Chapter 30

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Naruto was quietly walking in the house he was looking for his friends in. It was quiet. Too quiet. He was almost tempted to just leave, but he knew that Sasuke would try to be as silent as possible in case an enemy entered the house they were currently staying in.

He was hoping to finally find them, seeing as it had been two days now that he had left that note/letter. Honestly, he wanted it to be a note at first, but knew that it ended up being a letter. A depressing one at that, but he couldn't help his emotions at that time.

He sighed quietly as he shook himself from his thoughts, cringing when the top step creaked. It was incredibly loud in the deathly silence. Naruto closed his eyes as he sighed in relief, but regretted it instantly as a deadweight threw itself on top of him, throwing them both down the stairs.

The blond grunted all the way down, trying to be careful so as not to break his neck or gain any other severe injuries. Once they landed on the floor, the thing moving, climbing back on top of him, he struggled.

Naruto instantly knew what it was he was fighting the moment a horrible burning spread throughout his body, starting at his shoulder. Naruto couldn't help the scream that ripped out of his throat when the burning intensified.

Naruto struggled under the weight of the monsters body on top of him, barely managing to grab his weapon and kill it. The body slumped forward, all of it's weight now on his smaller body.

Groaning, Naruto shuffled out from under it, panting loudly. He absently touched his right shoulder, cringing at the pain. He pulled his hand back to see it stained in a sticky red liquid. Blood. His blood. He was bitten.

Hinata could barely sleep, her thoughts not wandering from Naruto. She was worried, and she could see Sasuke was, too. He was laying on his back, both arms behind his head as he stared up at the dark ceiling.

Hinata was laying next to him on her side, staring up at his face, though they both were mostly too lost in thought to notice. Hinata sighed and turned around, her gaze now resting on Karin and Suigetsu. Karin was laying next to the man on her back, a small blanket covering her form.

Suigetsu gave a mighty snore before he turned onto Karin, shuffling slightly before settling down once more, practically laying on top of the redhead. Hinata giggled, finally gathering Sasuke's attention.

He turned onto his side, wrapping one arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He smiled at the sight of Karin and Suigetsu before he moved closer to Hinata, burying his face into the back of her neck, both of them finally able to fall asleep.

He stumbled into the large tree, sweating heavily as he panted harshly. He was already in pain from the illness that followed the bite. Naruto was near tears, hoping against hope that he could see Hinata and Sasuke one last time.

Naruto took a moment to gather himself before he slowly started to climb the tree. Once on the top, Naruto walked to the mattress that was in the corner of the room and collapsed onto it, panting harshly as he started to make pained noises.

Naruto attempted to turn onto his back, but flopped back down onto his stomach when the pain in his shoulder was too much. Naruto turned his head to face the door, his narrowed eyes staring at the entrance before he fell into unconsciousness, his blue eyes rolling into the back of his head.

Hinata nearly tripped on a root as she lead their small group through the forest. She and Naruto had gone there so much, that she knew the path by heart. She walked slowly as she was plagued by childhood memories of her and the blond spending a lot of time in the lush, green forest.

It used to be so bright and happy back then, but now, it was dark and loomy. The forest had once been her sanctuary, but now, she feared going in. She pulled herself out of her thoughts once they reached the base of a massive tree, holding the tree house Naruto had instructed them to go to.

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