to shoot if they didn't hurry up.
"On your knees," ordered Danzo, smirking as he watched Itachi reluctantly obey.

They watched as the others were also told to go on their knees.
"Tachi? You okay?" Kisame asked as he was forced down next to the raven.
Itachi felt relief wash over him as he was now assured that his love was alright.

"No talking!" One of Danzo's men hit Kisame with the butt of the gun, causing the larger male to grunt.
Itachi hissed and grabbed a hold of Kisame's arm, glaring violently at the man. He just smirked and walked off, secretly frightened by the raven.

Pein was dragged in by two of Danzo's men, not really putting up a fight as one of them had tried to knock him unconscious, not succeeding as the pierced man was only dazed and slightly dizzy.

He was dragged to where he was to the side of the group. Danzo walked to where Pein was forced to kneel, smirking down at the younger man.

"So, you must be their leader," he said, looking over at the group as they stared on in fear, not knowing what was about to happen.
"What do you want?" Pein asked harshly.

"Simple, I want this house and all of you dead," Danzo said, gesturing to three of his men. They went over and grabbed Deidara, Kakuzu and Konan.
Deidara struggled yelling at the man who was dragging him to let him go.

"Wait! Stop! What are you-" Pein was cut off by a loud bang echoing around them, followed by a silent ringing as Deidara's body slumped to the ground, a pool of blood forming around his frame quickly, staining his once clean blond hair a sticky red. Konan let out a scream, tears falling from her beautiful eyes as she watched the blond bleed out.

Kakuzu let out a grunt as the man holding him rammed his fist into his stomach, forcing the air to escape from his lungs far to quickly for his liking and proceeded to shoot Kakuzu as well. His body fell to the hard ground, covering the grass in his blood as his lifeless eyes stared at Konan.

She started to panic, trying to escape the man's hold, but it was to strong. She looked at Pein, fear and guilt showing in his eyes as he fought the men off to try and save his friends.

He was tackled down and forced to watch as Konan smiled sadly at him, mouthing three words at him before she was shot at the back of her head. She slumped forward, falling a few feet from Pein.

'I love you,' she had mouthed, her last words before she was murdered.
"KONAN!!!" Pein screamed, feeling something cold at the back of his head, his dead girlfriend the last thing he saw before everything turned dark.


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