Chapter 4

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"Where should we go?" Ino asked as they were trying to decide where they should go to spend the fast approaching night.
"The hospital? Maybe the mall?" Sakura suggested.
"No, those places are too crowded, there's bound to be plenty of those things there," Shikamaru said.

"A house then?" TenTen asked.
"It's our safest bet," Kankuro said as he was leaning against a street light.
"He's right, but we'll have to get a house big enough for all of us," Neji said. They all sighed and started to ponder where the hell they should go.

"What about old man Sarutobi's mansion?" Naruto sniffed, whiping at his already red eyes.
"You mean the haunted mansion?" Sasuke asked.
"Yeah," Naruto said.
"It could be safe," Neji agreed.
"Yeah, but I don't know if I want to live with ghosts and shit," Kiba said as he rubbed his finger underneath his nose.

"Would you rather live with them," Shino asked as he pointed to a dead zombie.
"Hm? Yeah good point, I say we should go," Kiba stated quickly.
"Any objections?" Shikamaru asked. Everyone shook their heads.
"Good let's go," he said as they started walking in the direction of the mansion.

"A-are you okay, N-Naruto?" Hinata questioned her best friend.
"Yeah, I just feel like sleeping," Naruto said as he gazed at the pavement in sadness, already missing his father.
"I-I'm s-sorry about your dad," she apologized softly.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Naruto's voice broke.
Hinata looked at her friend with immense sadness and quickly pulled him into a hug. Once they pulled away, she smiled reassuringly at him.

"Thanks, Hinata," he said.
"Sasuke, your brother, where do you think he is?" Sakura asked the raven as she jogged to catch up to him.
"I don't know, but I hope I find him soon," he said.
Admittedly he was starting to worry about his big brother.

"What if he's one of those things?" She asked not really thinking about how her words might effect her friend. Sasuke stopped for a moment, a million different emotions flashing in his eyes, before he started walking again.

"He'll be fine," he said and started to walk faster, away from the pink haired girl. All was calm until they heard a yell. Not sure where it came from, they started to look around them, some more frantic than others. Naruto was looking the other way when something slammed into him and started dragging him away at a fast pace.

"What the-" Naruto had barely any time to react at all as he saw the person dragging him away.
"Iruka sensei?!" He exclaimed. Behind him he could see Kakashi as well as Gai escorting the other teenagers after them with rushed motions.

Further behind them he saw an enormous group of zombies. It quickly registered in his mind what was happening and he started running on his own, no longer being dragged behing by his sensei.
"Iruka sensei! We know where to go!" Naruto yelled at the brown haired man.

"Yes, I know! Sarutobi's mansion!" Iruka yelled back in answer.
"We're just taking a longer route so that we can loose those things!"
"We'll cut through the forest!" Naruto heard Kakashi yell. They sped up, Naruto and Iruka nearly ran straight into one of them.

"Watch out!" Iruka yelled as he grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled him away from it. After running for nearly fifteen minutes they arrived at the back of the mansion. They stopped and panted, trying to catch their breaths.

"Okay, we should go around this side, it looks the most quiet," Kakashi said as he pointed to the left of the large fence. Everyone nodded in agreement and started walking quietly in the direction Kakashi pointed out. Gai was at the front followed by Kakashi, Iruka was the last, looking around for any sign of the zombies.

"Jashin, damn it! Can we take a break?!" Hidan yelled as he flopped down on the sidewalk.
"Hidan, we just took a break like ten minutes ago," Konan said as she sighed at her friend.

"Yeah, but these things are fucking heavy," Hidan said as he tugged on the strap of one of the backpacks he was carrying.
"Then give it here," Kakuzu said in frustration as he just wanted to get to that house and get some proper rest. Hidan glared at him, his arms folded over his chest, before turning his head the other way.

Kakuzu sighed before he grabbed the strap and yanked it off of Hidan's shoulder.
"Hey!! You son of a bitch, don't do that!! You could have broken my fucking arm, dumbass!!" Hidan yelled as he stood up and followed behind the others.

"Do you think it's locked, un?" Deidara asked as they stood in front of the large metal gates that separated them from the massive house before them.
"Only one way to find out," Pein said as he pushed the gate open enough for them to walk through.

"They took good care of this place," Konan said as she looked at the beautiful building up ahead.
"So creepy," Zetsu said sarcastically. "Why would anyone be afraid of this place?" He asked.
"What a waste of money, taking care of a place no one lives in," Kakuzu stated.

"Alright, we'll split up again and look around the house, kill any zombies we see while Kakuzu and Hidan will go and search for more supplies," Pein instructed.
"Eh?! Hey! Why do we need to go and find fucking food and shit?!" Hidan asked.

"You did it before and you did it well," Pein stated.
"Heh, fine we'll go, you asshole," Hidan said as he dumped the backpacks he was holding onto the floor.
"And see if you could find some chains and locks for the gate," Pein said.

"Anything else?" Kakuzu asked.
"Yes, uhm, some female things," Konan said with a light blush.
"Very well then," Kakuzu said as Hidan snickered behind him.

"There's a shopping centre just down the road, be safe," Pein said as he nodded at Kakuzu. They turned and soon left the property.
"Alright, let's go," Pein said as they started walking straight towards the mansion after putting their backpacks down in a bush to hide, just in case.

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