Chapter 14

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"Sasori?" Pein asked, still frozen in his spot as he stared at the redhead, who was steadily making his way over towards his friends. Oblivious to the other zombies around them, the two stood frozen, not noticing how the others were killing the zombies off, trying to protect them.

"What are you doing? Pein get-" Zetsu was cut off as the redhead got closer, now in everyone's line of sight.
"S-Sasori?" Konan stuttered, watching him stumble about, nearly falling flat on his face.

"That's not Sasori!" Kakuzu yelled, alarming the others who had already gotten rid of all the other zombies. It was just Sasori left.
Deidara felt pain in his chest, knowing that his danna was no more. He had died a painful death, his skin being ripped off, eaten off.

Deidara wondered, did his danna scream as he was being eaten? Or was he silent, trying to keep his pride even in his last moments. Did Sasori think of him? What were his last thoughts?

A sob wracked his body as Sasori was mere feet away from them, it being shown clearly that he was no longer the redhead they all knew. His skin on his face was still intact, but those mesmerising chocolate eyes of his were now a dull yellow, he was limping, a chunk of his leg missing as well as in his arm.

He constantly snapped his teeth in their direction, wanting to bite into one of his former friends and devour them until he lost interest. Everyone was silent as Pein stepped forward, a cold look on his face. He waited until Sasori was upon him, grabbing him and trying to tare into his flesh.

He whispered quietly to his friend;
"I'm sorry this happened to you, my friend, but I promise, I will make it better,"
Pein lifted his arm, briefly closed his eyes before opening them again. He stared into those once beautiful eyes and stabbed his friend through the temple, not wanting to do to much damage.

Sasori's body slumped into Pein's arms, his head lolling to the side and resting against Pein's chest. Pein hugged the boy closer, using one of his arms to hug the body to his and using his free hand to brush the red hair out of the pale face.

He closed Sasori's eyelids, not wanting to see those eyes that weren't the same as before. Those eyes were so enchanting, holding an innocence that almost didn't fit the redhead. Those eyes always showed what Sasori was feeling no matter how cold he tried to be.

Pein slowly sank to his knees, holding Sasori's body even closer. The others were still silent, wanting to grief the loss of yet another friend, but wanted to see how their leader reacted. It was no secret that Pein was hiding his pain, for the sake of not alarming the others.

Pein hugged his friend, feeling tears well up in his eyes, the pain in his chest growing larger and larger until he could no longer hold it in. A pained and broken scream broke the silence, bringing tears to a lot of onlookers' faces.

Pein started to sob loudly, occasionally crying out in pain. He pressed his face into Sasori's unmoving chest. Pein felt no rise and fall of the redheads chest to show he was breathing, no heartbeat to show he was living. He was silent and cold, unmoving.

Tears fell down Konan's cheeks as she watched her man cry his heart out, despair and heartache clearly heard in his cries. Deidara was hugged closely by Itachi. He sobbed into his friend's chest, wetting the black shirt that rested over his skin.

Itachi watched his leader while running his fingers through the soft blond hair, feeling saddened by the death of the redhead. He was quite fond of Sasori, he got along well with the redhead they thought similarly and were often found sitting outside, quietly reading a book side by side.

Tears were running down Kisame's cheeks as his shoulders shook with silent sobs and pained cries of his own. Kakuzu placed a hand on the tall male's shoulder, silently comforting his friend. He could feel his throat burn as he too wanted to cry for the loss of his close friend, this reminding him a lot of Hidan's death.

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