Chapter 7

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It was early morning when Gai and his team set out for their mission. They had to travel a bit farther than usual as the other food markets near by were already empty. It was quiet as they travelled, a heavy atmosphere in the air. TenTen had a feeling of dread as if something horrible was about to happen. And it did.

Having already gotten food and water they were also assigned to find medical supplies. The hospital was overrun. They were everywhere.
"What do we do, Gai sensei?" Lee questioned as they all watched the zombies shuffle about.
"Alright, here's the plan," Gai said.

Sneakily, TenTen and Lee ran across from where they were hiding and ducked behind a car. They saw Gai give them a nod in the distance, signalling for them to continue with the plan. Quietly, TenTen opened the driver's door and slipped in.

Lee kept watch, making sure that none of the zombies were able to sneak up on them. Suddenly a car alarm went off as TenTen dived out of the car and ran back to Gai and Neji, Lee hot on her heels.

They had left a bloody piece of rotting meat on the seat and opened the window a tiny bit so the smell would keep their attention. They waited a few seconds to make sure all the zombies' attention was on the car, before Gai sprinted toward the metal door that was an emergency exit and signalled for the teens to follow as all was clear.

They quietly walked down the dimly lit halls an eerie feeling washing over them.
"It's clear, let's quickly grab what we need and get out," Gai whispered. The others nodded in agreement.

They quickly began to fill their backpacks with what they can, not noticing the groans and moans coming toward them. TenTen let out a gasp as a zombie grabbed her and immediately tried to bite into her flesh.

Neji was quick to react and thrusted his weapon through the zombies head. He pulled his weapon out and the zombie fell to the floor in a heap.
"Thanks, Neji," TenTen said in relief.
"No need to thank me," he said as he continued to pack the supplies.

"Alright, we got everything we need, let's go," Gai instructed.
They quietly walked down the halls again. Gai opened the steel door slowly, trying to be as silent as possible. Noticing that they were all still distracted, he motioned for the others to follow him.

Lee closed the door quietly behind them, not wanting the door to slam shut and grab their attention. Slowly he turned and went down the steps, but he noticed a sharp pain on his outer thigh. Panicked, he looked down and saw a steel beam from the railing had caught his leg and cut it up pretty badly.

There was quite a bit of blood. He looked to the others then to the zombies, taking notice of how they started sniffing the air and turning towards him. He looked back to the others to see them looking at him with fear. He felt himself start to tremble. He was scared, he didn't want to die like this!

Quickly he tried to run down the steps and away from the approaching zombies, but he was not fast enough. They were quickly gaining on the teen.

"No! Lee!!" Gai yelled and sprinted to help his precious student. He grabbed the boys arm and pulled it over his neck, attempting to run.
"Gai sensei! I'm not going to make it! I'm just slowing you down! Go! Save yourself!!" Lee yelled, trying to pull his arm out of his sensei's grasp.

"No, Lee! Never leave a comrade behind!" Gai yelled.
He shoved the smaller boy toward the brunette, who managed to catch him before he could fall and looked at their green clad superior.

He nodded, understanding what the man meant, he proceeded to drag his friend back to the vehicle they had arrived in. Lee kicked and screamed, wanting to help his beloved sensei, but could do nothing but watch as the first zombie sank it's teeth into the older man.

"NO, GAI SENSEI!!!" Lee screamed as he watched the horde of zombies rip the mans flesh off of his bones, ripping open his stomach and devouring his intestines. Blood, there was so much blood.

Lee felt tears stream down his face as he watched the man he idolised, the man who was like a father to him, get eaten alive. Slowly and painfully as his skin was ripped off and his intestines ripped out.

Lee let out a sob as the man's agonising screams died down, the only sound was his sobbing, the sound of dragging, and the sound of chewing and ripping along with a wet sound as the man was eaten.

Lee was thrown into the back of the car as Neji and TenTen got in at the front. Neji started the car and sped away. Lee's pained sobs the only sound in the car.

When they arrived back at the mansion, Neji broke the news to Pein and Kakashi, Gai's rival and best friend. Kakashi felt a painful tug at his heart.

He never wanted to lose the enthusiastic man who managed to brighten everyones day. Pein immediately gathered everyone in the living to break the news. There were confused looks being thrown about.

"There has been a tragedy and I'm sad to say, that we have lost a great man today. A great sensei and friend. We have lost our beloved enthusiast and," Pein drifted off, feeling saddened himself as gasps went through the room.

He looked at Lee who was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands and shoulders shaking as sobs wracked through his body.

"And a beloved father figure. He will, most definitely be missed. I promise you, I will somehow bring piece to this world. I don't know how yet, but I will," Pein said his voice cracking slightly before he left.

Everyone went to Lee, offering their condolences, but the words didn't effect him in a good way. It made his sensei's death all the more real.
"Oh, Lee," Sakura whispered as she sat next to him, a saddened look crossing her face.

She knew how much the boy had looked up to the man. Gai meant so much to Lee.
"I'm so sorry this happened," Sakura said as she placed her hand on his, which was now resting on his lap.
"Thank you, Sakura," Lee sobbed out painfully.

"If there's anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask," she said. He nodded at her, his tears falling down his cheeks and sliding down his neck or falling on his legs. Sakura sat there with Lee for awhile, holding his right hand as he pressed his left hand to his face.

"No," he whispered softly. Sakura frowned, wanting to ask him what he meant, but jumped when Lee suddenly stood up.

"No! I will not let Gai sensei die in vain!!" Lee yelled and ran out of the room, going outside.
"Lee!" Sakura shouted, wanting to follow, but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
"Let him be, this is how he's going to go through it," Neji said calmly.

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