Chapter 9

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"Hn," Itachi mumbled as he cuddled closer to the warm body of his roommate.
An arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer, his head resting on the broad chest. Sighing in content, he snuggled his head into Kisame's neck, planting a soft kiss there.

Kisame's breath hitched and he shuffled around a bit before nestling down again. Itachi sighed and made a move to get off of the shark, but froze once he noticed the man looking at him.

"Tachi? What are you doing?" Kisame asked the smaller teen.
Itachi was silent for a few minutes.
"Hn." He quickly moved off of Kisame, but was forced to stop when Kisame grabbed him and held him. Itachi was facing the other way, his back pressed against Kisame's chest.

Kisame nuzzeled his face into Itachi's neck and stayed there. They were silent and still for a while.
"Hn, Kisame?" Itachi asked.
When there was no reply, he turned around and caught sight of Kisame's face. A small smile tugged at his lips as he saw the man had fallen asleep.

The Uchiha sighed, he'd been doing so alot lately, and turned around, deciding that he too could use a few more hours of sleep.

"Brat?" Sasori asked the blond laying practically on top of him.
He sighed when he got no reply, assuming the blond had went back to sleep. Deidara had woke the redhead in the early hours of the morning, complaining about his lower back and ass being in pain.

Sasori was forced to rub the blond's back as Deidara had climbed on top of Sasori, saying he had to help because it was his fault the blond was in pain. Now, Deidara had sort of slipped off of the redhead, but his head and left arm rested on his chest, his right leg pressed closely to Sasori's left leg, while the blond's left leg was pulled up to rest over the redhead's waist.

Sighing once again, Sasori stroked the blond hair with his left hand. Sasori soon lost interest and ran his hand up and down the blond's arm. Deidara stirred, goosebumps forming on his skin as he attempted to cuddle closer to the other man, trying to steel as much of his body heat as possible. Sasori noticed this and pulled their blankets over them.

Soon the blond relaxed and sighed, dreaming happily of his precious danna, who had luckily decided he wanted to take a chance on the blond and started a relationship with Deidara. Just in time too, as Hidan was on his way to beat the redhead.

Sasori stared at the blond before reaching over towards his night stand and pulling out a book, deciding he was to read while waiting for Dei to wake up.

Pein moaned softly at first before he decided to turn up the volume and moan louder. He moaned from deep in his throat, then grunted along with a small growl.

He was laying back on the bed, legs spread open as he couldn't help, but moan once more. He couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Pein? What are you doing?" Konan asked as she stepped into the room and looked over her boyfriend. Pein moaned again, causing Konan to raise a brow in question.
"I can't take it!" Pein said, exasperated.

"Can't take what?" Konan asked cautiously.
Looking over the man for any sign that he was hurt or aroused, anything for the cause of his moaning.
"Hidan and Kakuzu, they won't stay quiet," he started of loudly, but whispered at the end.

"What? They aren't together, well not that I know of, have they been-"
"No, they keep arguing. They're giving me a headache and second thoughts whether or not I can lead this group," Pein said as he rolled over and pressed his face into the pillows.

"You're a great leader Pein, you-"
"A man died because of me, Konan," Pein said as his voice cracked slightly.
"So this is what it's really about?" She asked as she sat down next to her man and started rubbing his back. Pein was silent as he turned his head to look at her. His eyes held an immense amount of sadness. He was blaming himself.

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