Chapter 16

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Screams could be heard as Pein's body fell forward, slumping onto the ground a few feet from where Konan's body lay.

"Open fire!" Danzo screamed at his men, watching as they started to shoot randomly at the people now scrambling away, running for their lives.

He laughed as he watched some of them get hit. Bodies lay all over the yard as his men managed to shoot some of them dead.
"Sir, they're escaping,"

"That's alright, we just need them gone," Danzo said as he looked over the yard, grunting in displeasure at the bodies strewn over his yard and the ones still breathing crying and screaming trying their best to escape the chaos.

Smirking, Danzo walked through the mess of bodies and blood to enter the house. He opened the door and looked back at his men still shooting at the others. He knew they had to get the supplies this group had and leave as quickly as possible. The sound of the gunfire echoing around them is most likely going to attract those things.

His smirk widened as he thought of the destruction, he was going to order his men to blow the mansion up so that the other group won't return. Turning around, he let out a soft gasp as a body slammed into his, causing them both to fall to the ground.

Once on the ground, the body on top of him let out gurgling noises before ripping into his shoulder, ripping pieces of flesh from Danzo's shoulder. Danzo screamed in pain as all he could see was slicked back silver hair before he passed out.

The zombie, whom was previously Hidan, tore into Danzo's throat, blood rushing from the wound and up his throat and out of his mouth as he tried to breathe with the wound on his neck.

Danzo's men were momentarily distracted by Danzo's dying screams, rushing to the man to try and help him, though it was already to late. With the men distracted it made for the perfect moment for the others to escape and run for their lives.

Kiba felt his heart pound in his chest as Danzo screamed those two words.

"Open fire!"

He quickly stood, grabbing Shino's hand and dragging him along, trying to get away. Kiba managed to drag Hinata along, trying to save his friends. He grunted out of pain as he was shot in the leg. Quickly letting go of Hinata and Shino he screamed, fear clearly shown in his eyes;

"Get out of here! Go! Save yourselves, I'll only slow you down!"

"No, I won't leave you!" Hinata yelled wanting to go and help her friend, only to stop when Shino fell to the ground, his dark blood splattering on her face as Kiba started screaming, but was shot as well, his blood joining Shino's on Hinata's face.

Hinata sank to her knees, staring at her friends' bodies in front of her, feeling a drop of the blood on her face sliding down her cheek.

She could feel the tears prick at her eyes, wanting to slide down her pale cheeks, but Hinata was too shocked to let them fall. Sasuke ran for Hinata, grabbing her and lifting her to her feet and sprinting off, dragging her behind him.

Sasuke glanced around, noticing Choji and Kankuro laying facedown a few feet from where Kiba and Shino lay. He felt a tug at his heart, knowing a lot of his friends were dead. Gone, never to come back. He wouldn't be able to see them again, talk to them, see them smile or hear them laugh.

He shook his head, noticing Danzo's men were distracted by Hidan eating their leader. He felt a small smirk tug at his lips. Even though the zealot was dead, he still managed to make a good enough distraction for them to escape.

"Sasuke!" He heard Itachi yell from a distance.
Sasuke nodded to himself and ran off into the direction he had heard his big brother, still dragging Hinata behind him.

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