Chapter 6

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This isn't right. This wasn't supposed to happen. Not now, not ever. So, why must his best friend always pick fights with the wrong people? Deidara just wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, but he knew better. He knew it would attract them.

So he just stood there, face flushed in frustration as he watched Hidan fight with Naruto. They had started arguing about weapons. Hidan was insisting that they go find guns, but Naruto wanted to stay with the more silent weapons.

The argument had started to turn more personal, however. They were now screaming at each other, getting in each others faces, their noses almost touching.

"I don't fucking care about your opinion, scar face!" Hidan yelled.
"Yeah?! Well I don't care about what you think either!" Naruto shouted back at him.

"You know what, scar face? I'm not fucking saying I hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I would fucking drink it!" Hidan said with a smirk.

"That's exactly the same as saying you hate me!!" Naruto yelled, face flushed from anger.
"Oh, I didn't fucking realise," Hidan said, smirk widening.

"Yeah well, I'm not saying I hate you, but I'm pretty sure, that you're just in your friend's way. They probably don't even like you. They probably don't even love you!" Naruto yelled out of anger, not thinking about what he was saying and how much he might be hurting the other.

It was silent for a few seconds as Hidan's smirk quickly slipped off of his face.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Hidan screamed before he tackled the short haired blond. He quickly stratled the other's waist and proceeded to punch him repeatedly in the face.

"Hidan!" Deidara yelled as he tried to pry his silver haired friend off of Naruto. Sasuke, who was also there with them, helped Deidara in prying the religious man off of the blond. Once Hidan was off of Naruto, Deidara got between the two and placed his hands on Hidan's chest.

Naruto moved backwards on his hands and butt, blood dribbling down his nose, a cut on his lip and cheek.
"Enough!" Sasuke yelled as Hidan made a move to Naruto again.

"We need to leave, un. All this noise probably attracted them, un," Deidara said as he went to grab the bags they had packed with food and water. Sasuke nodded as he went to help the blond.

"Haha, that was funny," a voice came from behind them.
Sasuke, acting quickly, grabbed the bow that was hung around his shoulder and quickly took aim at the boy in front of him, ready to shoot should the boy make any wrong move.

The boy was very pale with black hair and dark eyes, a fake smile plastered on his lips.
"Who are you?" Sasuke questioned through clenched teeth.
"My name is Sai," he said not once letting any emotions cross his face, except for the clearly fake smile.

"What do you want?" Naruto asked, still frustrated from his fight just seconds ago.
"Do you have a group?" Sai asked, eyes closed, trying to make the smile all the more real.

"You can drop the act," Sasuke seethed, not trusting the other raven.
"I don't want any trouble, I just want to join you," Sai replied after dropping his smile.
"Yeah well that's not up to us," Naruto said.

"I must insist, you see I am not alone," just as he said this five more people entered their line of vision.

"Granny Tsunade?" Naruto asked in almost disbelief.
"You bet," she said with a small smile before glaring at Jiraya as he was trying to look down her shirt.

He gave her a sheepish grin, barely being able to dodge the furious woman's fist.
"I can't believe you're still alive!" Naruto said with a cheerful giggle.
"I can say the same for you, Naruto," Kabuto said as he pushed his glasses up his nose with his middle finger.

"I wished I'd never have to see you again, Orochimaru," Sasuke said as he lowered his bow and arrow.
"Should we let them come with us, un?" Deidara asked.

"Why the fuck not? Let's bring them with and let Pein in the ass decide what the fuck to do with 'em," Hidan said as he started picking up bags and walking right past the newcomers and straight out of the store they were raiding. Not knowing what else to do, they followed behind.

It was an awkward ride back to the mansion. Well, awkward being an understatement. Not being able to find a bigger car, they were resigned to their fates. Kabuto had to sit on Orochimaru's lap,

Naruto on Sai as Sasuke was driving, Deidara on Hidan's lap as Tsunade was sitting on Jiraya's lap. It was silent, awkward and uncomfortable. Sasuke was just glad he didn't have to sit on Orochimaru. A shiver ran up his spine at the thought as they pulled up to the mansion's gate. Iruka and Kakuzu were on watch as they opened the gate.

"Lady Tsunade?" Iruka asked as they all climbed out of the car.
"Hidan? Hidan!" Kakuzu yelled as Hidan dumped bags into the miser's hands and stormed off. Kakuzu had noticed the look in those magenta eyes. Quickly, he followed after the younger and dropped the bags in the kitchen before wondering off towards their bedroom.

"So, you wish to join?" Pein asked as he looked over the newcomers.
"Yes, we haven't anywhere else to go. To be honest, if it weren't for two of your subordinates who were fighting, Sai may never have noticed you," Tsunade explained.

"Fighting?" Kakashi asked with a raised brow.
"Naruto and Hidan, un," Deidara explained. Pein let out an audible sigh before nodding.
"Very well, we will, however, have to discuss it with the other's and hear what they think, but I believe it would not cause any trouble," Pein said.

"Pein, might I add that five more people means five more mouthes to feed, we'd have to go find more food soon," Shikamaru said.
"Don't worry! My youthful student and I will go tomorrow!" Gai said as he appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"Yes, Gai sensei!! And if we don't get back before noon, we will do one thousand push ups and one hundred laps around the yard!!" Lee yelled enthusiastically.

"Yes Lee, that's my boy!!" Gai yelled as he struck up his nice guy pose. It was silent for a moment.
"Very well then, I'm assigning this task to Gai, Lee, Neji and TenTen, failure is not an option," Pein stated.
"Failure?!" Gai asked flabbergasted and proceeded to go on as to why his team would not fail.

"Hidan?" Kakuzu asked cautiously as he stepped into his and Hidan's shared room. He tried being careful and not to upset the Jashinist further. He knew what would happen. He's got the stitches to prove it. He saw the pale teenager face down on the bed, clearly upset.

Frowning, Kakuzu slowly sank to the bed and sat next to the upset teen.
"Hidan? What's wrong?" He asked carefully, ready to dodge and run like hell if need be. Hidan was silent for a few moments before replying, voice cracking.

"Kuzu, do you, do you care about me?" Hidan asked, turning his head slightly to face the miser.
"What is this all about, Hidan?" Kakuzu asked, slightly worried for his friend.
"Never-fucking-mind," Hidan said, turning away.
"Tell me, Hidan, what brought this up?" Kakuzu questioned, his frown returning.

"I-it's just, that fucking scar face said something and got me thinking, do I really even fucking matter to you? To my friends? To this fucking group?! Would anyone really even fucking miss me if I died?" He asked as his voice cracked again.

Kakuzu's frown deepened, he was not used to seeing the zealot upset in this way.
"Yes, you would be missed, if not by anyone, then by Deidara and I," Kakuzu said.
"You fucking mean that, dumbass?" Hidan asked disbelievingly, turning his head to look at the stitched man with slightly wider eyes.

"Yes, Hidan, Deidara would-"
"No, I don't fucking mean the blondie! Do-do you really care about me?" Hidan asked as he scrambled to sit up and face Kakuzu properly.
Kakuzu let out a sigh before letting a small smile grace his lips.

"Yes, Hidan. Who would annoy me when you were dead? Or steal all the blankets at night? I would miss you if you died," He stated.
A smirk graced Hidan's features, his mistuvous glint back in his eyes.
"Thanks, dumbass,"

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