Chapter 25

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Sasuke stared as the sun rose from the other side of the cliffs, it's bright light reflecting off of the calm waters of the large lake he and Hinata had jumped into the day before. Sasuke had trouble sleeping, his stress and need of just wanting to reunite with the others making him restless.

He was worried, much as he would have hated to admit it once upon a time. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, contemplating whether or not he should go and awaken Hinata. At the thought of the dark haired beauty, a dark blush spread across his cheeks as the memories of the previous sprang forth.

He had honestly not meant for things to go that far, but it had in that moment, but as long as Hinata doesn't regret it, then neither would he. Hinata was the only female, with the exception of TenTen, as she was older than them, that didn't have an obsession with him.

It was no secret that she had, at first, been in love with Naruto, but when the blond came out of the closet, Hinata had lost hope. She had managed to move on and thus had gotten a crush on Sasuke, which eventually turned into love. Sasuke smiled at the memories of the female Hyuga passing out everytime he spoke to her, or came too close.

To his credit, it didn't take too long for him to figure out what was really wrong with her, but at the time, he had scoffed at the idea. That is, until not only Naruto, but Neji as well beat him to a bloody mess because he had been absolutely rude with her. That was not a pleasant experience.

He was in a bad mood at school and Hinata was there, blushing and stuttering like a fool when he started going off on her. He had yelled at her in front of all of their friends, telling her that she was utterly useless, she couldn't even speak properly! But, he didn't relent, not even as her face paled unnaturally and tears gathered in her eyes.

He told her how it was no secret that her father despised her, favouring not only Hanabi, her younger sister, but Neji, her cousin, over her. Neji got to him first, catching him off guard as he was still yelling at the girl. Neji had slammed his fist into his cheek, nearly breaking his teeth with the force.

He has no doubts that Neji would have continued had it not been for Hinata who had run from the classroom they were in, uncharacteristically slamming the door behind her as she ran away. Neji had glared at him before he ran after her. It was then that he could hear Naruto yelling after Hinata, asking her and Neji what had happened.

Neji had uttered one word. Told Naruto his name. 'Uchiha.' He spoke it with so much malice and hatred, that it sent chills up his spine. It was silent until the classroom door had creaked open, a blank faced Naruto standing on the other side.

Naruto asked him what he had done, but he didn't answer. Shikamaru then interrupted, telling Naruto how he had screamed at Hinata. Naruto beat the ever living shit out of him, slamming his head into the teachers desk, on the blackboard. Naruto went positively ballistic. Sasuke ended up in the hospital, but Naruto walked away mostly unharmed.

Iruka had been the one to find them, so no one got into trouble, save for a long speech and scolding. Of course, Sasuke had managed to get in a few hits, if Naruto's black eye and split lip was anything to go by. But Sasuke ended up with a concussion, broken nose, black eye, split lip and a large bruise on the side of his head.

It had taken Iruka, Shikamaru and Shino to get the blond off of him. Weeks after and he was still being glared at by everyone, except for Hinata. She had been extremely quiet, head always lowered, not looking or speaking to anyone, more so than usual.

Sasuke was admittedly very worried. That's why he was so easily convinced by Naruto to publicly apologize to Hinata. He had done so in the cafeteria by getting onto his knees, handing over her favourite flowers and sweet treat as he proceeded on with a long speech about how truly sorry he was for screaming at her and how he wanted to make it up to her and be friends with her.

She ended up laughing at him, but it had made him relieved. Long story short, he was mean to Hinata and gotten beat up by both Neji and Naruto, though he swore never to get on the blond's bad side again.

When this happened, he learned the true meaning of love and friendship, thus he slowly started to return Hinata's feelings. Sasuke was broken from his memories by Hinata as she climbed out of the little hole that lead to the bedroom. Her hair was slightly messy, but she didn't seem to notice.

Already, there was a light blush on her cheeks, but she still greeted him with a warm smile. Sasuke allowed himself to return her smile as he walked towards her.

She stared him in the eyes, her smiling never slipping until he placed his lips upon her own. The kiss didn’t last long, but it was equally as passionate and full of love as the previous night's. Sasuke smirked as he started to run his fingers through her soft hair, flatting her long locks as her blush intensified.

"We should probably get going. Catch up with the others as soon as possible," Sasuke said as he turned, walking back to the railing, sitting on the deck so that he could ease himself off.
"Right." Hinata nodded as she too sat on the deck.
Sasuke glanced around quickly before turning to help Hinata off of the boat.

Sasuke took her hand as they started to move, wanting to get to the Hyuga mansion as quickly as possible. They spoke as little as they could, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. The two spoke softly as they decided to stop for some supplies.

There was a garage near them and they made their way to it quickly, carefully. There was no one around the building so they entered cautiously. Sasuke went ahead, wanting to kill any zombies before they got to Hinata, thus he completely missed the redheaded female that picked up a fire extinguisher.

The redhead raised it, wanting to hit Sasuke, but changed her tactic once she noticed Hinata, who was currently looking in the other direction.

The woman showed surprising strength as she raised the extinguisher and swung it with all her might. The blow knocked Hinata completely off her feet as she flew back, the back of her head slamming into the concrete.

Sasuke turned at the sound of the extinguisher connecting with Hinata's forehead.
"Hinata!" He yelled, staring with wide eyes as a small puddle of blood formed around her head.

"Hahaha! Nice one, Karin!" Another voice reached his ears.
He instantly recognised that voice.
"Suigetsu," Sasuke seethed as he turned, surprising the other man behind him.
"Woah, Sasuke? For real?" Suigetsu smirked.

"Sasuke!" Karin shouted as she ran toward him, latching herself onto his arm. Sasuke violently pulled his arm away, managing to slap the redheaded female in the face as he rushed to Hinata's side.
"Hinata? Hinata, can you hear me?" He asked, touching her neck as she slowly turned her head.

She opened her eyes, her vision completely distorted as she saw two, blurry Sasuke's before her. She could hear him, but his voice was echoing in her head. She blinked her eyes a few times before her senses reached her again all at once.

"-you hear me?" She caught the last of his sentence.
"Y-yeah," she whispered, her head aching and pounding. What had she been hit with?
"Oh, thank God." Sasuke sighed in relief before he helped her sit upright.

Hinata lightly touched her fingertips to the back of her head. Once her hand was back in her field of vision, her fingertips were covered in blood. Both she and Sasuke stared for a moment.
"Here, I'll give her a look," a new voice cut through the silence.

Sasuke looked over his shoulder, feeling relieved the instant he recognized the other male.

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