Chapter 23

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Naruto panted as he ran, dodging low tree branches and roots, concentrating so as not to fall at such a critical time. He had lost track of the group in their haste to get to safety, though he was following Sasuke and Hinata who had also gotten separated from the group, but he was cut off from them when a large group of zombies got in between them.

He could still remember Hinata's tear filled eyes staring at him as she called his name, though he had shook his head and yelled for Sasuke to take care of her. The raven haired teen was hesitant, but nodded and grabbed her hand, dragging the Hyuga girl behind him. Naruto knew where he had to go, he just needed to get out of the woods and figure out where he currently was before he could catch up to the others.

He was going to go and see if he could find his mother first, though. His house was on the way, seeing as he and the Hyuga’s were neighbours. The Hyuga mansion was a large house, specially built for their large numbers.

Naruto remembers how irritable his mother got when they were building the house, there was a lot of noise. Naruto stumbled out of the woods, appearing in a park near his house. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he stood straight, glancing around.

Walking at a fast pace, he exited the park, walking in the direction of his house he knew by heart. It was cold and he shivered, making a mental note to remember to grab a jacket from his home, perhaps a few necessities. Naruto nodded absently as he went over an entire list of things he could take with and where to find them. Finally, some ramen!

Slowly, Sasuke hefted himself out of the water and onto the dock, arms exhausted. The two hadn't considered just how far away the dock was and had swam for nearly an hourly to get to it. Rolling, he fell onto his back, breathing heavily before he quickly got up to help Hinata.

The Hyuga's hands were cold to the touch, her lips turning a pale blue. Sasuke grabbed her under her arms and with the help of Hinata, he managed to help pull her out. Together, they fell side by side on their backs, breathing short, hallow breaths that created white clouds, disappearing soon after.

"We should get somewhere safe, get warm clothes," Sasuke stated, shivering.
"O-okay." Hinata stuttered, her entire body shivering violently.

The two stood up, slowly moving from the dock. It was freezing as Hinata started to rub at her arms. Sasuke looked at her from the corner of his eye, worried. Glancing around, Sasuke spotted a small boat.

"This way," he said softly as he gestured to the boat. The two moved quickly, first looking around the surrounding area and then around the boat.

Sasuke gestured Hinata closer, lifting his leg, resting his foot on a nearby crate. Taking her hands, he helped her onto the crate, helping her balance as she climbed onto his knee. Hinata quickly climbed onto the boat so as not to hurt her companion.

Sasuke jumped, using his arms to support himself as he kicked the crate away quickly before he raised himself onto the boat as well. Slowly, they walked around, making sure no one or thing was on the boat. Sasuke climbed down the steps to the bottom where there was a bedroom, a small bathroom and some clothes hanging on a railing in one part of the room.

Sasuke sighed in relief, happy to not only have dry clothes and a safe place for the night, but also because there were no zombies on board.

Hinata walked to the steering wheel, briefly running her fingers over it as she glanced around. A quiet giggle left her lips as she saw Sasuke poke his head out, briefly looking around before spotting her.

"Hey, there's warm clothes down here," Sasuke said before disappearing once more.
Hinata quickly made her way over, carefully climbing down the stairs so as not to slip and fall. As she climbed, Sasuke placed his hands on her hips to make sure she was safe.

"Thank you," she spoke softly, smiling a small smile at him.
Sasuke nodded, turning back to the clothes, ramaging through them.

Hinata walked closer, searching for something as well. Hinata managed to find a pair of skinny jeans and a hoody, though the clothes were male, the jeans sat comfortably on her form. It sat tightly, though not so tight that it would be uncomfortable.

The hoodie sat loosely, just to her liking. Sasuke found some sweatpants and a loose long sleeved shirt. At first, Hinata was shy, blushing when Sasuke merely started to undress, but then she gathered her confidence and turned her back to him, slowly struggling out of her own clothes, unaware of Sasuke's eyes on her.

Once dressed, they threw their wet clothes in one corner of the room as the two sat heavily on the bed, silence all around them. Sasuke soon stood up and closed the door that lead to the bedroom that was in the underside of the boat. There was a loud snap as he locked it as well.

Hinata hesitated for a moment before she lay down on the bed, scooting to where she lay against the wall, making sure there was enough space for Sasuke. The male walked closer, his bare feet barely making a sound as he approached Hinata.

Sasuke lowered himself, laying next to the female Hyuga, he turned onto his side, staring deeply into her soft lavender eyes. The two stared at each other, not knowing what else to do.

Slowly, Sasuke started to move his face forward, slightly irritated when Hinata moved back slightly. He stared her in the eyes for a few moments more before he moved in again, though this time, she didn't move away.

Sasuke pressed his lips against hers softly, relishing the feel of her lips against his own. Slowly, Sasuke pressed harder, moving his body, forcing her to move with him to where she was laying on her back, Sasuke now hovering over her.

Sasuke licked at her lower lip, testing his boundaries as one of his hands trailed up her hoodie, touching her soft, but warm skin. Hinata gasped lightly, arching into his touch as he let his tongue enter her mouth, greeting hers as they fought for dominance, though she quickly gave up as Sasuke moved his hand up further, her gasp quickly turning into an aroused moan.

Sasuke could feel himself harden as his excitement grew, though he tried, and failed, to calm himself down. Slowly, Sasuke moved both hands to help Hinata out of the warm clothing, goose bumps instantly forming as the cool air touched her fair skin.

There was a dark blush on her cheeks, but she showed no signs in wanting to stop. Soon, both were rid of their clothes, Sasuke gently entering Hinata, having no doubt that she was innocent up until this point. That night, the both of them found themselves oblivious to the world, wrapped in their own cocoon of safety, warmth and pleasure.

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