Chapter 3

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His screams echoed around the quiet air. The others jumped, thinking their blond was hurt only to see him cradling one of the bodies. Gaara was the first to react, walking over toward the blond. He pushed the body off of the boy's lap, he grabbed the back of Naruto's head and pushed his head into his chest, muffling Naruto's pained sobs.

The boy grabbed fist fulls of the redhead's black shirt and sobbed into his chest. Gaara held the blond a while longer before he wrapped his arms tightly around the blond and lifted them off of the ground and walked the both of them towards their group. He walked passed them, mumbling about how they should find a place safe enough to stay for the night.

"Sasuke?" Tobi called softly down a hall of the school.
"We should split up, cover more ground," Pein suggested. The others nodded and Pein separated them into groups before they split up and searched for Sasuke.
"Sasuke, un?" Deidara asked into an empty classroom.

"There's no one here," Sasori said as he leaned against a wall.
"We should still keep looking, un," Deidara said as he started walking further down the hall.
Sasori sighed as he watched the blond continue on down the hall.

"Hey!! Little Uchiha! Sasgayyy?! Heyy! Asshole are you here?! Fucking prick," Hidan mumbled the last part.

"Will you shut up? Your attracting unnecessary attention," Kakuzu said as he watched in annoyance how Hidan would kick open a classroom door and then yell for Itachi's younger brother.

"Keh, whatever, dumbass," Hidan said as he walked passed Kakuzu and started to yell yet again.
Kakuzu sighed and glared at Hidan.

"Hn," Itachi grunted as he stood in the middle of a hall while Kisame checked the janitors closet.
"Empty, do you think he might have left, Itachi?" Kisame asked as he stood in front of the eldest Uchiha.

"Yes, it's quite possible," Itachi spoke as he glanced up at the tall man before him.
"Let's go," Itachi said again.
They turned down a hall and nearly walked straight into a zombie.

Silently Kisame grabbed the Uchiha around the waist and snatched him back around the corner. Itachi slammed into the sharks broad chest and grabbed his shirt in shock.

"We should go find the others and leave," Kisame whispered quietly. Itachi nodded quickly and they silently snuck down the hall. Kisame glanced around a corner to see the next was empty. Soon they were running down the halls, desperately trying to find their friends before something disastrous happened.

"This is such a waste of time," Kakuzu grumbled.
Hidan sniffed before widening his eyes.
"Hey, hey! 'Tachi said we should get food and water and shit, right?" Hidan asked.
"Yeah," Kakuzu said as he raised his eyebrows in question.

"So let's fucking raid the damn cafeteria!" Hidan said excitedly with a huge smirk.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Kakuzu replied
"That's a surprisingly good idea for an idiot like you,"

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot, dumbass?!" Hidan yelled.
Kakuzu shrugged him off and walked into a classroom, spotting multiple abandoned backpacks.

He walked over and picked up as many as he could at once. Hidan noticed what he was doing and picked up backpacks too and dumped the objects inside out onto the floor.

They picked up water bottles and lunch boxes if they found any. Once they were empty, they had about a dozen, two dozen backpacks. They quickly left the classroom and left in search of the cafeteria.

Pein and Konan walked around quietly, hand in hand, searching for Sasuke in silence. Suddenly Konan stopped, causing Pein to stop as well. He turned to her and looked at her questioningly. She looked at the floor shaking slightly, her hair falling in front of her eyes.

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