Chapter 10

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It was a quiet and awkward car ride to the hospital. The tension was thick in the air. Naruto was nervous, he knew the hospital they're going to was the same one Gai had died at.

Naruto glanced at Hidan, who sat in the passenger seat, he wondered, if it came down to it, whould Hidan sacrifice himself to save the blond? Or would he rather save himself. Naruto looked out the window, looking at the scenery rushing passed them in a blur.

He saw a few random zombies walking about, a few slowly turning and trying to grab at the car from a distance. If the situation was different, Naruto would have thought it was funny.

He sighed silently, looking next to him at Sasuke. The Uchiha had a grim look on his face, probably noticing the intense silence and trying to ignore it the best he could.

The car stopped a bit away from the hospital so as not to grab the zombies' attention.
"We walk from here," Kakuzu stated. Naruto felt a cold shiver run up his spine.

Kakuzu's harsh deep voice and the tense situation didn't sit to well with him. Kakuzu and Hidan walked down the road towards the large building, Sasuke and Naruto following behind closely.

"There's only a few of those b*tches in front of the f*cking door," Hidan noted, looking around for any sign that there are more of them.
"You think we can kill them all?" Sasuke asked.

"Might as well, it'll make our escape alot easier," Kakuzu said. He nodded to the others and they quickly moved to the few zombies around the area. Sasuke used his bow and arrows to shoot the things in the head as he was one of the few who had good aim.

Hidan used his hatched to stab the zombies in the head. Kakuzu and Naruto stayed behind, getting the few who managed to escape Sasuke and Hidan.

"Is that all of them?" Naruto asked as he looked around, hands shaking slightly.
"Seems like it," Kakuzu said as he went for the door. He opened it a small crack, glancing inside before opening it fully and walking inside.

Sasuke ran in front, next to Kakuzu, he nodded at Sasuke and they both peered around a door, each looking into a different toom for any sign of life. Soon they emerged into the room that held most of the medicine and bandages.

Quickly they moved and packed what they could find to be useful into their backpacks. There was a sound in the distance, a quiet choked out groan. They didn't notice. Naruto was busy packing his bag when he felt hands grabbing him and pulling him forward.

He let out a strangled yell and gasped as he almost instantly recognised the person. Bowl cut black hair, bushy eyebrows and green spandex.
"Bushier brow sensei?" Naruto asked quietly as the man tried to bite him.

He managed to push the man away, shocked when he noticed that this wasn't the same man he used to know. The rotten and ripped flesh around his face was evidence of this.

Naruto couldn't reach his weapon without letting go of the man and if he did that, he would surely get bit or eaten.
"Help!" He yelled. Hidan heard the small yell for help. The moment went in slow motion for him.

He had a decision to make. Save himself or save Naruto. The earlier conversation rang through his mind again.
'No one hates you,'
'Hidan does,'

He didn't think any further, he had something to prove. So he did the only thing logical, well logical for Hidan, and tackled the man they used to know. He and the zombie wrestled a bit before Hidan screamed for Kakuzu.

The man stabbed his weapon into the zombie, killing it and pulled it of the silver haired man.
"Ah, son of a bitch!" Hidan yelled as he lifted his right hand and lightly pressed it to the left side of his neck and shoulder.

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