Chapter 12

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"Oh, Pein," Konan said as she ran her fingers through her boyfriend's hair. Pein was resting his head on her chest, trying to calm down from his previous break down.

"Are you okay, un?" Deidara asked as he came outside to where Pein amd Konan were sitting on the porch. Tobi and Zetsu were close by. Pein lifted his head and nodded slowly. He looked around a bit, a frown on his face.

"Where is Sasori?" Pein asked.
"Um, h-he got shot when w-we were attacked by a horde, un, he led them away and I don't know where he is, un," Deidara said as tears began to well up in his eyes again.

Pein let out a shuddering breath, standing up, intending on apologising to the blond and possibly hugging him. He was stopped when Itachi and Kisame walked out of the door, Kakuzu following slowly behind.

"Hidan?" Konan asked.
"He died a few minutes ago," Kakuzu said while shaking his head, voice wavering.
"No, un. No, no, no, no!" Deidara screamed falling to his knees and crying his heart out.

Konan went and started crying herself, trying to comfort the blond. Itachi hugged Kisame and buried his face in the older man's chest. Zetsu grabbed Tobi and hugged him as the masked teen started whimpering.

Kakuzu walked to Pein, seeing the man starting to panic again. Pein's heart pounded in his chest as he started hyperventilating. He wasn't good at leading, first Gai and now Hidan? And where was Sasori in all this? Was he even still alive?

"Pein," Kakuzu said, his voice almost pleading. Pein glanced at him for a moment before he passed out. Kakuzu barely managed to catch the man before he hit the ground.

"Let's go inside," Kakuzu murmured as he pulled one of Pein's arms around his shoulder and dragged the man inside, followed closely by the rest of his friends. He dragged Pein and dumped him on a coach next to where Lee, Sakura, Naruto and Gaara sat.

"What happened?" Sakura asked as she stood, her hand in Lee's.
"Who screamed?" Naruto asked as he too, stood and glanced at the grim looks on the people's faces. It was silent as they were all slowly joined by the other residents of the house.

Everyone glanced around curiously, wondering why their leader was unconscious on the couch. Kakuzu cleared his throat, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart and quick breathing. The sound caught everyone's attention, causing them to silence, wanting to know what was going on.

"Hidan's dead and Sasori is missing," Kakuzu stated. Everyone gasped and started whispering to one another. Kakashi closed his eyes as he felt sympathy for the Jashinist's closest friends.

He too will miss the religious man, the house would be far to quiet now. Kakashi took in a shuddering breath as he realised that anyone could be a target.

"We shall wait for Pein to awaken so we could form a plan as to Sasori's rescue," Konan said.
"Do you think that's a good idea?" Shikamaru asked.

"We can't leave him out there. Sasori may be smart, but even the smartest of people would perish out there," Konan stated.
"We should get weapons," Kakashi suggested suddenly. Everyone turned to him in question.

"Now don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly fond of the idea of firearms in the hands of teenagers, but we simply have to. If we go on with just regular weapons like kitchen knives and crowbars, alot more of us are going to die," Kakashi explained.
"He has a point," Shikamaru said.

"Any objections?" Konan asked. Everyone shook their heads.
"Should we wait for Pein?" Zetsu asked.
"No, it might take a while to find guns, so we should go as soon as possible. The quicker we get guns, the sooner we can go look for Sasori," Shikamaru stated.

"Alright, Kakashi take Gaara and Sasuke with you, Kisame, maybe you should go too," Konan said. Everyone nodded and started to prepare to leave.
"Kisame, Sasuke," Itachi called. The two turned towards the raven as he walked up to them. His face was calm, but his eyes portrayed his worry.
"Come back safely," he said, trying to stay emotionless.

"Don't worry, big brother, I'll make sure these idiots get back safely," Sasuke said, a look of confidence on his face. A small smile tugged at Itachi's lips as he motioned for his brother to come closer.

Curious, Sasuke cautiously walked over to his brother, letting out an irritated sound as Itachi poked his forehead with his pointer and middle finger, his smile still in place.
"Don't do that, Itachi," Sasuke said and pouted before he turned and walked to the door.

Itachi looked after his brother and watched as a timid Hinata approached the younger Uchiha to wish him luck. He turned to Kisame and frowned as he watched the man grin at him.

"Don't worry, Itachi, I'll look after your kid brother,"
"Hn, it's not Sasuke I'm worried about," Itachi said, his frown deepening.
"I'm sure your kid brother will make sure I'm fine, Itachi. Besides, I'm not dying just yet," Kisame said, winking at the raven.

"Hn," Itachi grunted before he hugged the taller man, pressing his face in his broad chest and grabbing fist fulls of his shirt. Itachi felt as Kisame wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly.

Kisame pressed a kiss to the raven's neck, smiling slightly as Itachi shifted in his arms to press his lips to Kisame's. It was short, but sweet, a silent promise that Kisame would return safely. They pulled away and Kisame waved with a grin as he walked to the front door.

Gaara watched the blond in front of him, stumbling over his words and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Come back safely. Not that I believe that you can't take care of yourself, just plea-"

"Naruto, is there a reason for this?" Gaara asked as he cut of the blond. He watched as Naruto lowered his arm, a sad look on his face.
"Just, come back to me. Safely, you know?" Naruto said as his eyes started to water with the thoughts of the redhead dying, going missing or coming back the same way Hidan did.

"I'll be fine," Gaara said, not liking the look on Naruto's face.
"Just-just-" Naruto stuttered before throwing himself at Gaara, catching the redhead of guard as he stumbled back slightly from the impact. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist as the blond's arms were around his neck, his face buried in Gaara's chest.

Gaara let out a small sigh, running his right hand through Naruto's soft hair as he rested his chin on the blond's head.
"Let's go, Gaara," Kakashi said from where he stood by the front door. Gaara nodded and looked down as Naruto pulled away.

Gaara smiled a rare smile at the blond, quickly kissing his forehead before he turned and left, seeing from the corner of his eye as Sasuke hugged the female Hyūga before he too walked to the front door.

"Please, come back safely, I don't think Pein will be able to take it if another one of us died," Konan said, a worried look on her face.
"I'll make sure of it," Kakashi said reassuringly. They soon left, closing the front door and walking to a car, going to find themselves more weapons before anything else can happen.

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