Chapter 13

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Konan sat by her boyfriend, slowly chewing off her nails as she worried for her man's health and for her friends. Kakashi and his team had left nearly two hours ago. She jumped as she heard Temari swear from the kitchen, agitated at Naruto who kept bothering the girls in the kitchen.

"Are you okay, un?" Deidara asked. The whole of her closest friends who weren't gone were in the living room, waiting for Pein to awaken.
"Yes, I'm just worried," she answered, running her fingers through Pein's hair.

"They'll be fine," Itachi said, referring to their friends who were gone and Pein.
"I just hope they hurry back, un. I'm worried about Sasori danna, un," Deidara said, a look of distress on his face.

"I'm sure he's okay, he probably crawled up some tree and is waiting for someone to rescue his ass," Deidara smiled lightly, confident that his danna was alright. It was silent for awhile, broken by a pained grown coming from the man on the couch.

"Pein?" Konan asked softly as she leaned over to look at his face. She let out a relieved sigh and smiled as he opened his eyes and looked at her, a frown on his face.

"What happened?" Pein asked, voice hoarse and throat dry.
"You passed out after hearing about Hidan," Konan explained as Pein slowly sat up. A pained look crossed his face as he was reminded about Hidan.

"Where's Kisame?" He asked after glancing around, noticing the larger male being missing. It was silent for a few minutes. Pein grew suspicious of his friends' silence.
"I repeat, where is Kisame?" Pein asked through clenched teeth.

"He, Kakashi, Gaara and Sasuke went to get some weapons," Konan explained cautiously. Pein stared at her for a few moments.
"They what?!" He exclaimed, standing up quickly.
"Pein, listen-"

"They weren't supposed to leave, Konan!" Pein snapped, glaring viciously at his love. Konan froze, not used to being snapped at by her boyfriend.

"Listen, Pein, you ass, we need firearms, to protect not only ourselves, but the other worthless people in this house. It's no use getting upset they already left. What you need to worry about, is a certain missing redhead who's probably stuck in some tree, hiding like the bitch that he is," Zetsu explained.

Pein stared at him for a moment before he gasped dramatically,
"Sasori," he looked to the side with wide eyes.
"We need to find him, un,"
"And quickly too," Itachi finished.

"But who?" Pein asked quietly to himself.
"Kakuzu and I can go," Zetsu said.
"Is that a good idea? I mean with what happened with Hidan-"
"Trust me, he could probably use a little time away," Zetsu cut off Konan.
"I'll go as well," Pein stated.
"But Pein-"

"It'll be fine, Konan," Pein said as he hughed the bluenette. Zetsu hugged Tobi to his chest, whispering quietly in his ear. They pulled away and the three left the house, after Pein had instructed Konan that if they hadn't returned in three days to leave Kakashi in charge and if they also don't return, that Shikamaru was to take his place.

"Where should we look first?" Kakuzu asked as they climbed in a car.
"Where they were last before they got separated," Zetsu instructed. Pein nodded and started to drive, silence consuming them as they drove to the large shopping centre.

"It's not your fault, Pein," Kakuzu said quietly. Pein glanced at the man next to him, his words tugging at Pein's heart.

"I know, but I can't help but feel guilty, if I had been a better leader, perhaps none of this would have happened, first Gai then Hidan and now Sasori? What's worse is we don't even know whether he's alive or not,"
"It has nothing to do with your leadership skills, it could have happened to anyone," Zetsu said, trying to reassure his friend.

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