Chapter 19

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Kisame panted, briefly resting against a tree. He, Zetsu and Sasuke had left early that morning in search of the other survivors of their group, but soon got split up once they made a wrong turn and ran into a massive group of zombies.

They had ran together, but split up once they got constantly trapped by the large horde. Kisame hoped that the other two were alright and that he would be able to find them both soon. Hopefully, they both won't have a scratch on them and they can continue on with their search.

Throat dry and burning from his constant gasp for breath, Kisame pushed off the tree and continued running, his life literally depending on it. Kisame gasped, he could see houses just a few metres away. Pushing his burning legs to go faster, Kisame sprinted toward the nearest house, clumsily climbing the few stairs before the front door.

He forced the door open, slamming it shut once he was inside and rested up against it. Breathing erratically, Kisame slid down the door, he could hear the zombies shuffling, moaning and groaning outside. Great. He thought. Now I have to stay here for the night. Itachi.

He sighed, standing up and looking around for something to barricade up against the door. Noticing a rather large sofa on the other side of the room, he walked towards it and pushed it in front of the door as quickly as he could so as not to make too much noise and attract the zombies' attention towards this house.

Dragging a shaky hand through his hair, he heard a sudden creek and footsteps upstairs. He tensed as his heart nearly leaped out of his chest. He practically ran to the kitchen where he rummaged through the drawers in search of a weapon.

Grabbing hold of a very large kitchen knife, he quietly made his way towards the stairs, slowly and carefully he climbed them. Heart beating at an irregular pace, he started breathing hard as his body tensed further the closer to the top he got.

Once upstairs, he briefly glancing around, not noticing anything, he went to turn the corner where he was practically tackled to the ground, a knife just stopping inches from piercing his left eye.


"Zetsu?" Kisame let out a relieved sigh as the man climbed off him. That was too close. He slowly sat up, his arms shaking from having to hold his weight up.

His heartbeat was going crazy now after that scare, causing his entire body to shake. He pushed himself to rest up against a wall where he tried to calm his heart and breathing.

"Do you know where Sasuke is?" Kisame asked once his breathing was under control again.


Itachi sat, staring out of the window as the sun began to set. He was very worried, though chose not to show it for fear of scaring the others. They were scared enough as it is, especially Naruto. Gaara had been sleeping a lot during the day and was starting to get a fever.

Itachi pulled his knees to his chest once the sun had set fully, resting his head on his knees as he hugged his legs. It was possible that he had just lost two of the most important people in his life, this thought alone caused his heart to clench.

He wanted to cry, but chose instead to keep up a brave front, not for his sake, but for the others. It was deathly silent, almost eerily so. A loud knocking broke the silence, causing them to jump. They stayed still, not knowing who it could possibly be.

"Itachi! It's me, open up!" Sasuke's voice rang through the door. Itachi sprung up, moving the desk from in front of the door, unlocking it and opening the door.

His relief was short lived once he noticed that Sasuke was clutching a badly bleeding wound on his right upper arm. Sasuke quickly shuffled in, softly closing the door behind him and locking it.

"S-Sasuke!" Hinata called in surprise. She was busy trying to break Gaara's fever, but nothing seemed to work.
"Sasuke, your arm!" Naruto said, eyes filled with worry.

"It's alright, it's just a cut. I was hiding behind a car from a small horde of zombies. I moved to avoid one, but there was a piece of metal sticking out from the door that I didn't notice until it cut my arm," Sasuke explained, grimacing slightly in pain.

"Come, little brother, I'll clean it for you," Itachi said, gesturing for his little brother to take a seat next to him.

It was silent as Itachi cleaned the wound, preparing the things he will need to stitch up the wound. Gaara started moaning in pain, gaining the younger Uchiha's attention.

"What's wrong with him?" Sasuke asked, slightly worried as Naruto ran his fingers through the sweat covered red locks.

"Infection," was all Itachi said. Sasuke's eyes widened slightly, knowing that if they didn't get the proper medication in time, the infection will spread to the redhead's heart and then, there won't be anything they could do for him. Gaara's case was even worse, seeing as the wound was so close to his heart to begin with.

"Sasuke, what about Kisame and Zetsu?" Asked Naruto, wanting to change the subject.

"I don't know, but I think they're still alive. I saw Kisame run into a house, but I couldn't join him and had to go the opposite way. I would have been surrounded otherwise," Sasuke said. Relief washed over Itachi, his lover would be alright if he managed to find shelter.

"Yeah and Zetsu is as hard to kill as a cockroach," Naruto said, chuckling. The others joined in with his laughter. It was true, Zetsu had been in numerous near death situations, but always managed to make it back.

It was silent as Kakashi stared out of the window. He sighed, they had to find the others and soon too, but none of them really knew where to go to search. Kakashi, Lee, Shikamaru and Sai had spent most of their days searching for their friends, but would always return an hour before sundown.

It was more dangerous outside in the dark seeing as you wouldn't be able to see where those things came from. It was so silent and Kakashi found himself wishing they could turn on a radio, or maybe even a television, but those luxurious days were over now. He glanced down, smiling at Iruka's sleeping face, resting his head on Kakashi's thigh.

He was exhausted, struggling to keep his eyes open. He swore he only closed his eyes for a second, but found himself jumping awake when a pained scream echoed throughout the house. Everyone stood up, frantically trying to figure out where the scream came from. Everyone rushed into the living room and that's when Kakashi noticed who was missing.

"Sakura!!!" Lee screamed. Kakashi's heart clenched, how could he allow himself to fall asleep at a time like this?! Shikamaru just barely managed to drag the struggling teen away.

"We have to leave! NOW!!" Shikamaru screamed, shaking the others out of their fear induced paralysis. Grabbing bags with the supplies they managed to gather over the passed few days, they opened the front door and ran outside into the darkness.

The only light being the moon and stars, they took off running in a direction, staying close to each other so as not to lose someone. Kakashi grabbed a hold of Iruka's hand, practically dragging the man behind him. He felt guilt wash over him, how had he not noticed? All the doors were barricaded.

Sakura and Lee also slept upstairs. Wouldn't it have made more sense for the zombie to attack those who slept downstairs closest to the door? Unless, the zombie was stuck somewhere in the house and they hadn’t been able to find it before. That made sense. Still, Kakashi could feel his heart clench.

Lee had now lost two important people to him. First Gai and now Sakura? Kakashi clenched his teeth as he led their group through the forest, stopping once they reached an abandoned road.

Where do they go? At least, on this road, they could better see if anyone or anything were to approach them, but still. Should a horde pass by, they would be in serious trouble. This is bad.

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