Chapter 17

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Kakashi felt his heart pound loudly in his chest as he watched Kiba and Shino being shot from across the yard. He watched as Kankuro tried desperately to convince Choji to just come with him, but Choji refused, saying he'd slow the brunette down, Kakashi winced as he saw Choji fall, having been shot in the head and chest.

Kankuro went down soon after, falling close to his lifeless lover. Kakashi's breathing was laboured as he ran, trying to get one of his students and leave, but everyone was to frantic. He noticed the men being distracted and rushed to the closest people.

"Sai, Sakura!" Kakashi yelled, grabbing their attention as he motioned for them to follow him.

They nodded and grabbed Ino and Lee's attention, following Kakashi out of the gate and into the nearby forest. They continued running until they got to the edge of an abandoned street, a few houses up the road.

The group breathed heavily and nearly jumped out of their skin when the sound of crunching leaves and twigs came from behind them, they turned around sharply, sighing in relief when they saw that it was only Iruka, Temari and Shikamaru.

Ino ran over to Shikamaru and hugged him tightly, starting to sob loudly. Shikamaru held her lightly, no emotion showing on his face as he knew exactly why Ino was crying.
"Ch-Choji! H-he-" Ino cried, struggling to form her words.

"I know. We lost a good friend, but we have to move on so that we can assure that it won't happen to those of us who did survive," Shikamaru said, pulling away from Ino and gripping her upper arms, staring into her blue eyes. Ino's shoulders shook slightly as she nodded, calming her harsh  breathing and whipping away her tears.

"It's going to get dark soon," Kakashi stated while looking up at the slowly darkening sky.
"We should find a place to stay for the night," Iruka said, looking at Kakashi.
"We should try to find the others," Sakura said, looking between her two sensei's.

"No, it's to dangerous at night. We should find a place for tonight, then try to find the others in the morning," Kakashi explained, instantly taking charge of the situation.
"Did any of the others even make it out alive?" Shikamaru asked, frowning.

"I saw Naruto escape with Gaara, Itachi and Kisame," Iruka said, a small smile of relief on his face at the thought that the blond was still alive.
"Sasuke has Hinata," Kakashi stated lazily.

"What about the others?" Ino asked, still shook up from the experience of having to watch one of her best friends get murdered.

"I am sure that they're fine," Sai answered as he wrapped his arm around Ino's shoulder, attempting to comfort her.

"Yes, they have the power of youth on their side! With determination, I am sure they will make it!" Lee yelled enthusiastically.

"On that note, we should see of finding shelter in one of those houses over there," Kakashi said while pointing at the houses just up the road.

"Yeah," Shikamaru said, turning to look at Temari who had been silent the entire time. He knew that she was silently grieving. Kankuro had died alongside Choji and she wasn't even sure if her youngest brother was even still alive.

He frowned, looking at her sympathetically before taking her hand, instantly grabbing her attention. He smiled reassuringly at her before he started walking in the direction of the houses.

The entire walk was silent. Everyone was to nervous to make a sound, scared they would attract the attention of the zombies if so much as made a sound.

Kakashi was able to find a sharp and steady stick to use as a weapon. Silently he walked up the steps of the porch of one of the houses. He opened the door slowly, the hinges squeaking when he opened it. He slowly stepped inside, glancing around the living room area.

The house was silent as he continued into the house. Climbing the stairs after checking the kitchen and dining room area, he saw a bathroom which was clear. He opened a door, it was a bedroom, but nothing was inside so he moved on. The next few rooms were empty except the last, but Kakashi was quick to get rid of the zombie that was inside.

He went back downstairs and motioned to the others that they could enter. Once inside they moved the couch in front of the door. Ino and Temari searched the kitchen and luckily found some food.

They served dinner and was quick to finish, wanting to sleep and forget the days events. Kakashi lay down on the sofa, waiting for Iruka to come and join him. He didn't have to wait long. Iruka stood next to him, staring down at the couch that would, in no way, have enough space for Kakashi and himself.

Kakashi knew what he thought and pulled Iruka on top of himself, wrapping his arms around the brunette. Sleep was soon to greet the two exhausted adults. Ino shared a bed with Sai, cuddling up close to him, her head and right arm resting on his chest. Sai's arm was wrapped around her waist as he stared at her sleeping face. Soon, he too, fell asleep.

Shikamaru was holding Temari as she cried quietly, not wanting to wame the others. She missed her brothers. All she wanted was to hug them one last time. She had somehow convinced herself that Gaara was dead as well and was now crying with the added grief.

Slowly, her shoulders stopped shaking as she cried herself to sleep. Shikamaru sighed silently, he felt angry that this had happened, but he knew, he promised himself that he would protect Temari, even if it cost him his life.

Zetsu held Tobi tightly to his chest as they listened to the screams of the four people they were just with. Tobi shook violently as he tried to block out the sound by covering his ears with his hands. Zetsu cringed internally at the ripping and screaming.

They had caught up with Jiraya, Tsunade, Orochimaru and Kabuto near a supermarket a while away from the mansion. They had agreed to go to the supermarket to stay in the night, but got caught up in a herd. Zetsu had managed to get out intact with Tobi, but it was too late for the others.

Orochimaru went down first, a small group of the zombies had formed around him as they tore into his flesh. Jiraya had tried to help his long time friend, reaching out his hand, but got bit in the arm instead, he had tried to stay silent as they attacked him, listening to Tsunade scream at him;

"You stupid fool!" She had yelled, distracted until she was practically tackled to the floor, being eaten alive along with Kabuto who was just as distracted by the fact that his love was dying in front of him.

Tobi had screamed, frightening Zetsu, making him believe that Tobi was being attacked as well. To his relief, Tobi was unharmed and so he dragged the masked boy into the market and up to the roof, where none of the zombies could find them.

He had managed to snatch a blanket in his rush to protect them from the freezing cold. Now he sat, listening to their dying screams while clutching Tobi close to his body. It was cold, the youngers shivering proof of that. Zetsu started to contemplate what they should do.

He decided that he was going to put his tracking skills to the test and find anyone else from their split up group. He knew that if it stayed just him and Tobi, they wouldn't survive for long. There was safety in numbers, he knew that.

Zetsu stayed up the whole night, listening for any sound that indicated one of the zombies got on the roof. He jumped slightly when Tobi moved and sat up, stretching his arms above his head.

"Mister Zetsu? What are mister Zetsu and Tobi going to do?" The boy asked curiously.
"We're going to find the others who survived," Zetsu answered, motioning for Tobi to stand.
"Where do we start, mister Zetsu?" Tobi questioned.
"In the forest,"

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