Chapter 5

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A creek went through the silent building. Kakuzu cringed as it sounded a lot louder in the deafening silence. Armed with a crowbar, he slowly stepped inside, glancing around for any sign of the zombies. Hidan walked passed him going towards the back to look for any danger.

"There's a few of those fuckers out back, but the door's closed, they can't come in here," Hidan said as he appeared in front of Kakuzu.
"Alright, let's find some bags to put the stuff in," Kakuzu said.
"Hey, dumbass?" Hidan asked as he found duffle bags and more backpacks.

"What?" Kakuzu said as he started to load the bags with canned foods.
"Maybe we should steel a fucking car, get this shit back easier," Hidan said as he started backing a duffle bag full of bottled water and other drinks.
"That's a good idea, Hidan," Kakuzu answered.
"Heh, thanks, fucker,"

They were quick to fill the bags with all the food they could find. Soon Hidan went outside in search of a car they could steel.
"Hey! Dumbass, I found one, parked right in front of the fucking entrance!" Hidan said as he started to grab bags and carry them back to the car.

Soon the car was filled with bags and they were about to leave when Hidan remembered something.
"Shit, we forgot Konan's Jashin damned pads or tampons or whatever the fuck," he said as he sighed.
"Let's go back," Kakuzu said.

They entered again and each grabbed an empty bag they didn't manage to use earlier and started to pack some female things for Konan.
"This is just Jashin damned weird," Hidan said as Kakuzu started to load some chocolate and other sweet things into the bag as well as some flashlights and batteries.

"Yeah," Kakuzu answered as he zipped the bag shut. "You done?"
"Yeah, let's get out of this Jashi-" Hidan was cut of by the sound of breaking glass. They both ducked and heard slow dragging footsteps along with groaning.

Kakuzu signalled for Hidan to make a break for it and run. He nodded and took off, Kakuzu hot on his heels.
They jumped in the car and started it just as a few zombies came out.
"Fucking, floor it!" Hidan yelled at Kakuzu who was in the driver's seat.

"On my count, we split up, got it?" Pein asked as they stood at the front door. The others nodded, ready to fight.
"One, two, three!" Pein yelled as he threw open the door and watched as they all tumbled in and immediately split up.

He and Konan walked slowly through the front entrance and looked into the living room. Once they saw nothing, they moved on towards the kitchen.
"This place is amazing," Konan commented as she slid her hand on the kitchen counter.

"It is," Pein answered as he went to leave the kitchen and into the basement.
Konan started breathing heavily as he descended the steps into the darkness.
"There's nothing," he called as he came back up the steps.

Itachi sighed as he looked into yet another bedroom. It was empty. Kisame yawned from beside him as they continued down the hall of bedrooms and bathrooms.

"Can't believe this place is so nice, it's almost to good to be true, ey Itachi?" Kisame asked as they checked another room.
"Hn, it is," Itachi replied.

Kisame grinned down at the Uchiha and watched as he continued on, pretending as if he hadn't just blushed lightly at the shark's grin.
"There's nothing in here, Mister Zetsu!" Tobi yelled as he came out of a game room.

"This is ridiculous," Zetsu said as they walked around more.
Deidara let out a feminine squeak as a mouse ran by his feet, coming out of seemingly no where.
"Brat, calm down," Sasori said with a smirk as he watched the blond in amusement.

"But this place gives me the creeps, danna, un," the blond said as he stood in the middle of the room.
"Attics tend to do that to people," the redhead stated boredly.
"Let's go, brat,"

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